post-traumatic stress disorder

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For Returning Troops, an Even Worse Job Reality

They're grappling with 10% employment; non-vets at 9.1%

(Newser) - The job market is obviously bleak—but it's even worse when it comes to troops returning from war. The Washington Post takes a look at the 2 million veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, who spent as much as 10 years, on and off, in desolate war zones, racking...

Playing Tetris After Trauma Cuts Flashbacks

Research could help PTSD sufferers

(Newser) - Playing Tetris probably isn't the first thing most people think of after a traumatic event, but researchers say doing so could reduce the risk of the flashbacks associated with post-traumatic stress disorder. A group of volunteers who played the shape-stacking computer game after being shown a video of traumatic images...

See Alleged Cabbie Attacker's Videos

Some wonder if he had PTSD himself

(Newser) - Michael Enright filmed a lot of videos, none of which gave the slightest hint that he might be the kind of person accused of brutally attacking a cab driver with a knife. But his YouTube shorts (see them in the gallery) do have an interesting through-line—they all deal with...

Obama: 'Solemn' Duty to Help Vets With PTSD

White House plans to make getting benefits easier

(Newser) - With the military fighting two wars, President Obama said today the country has a "solemn responsibility" to ensure that veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder get the help they need. Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki is to announce new regulations Monday intended to make it easier for veterans with PTSD...

Georgia Passes Bill to Note PTSD on License

Veterans could opt-in voluntarily

(Newser) - Georgia legislators have passed a bill that, if signed, would allow veterans suffering from PTSD to note the disorder on their driver's license. It would be the first state to mark a medical condition on a driver's license, but some veterans doubt anyone would opt in. “Why would I...

Vets With PTSD May Have Been Denied Benefits

Military is reviewing thousands of records

(Newser) - The military is speeding up a review of the records of thousands of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans discharged with post-traumatic stress disorder to determine whether they were improperly denied benefits. The agreement stems from a class action lawsuit filed by seven combat veterans who alleged the military illegally denied benefits...

Soldier's Family Pushes for Suicide Condolences

Facing record suicide rate, Army confronts the stigma

(Newser) - The longstanding policy that allows the president to send letters of condolence only to the families of soldiers killed in combat or accidents is part of a military culture that stigmatizes suicide, says the family of recent Army suicide victim Chancellor Keesling. The Keeslings' effort to change that policy comes...

At Fort Hood, Only Numbness
 At Fort Hood, Only Numbness 

At Fort Hood, Only Numbness

No big displays for 13 dead in place that has seen 8 years of death

(Newser) - Death is no stranger at Fort Hood, where eight years of war have spawned a numbness that persists even after last week's shootings. No large-scale memorials have been made in honor of the 13 dead; the only signs of the tragedy are lowered flags and a small bouquet and balloon...

Gunman Hasan a Lifelong Muslim, Devout Soldier
Gunman Hasan a Lifelong Muslim, Devout Soldier

Gunman Hasan a Lifelong Muslim, Devout Soldier

He counseled returning soldiers with PTSD

(Newser) - The details emerging about Nidal Hasan, who authorities say is responsible for the worst mass killing on a US Army base, paint a picture of a man torn by contradictory loyalties. Hasan was a lifelong Muslim, an imam at his mosque said, but not an extremist. He had served 8...

DC Sniper's Ex: Rampage Was Scheme to Kill Me

Muhammad hoped to pass off murder on madman and regain custody of kids

(Newser) - The ex-wife of convicted Beltway Sniper John Muhammad was the ultimate target of his murderous 2002 DC rampage that killed 10 people. Mildred Muhammad says her ex intended to pass off her murder as the work of a madman and regain custody of their three children. She got wise to...

War Games Help Vets Cope With PTSD

Psychologists say virtual reality allows vets to confront and overcome trauma

(Newser) - Using realistic war games to re-create the sights, sounds, and even smells of combat is helping veterans overcome post-traumatic stress disorder in several clinical trials. Games like Virtual Iraq—modeled on Full Spectrum Warrior—help psychologists bring patients back to traumatic events and break down mental barriers. Researchers say the...

'Stress Camp' Aimed at Bucking Up US Troops

(Newser) - The army has a new plan to fight rampant suicide, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder: a $117 million program to train soldiers in "emotional resiliency."  Beginning in October, all 1.1 million soldiers will receive intensive training aimed at helping them identify and change destructive thinking patterns,...

Dogs Trained to Heal Iraq Vets' Mental Scars

'Psychiatric service' pooches respond to PTSD sufferers' needs

(Newser) - The golden retriever nuzzles his master as though he wants a treat, trots into the kitchen, and waits patiently. His master walks over and, under the pet’s watchful gaze, takes a series of pills. The dog wags his tail with approval. He is a psychiatric-service dog, part of a...

Drug Ecstasy May Help Stress Disorder Victims

Drug may boost emotional learning, squash fear: studies

(Newser) - The drug ecstasy may help people recover from post-traumatic stress disorder, Reuters reports. The drug could help patients in therapy bond with their therapists—key to recovery—and get a better hold on their feelings, studies suggest. It may help reestablish a balance between two areas of the brain, while...

4-Star General Confesses to Post-Traumatic Stress

4-star general seeks PTS treatment, speaks out about it

(Newser) - The trauma associated with combat is a hushed topic among troops returned from Iraq—but a four-star general’s fight off the battlefield could help usher in a new attitude, USA Today reports. After witnessing the scene of a suicide bomb in an American mess hall at a base near...

Bhutto Widower Plagued by Mental Illness

Presidential contender Zardari has suffered from dementia, PTSD

(Newser) - The leading candidate to succeed Pervez Musharraf as president of Pakistan has a long history of mental illness and was suffering from severe psychiatric problems as recently as 2007, reports the Financial Times. Asif Ali Zardari, who took over the Pakistan People's Party after the assassination of his wife Benazir...

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