Michael Bloomberg

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Poll: New Yorkers Back Recognizing Gay Marriages

53% like recognizing same-sex marriages; NYC mayor tops among contenders

(Newser) - New Yorkers favor their governor’s order to recognize out of-state same-sex marriages by a 13-point margin, a new poll reveals. By 53%-40%, state residents agree with David Paterson's order—though only 43% said gays should be allowed to marry, the Times reports, with 31% favoring civil unions and 21%...

Obama's VP Search Fields a General
Obama's VP Search Fields
a General

Obama's VP Search Fields a General

James Jones, retired NATO honcho, surfaces in Hill talks

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s VP selection team had a busy couple of days on Capitol Hill, talking up possible running mates with legislators. A new name in the mix is that of retired Gen. James Jones, MSNBC reports. Joe Biden and Ohio governor Ted Strickland also came under scrutiny; Bill Richardson,...

McCain, Obama Reject ABC Town Hall Meeting

But campaigns are enthusiastic about new approach

(Newser) - John McCain and Barack Obama turned down an invitation from Mayor Michael Bloomberg and ABC News to hold the first town hall meeting in New York, AP reports. While the candidates are both enthusiastic about the idea of such a forum, they want it to be broadcast by multiple stations....

Mayor Mike's Gun Suit a Model for Other Cities
Mayor Mike's Gun Suit a Model for Other Cities

Mayor Mike's Gun Suit a Model for Other Cities

Times applauds Bloomberg for cutting illegal weapons trade

(Newser) - Mike Bloomberg’s quest to curb the gun trade in New York gets a round of applause from the Times today, after 20 out-of-state dealers settled rather than face trial for illegally selling weapons that caused violence in New York. Bloomberg found the loophole in what the Times calls "...

New Yorkers See a Saltier Bloomberg
New Yorkers
See a Saltier

New Yorkers See a Saltier Bloomberg

Concern over mayoral legacy might explain more frequent fits

(Newser) - In his 6 years in office, Michael Bloomberg has enjoyed a reputation as the cool, collected CEO of the Big Apple. But as setbacks have mounted and his presidential ambitions have been shelved, another side is showing: the temperamental, sometimes explosive antagonist. Bloomberg's mood is "the worst I've ever...

Pols and Voters Are Reviving Political Center
Pols and Voters Are Reviving Political Center

Pols and Voters Are Reviving Political Center

Bipartisan wave could loosen gridlock in Washington

(Newser) - With Barack Obama and John McCain continuing to roll out bipartisan rhetoric, this election may soon see the return of the political center, the Wall Street Journal reports. More voters are also registering as independents, and Internet donations from ordinary citizens make pols less beholden to special interests on the...

Bloomberg to Greet New Mayor in London

Boris Johnson's Tories see visit as confirming party momentum

(Newser) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will visit London on Friday to meet with new mayor Boris Johnson, the Guardian reports, giving UK conservatives another boost in momentum. Bloomberg will dispense advice on the early days of a mayoralty, and help the gaffe-prone Johnson dodge “pitfalls,” an aide said....

World's Most Influential Make Time
World's Most Influential
Make Time

World's Most Influential Make Time

Bernanke, Pitt, Clooney & Putin join list of 100 movers & shakers

(Newser) - It’s not often Hillary Clinton, the Dalai Lama, and Judd Apatow find themselves on the same list. But they've all made Time's annual pick of the world’s 100 most influential people, ranging from artists and intellectuals to scientists and politicians (including George Bush and all three presidential hopefuls)....

Court Rejects NYC Suit Against Gun Makers

City says too many criminals get weapons

(Newser) - A federal appeals court today tossed out a lawsuit brought by New York City against gun manufacturers for allowing their weapons to get into criminal hands, the New York Times reports. The city said gun makers create a public nuisance by not keeping a closer eye on retailers—thus supplying...

Sharpton: Bell Verdict 'Abortion of Justice'

Feds will look into civil-rights charges against NYPD officers

(Newser) - Rev. Al Sharpton blasted today's acquittal of three NYPD officers who killed an unarmed man in a 50-slug fusillade in 2006, CNN reports. "Justice didn't miscarry," Sharpton said. "This was an abortion of justice. Justice was aborted." Mayor Michael Bloomberg urged citizens to respect the “...

