online videos

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For Its 1st Birthday, Hulu Gets Social Networking

Video site also vows to add more content

(Newser) - To mark its first anniversary, Hulu is launching friends lists, most popular rankings, and more content—including show archives and classic cartoons and movies, CNET reports. But staying innovative isn't easy for a new media outlet with old media bosses. The website, which is owned by NBC and News Corp....

Cute Animal Video Needles China's Censors

'Grass-mud horse' sounds like something a whole lot dirtier

(Newser) - Two months after it first appeared as a cartoon on a Chinese website, the grass-mud horse is everywhere; videos of the adorable alpaca-like creature have drawn millions of hits, and stuffed animals are for sale. But the grass-mud horse is not a children's cartoon; it's a filthy pun that slipped...

Octu-Mom Offered $1M to Do Porno

Plus, second Octu-Fam video released

(Newser) - Nadya Suleman may not be getting her own reality show, but she could make $1 million starring in a porno, TMZ reports. Porn distributor Vivid Entertainment also promised Suleman and her 14 kids medical and dental insurance if she makes more than one. The offer comes on the heels of...

Octu-Mom, Grandma Face Off in New Vid

Mom rips daughter for irresponsibility

(Newser) - Octuplet mom Nadya Suleman and her own mother, Angela, have been sniping at each other in interviews—and now a video from Radar captures their first face-off. The bizarre sit-down includes an argument over how Nadya could have dealt with her frozen embryos and Angela’s apparent suggestion that she...

Website Lets You Into Harvard&mdash;Free
 Website Lets You 
 Into Harvard—Free 
tech review

Website Lets You Into Harvard—Free

Academic Earth offers video lectures from top schools

(Newser) - No notes, no homework, and you can wear your PJs the entire time you "sit in" on Harvard classes—online. Academic Earth's online classes are "unexpectedly irresistible," Farhad Manjoo writes for Slate. "It's like Hulu, but for nerds." The company's collection of videotaped lectures from...

'High' Boy Newest YouTube Star

Clip of woozy 7-year-old viewed over 6 million times

(Newser) - A YouTube video of a little kid's post-dentist trip has become a viral hit, reports the Daily Telegraph. Spaced-out 7-year-old David, belted into the backseat of a car after having a tooth removed, asks “Is this real life?” and "Is this going to be forever?" The video has...

Hulu Solves Online Video Puzzle, Cashes In
Hulu Solves Online Video Puzzle, Cashes In

Hulu Solves Online Video Puzzle, Cashes In

Site has settled many questions of what works in online video

(Newser) - YouTube established online video as a phenomenon almost instantly. But its user-generated content and lack of quality control made advertisers reluctant to embrace it. How then, to monetize online video? Do users want to stream or download, view through web browsers or special applications? Hulu, the video site run by...

Ashton Rails on 'Jackass' Neighbor, Apologizes

Actor later apologizes for rant

(Newser) - Ashton Kutcher has apologized after lashing into his neighbor with a profanity-laced online video, the Huffington Post reports. The actor vented after his "jackass" neighbor dared to start noisy construction on his house at 7am (which is perfectly legal in LA). After the neighbor shot back, calling Ashton “...

Time to Give Netflix Its Dot-Com Due
 Time to Give Netflix 
 Its Dot-Com Due 

Time to Give Netflix Its Dot-Com Due

Disciplined growth has helped it through many setbacks

(Newser) - Despite plenty of naysayers, Netflix boasts success like few other dot-coms, Chris O’Brien writes in the San Jose Mercury News. The movie-rental service reported record earnings despite the recession, “a neat trick that eBay and Yahoo could only dream of emulating.” Netflix’s innovative distribution system, inventory...

Online 'Pied Piper' Urges Followers to Ditch Families

Philosopher preaches that the parent-child relationship is artificial

(Newser) - A libertarian web philosopher who counsels converts to cut off contact with their families is being accused of operating a cult, the Toronto Globe & Mail reports. Stefan Molyneux preaches through his Freedomain Radio site that the parent-child relationship is inherently abusive and encourages troubled young people to break away....

YouTube Cracks Down on Suggestive Videos

Access will be limited to site's adult users

(Newser) - YouTube has announced new rules on sexually suggestive content, restricting it to registered members who claim to be adults and removing it from the video-sharing site’s most popular pages, the San Jose Mercury News reports. “Our goal is to help ensure that you’re viewing content that’s...

After Disney, Eisner Thrives Online

Eisner believes internet programming is entertainment's future

(Newser) - Michael Eisner was once at the top of the heap as CEO of Disney, where he flourished. But after he was squeezed out by what some thought was poor company performance, he got creative in new media—and “I’m much happier now,” he tells the New York ...

Obama Signals From Sidelines
 Obama Signals From Sidelines 

Obama Signals From Sidelines

Walks fine line while Bush remains in office

(Newser) - Barack Obama is swiftly filling his Cabinet and outlining the direction of his economic plans, the Los Angeles Times reports, a decisive push unusual for a president-elect. “There's no question that Bush is still president, but people are looking for signs to see what's going to happen going forward,...

Ability to 'See' Content Sets New Video Search Site Apart analyzes images themselves, isn't dependent on tag search

(Newser) - A new Web site that makes video searchable by actual images, rather than by often inaccurate and misleading metadata tags, is making finding the clips you’re looking for easier, Katherine Boehret writes in the Wall Street Journal.—currently in its public beta form—“sees” images rather...

YouTube to Sell Ads on Search Results

Pushed by parent, Google, the company adopts a new strategy: Google's

(Newser) - YouTube yesterday unveiled its latest plan for making money: an auction-based ad system that puts sponsored video clips alongside search results. The video-sharing site's system mimics that of its parent company, Google, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. The company—which ranks second only to Google in searches—is hoping it...

YouTube in Talks to Show Full Movies

Could have service within 90 days

(Newser) - Full-length Hollywood movies will soon be streaming on YouTube, reports CNET. The site's parent company, Google, is in promising talks and could have offerings from at least one major studio online within a month. “It's going to happen,” said one executive with knowledge of the deal. “I...

Online Olympics Viewing Shatters Records

But TV's still tops, NBC says

(Newser) - The Internet played an unprecedented role in Olympics viewing this year, with and Yahoo leading the online-coverage pack, the New York Times reports. With 1.2 billion page hits and 72 million video streams, NBC more than doubled its Web traffic from the past two Olympics combined. The...

Whedon's 'Horrible' an Online Hit

Evil genius is too good for his own good, and so is his show

(Newser) - Hollywood’s Internet video forays have mostly been failures—remember Quarterlife?—but none of them starred a dorky singing mad scientist. Joss Whedon’s Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog thankfully features just such a character, and it’s almost too successful for its own good. The first episode had been...

Osama's Son Stars in Terror Vid
 Osama's Son Stars in Terror Vid 

Osama's Son Stars in Terror Vid

Calls for destruction of US, Britain, Denmark

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden’s 16-year-old son is apparently going into the family business. In al-Qaeda’s latest video the young “Crown Prince of Terror” is heard calling for the destruction of Britain, the US, France, and Denmark, the Daily Telegraph reports. “Oh God, reward the fighters hitting the...

Google Yet to Find Pitch for YouTube Ads

Big corporate dollars missing; internal inefficiency abounds

(Newser) - Google is still struggling to make advertising revenues from YouTube resemble the site's popularity, the Wall Street Journal reports, with big industry heavyweights still leery about placing their ads alongside amateur video. With a well-below-expectation $200 million in ad revenue forecast this year, it's obvious "most advertisers are still...

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