Bloomberg Won't Buy NY Times

Billionaire not interested in ailing paper

(Newser) - If the New York Times is wooing potential buyers as many have speculated, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg seems to be an ideal suitor. He heads a media empire, has a $12 billion fortune and the acumen to go mano-a-mano with Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal—and he'll have...

Bloomberg Looks Forward to 'Adult' in the White House

NYC mayor sees light at end of the tunnel

(Newser) - New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg hasn't decided whom he'll vote for in the presidential election, but he's glad that the next occupant of the Oval Office will be "an adult," reports CNN. The Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-independent mayor offered a thinly veiled rebuke of President Bush when he noted: "...

Wal-Mart OKs Plan to Film Gun Buyers

Execs accept 10-point deal to curb illegal sales

(Newser) - Wal-Mart approved a plan today to videotape gun-buyers and curb illegal firearm sales in other ways, the New York Daily News reports. The 10-point deal with the bipartisan group Mayors Against Illegal Guns, helmed by New York's Michael Bloomberg, includes inventory controls and a log to trace buyers who have...

Assembly Sinks NYC Congestion Pricing Measure

Tolls for high-traffic areas had been mayor's pet project

(Newser) - New York state legislators today killed a plan that would have brought congestion pricing—higher fees at peak traffic hours—to parts of Manhattan, a major defeat for Mike Bloomberg, the Times reports. The mayor and a coalition of environmental groups backed the idea, but legislators from the city's outer...

Who Will Win the Veep Sweepstakes?
Who Will Win the Veep Sweepstakes?

Who Will Win the Veep Sweepstakes?

Dems don't have top pick yet, but talk persists about No. 2

(Newser) - John Kerry was mulling a pick for vice president at this time 4 years ago, but Democratic hopefuls today refuse to name a running mate. Still, Politico’s Ben Smith has an early roundup of who could be Clinton’s and Obama’s first choices in the No. 2 slot.

The Garden to Get a New Look
 The Garden to Get a New Look 

The Garden to Get a New Look

$500 million in renovations set to begin spring of next year

(Newser) - Madison Square Garden is getting a  $500-million overhaul. After pulling out of a plan to build a new arena as part of a new Penn Station project a few blocks away, Cablevision, the Garden's owners, unveiled a renovation plan yesterday.  The work is slated to start next spring and...

PETA Goes After NYC Carriages
 PETA Goes After NYC Carriages 

PETA Goes After NYC Carriages

Animal-rights activist calls the trade 'disgusting'

(Newser) - Animal-rights activists have long been champing at the bit to ban horse-drawn carriages in New York City, and a PETA publicity strongman is in town to do just that, New York magazine reports. Though Michael Bloomberg and others in City Hall support the trade, PETA's Dan Mathews—legendary for his...

Crane Crash Among Worst NY Accidents, Mayor Says

Ground-level pics depict shocking scene

(Newser) - A towering crane that ripped through two buildings and hit a third is one of the worst construction accidents in New York history, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said today. "It is a tragic event," he said. "Our hearts go out to all the victims and their families."...

Can Spitzer Hurt Clinton?
Can Spitzer
Hurt Clinton?

Can Spitzer Hurt Clinton?

Fellow New Yorker's fall from grace is an unwanted distraction, unpleasant reminder

(Newser) - Will the Eliot Spitzer scandal hurt fellow New York Democrat Hillary Clinton, who's all too familiar with the travails of philandering men? Writers are weighing in:
  • Clinton had trouble securing Spitzer's endorsement, writes John Nichols in the Nation, and now, "He is a distraction—the big player in her

McCain, Obama Left No Place for Bloomberg
McCain, Obama Left No Place
for Bloomberg

McCain, Obama Left No Place for Bloomberg

Both candidates have bipartisan cred, appeal to independents

(Newser) - If Rudy and Hillary were the frontrunners, Michael Bloomberg wouldn't have ruled out an independent bid for the presidency, as he did today, writes Jon Meacham of Newsweek.  But John McCain and Barack Obama, the putative nominees, have a lock on the “novelty narrative,” so the billionaire...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>