party politics

12 Stories

Democrats Plan 'Political Triage'
 Democrats Plan 'Political Triage' 
Election 2010

Democrats Plan 'Political Triage'

Party studies polls to pick races it can win

(Newser) - Ahead of November's elections, the Democrats are studying poll data and searching for races they can win, finds the New York Times . This system of "political triage" will see party funds pulled from long-shot races and funneled to stronger candidates. Nancy Pelosi also asked candidates in safe districts to...

Why I'll Miss Arlen Specter, Warts and All

He regularly thumbed his nose at party-line automatons

(Newser) - It's so easy to dislike Arlen Specter, writes Dana Milbank. Let us count the ways: "Ornery, vain, disloyal, and a brazen opportunist." And let's not forget the infamous quote that brings all those characteristics into play: "My change in party will enable me to be reelected."...

Venom Against 'Liebermonster' All Wrong
Venom Against 'Liebermonster' All Wrong
dana milbank

Venom Against 'Liebermonster' All Wrong

He hasn't changed, DC has; it's way too polarized

(Newser) - The standard vitriol against Joe Lieberman goes something like this: He's angry over losing the Democratic primary in 2006 and now is taking it out on liberals by shifting to the right on health care reform. "The narrative is as satisfying as it is pervasive," writes Dana Milbank....

Dems in a Snit Over Specter's Cozy Deal

Senate honchos fume as newbie prepares to leapfrog to top jobs

(Newser) - Some top Democratic senators are rebelling against the deal that brought Arlen Specter into the fold, the Hill reports. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told the aisle-crosser he could keep the 28 years of seniority he gained as a GOP senator, infuriating long-serving Democrats whom Specter will now likely leapfrog...

Silver: Specter Will Shift Left, But Not Too Far
Silver: Specter Will Shift Left, But Not Too Far

Silver: Specter Will Shift Left, But Not Too Far

(Newser) - Now that Arlen Specter is flying the Democratic colors, his new party can expect a tangible—if modest—change in his voting behavior, writes Nate Silver of "Democrats have ample reason to be pleased," writes Silver, who crunched the numbers of all previous congressional party-switchers. "...

Blue States Dominate, and Purple Gains Ground

Dramatic shift in electorate favors liberals: poll

(Newser) - Blue states are far bluer than red states are red, says a new Gallup poll. Party registrations favor Democrats—they lead by 10 or more percentage points in 29 states and the DC, compared to four states where Republicans dominate—suggesting that Dems can expand on ther gains they made...

Washington Faces Seismic Shift
 Washington Faces Seismic Shift 

Washington Faces Seismic Shift

Obama will be one of the most powerful presidents of the modern era, says Politico

(Newser) - The election of a relatively young black man to the presidency carries obvious historical significance—but beyond the symbolism, John F. Harris and Jim VandeHei write for Politico, last night marked one of the most momentous political transformations in modern American history. The rout of the Republican party means that...

Senate to Tweak Bailout —But not Much

Dissenting Dems, GOP want different changes

(Newser) - Senators are scrambling to revive legislation for the financial bailout after its surprise failure in the House yesterday, but must strike the right balance to attract new House votes without driving away initial supporters, Bloomberg reports. House Republicans want an expanded role for the FDIC in the bailout and for...

Time for Hopefuls to Wax Philosophical

We still don't know how the candidates think: Noonan

(Newser) - Barack Obama is rising in the polls, but he still seems “exotic”; John McCain is playing the maverick but his maneuvering on the bailout may have been “too cute.” In a week with “all categories upside-down and out the window,” it’s time for both...

Obama Denies Connection to Palin Family Rumors

Candidates' private lives 'shouldn't be part of our politics,' Dem says

(Newser) - Barack Obama sharply denied today any connection to rumors about Sarah Palin’s family, the Chicago Tribune reports. A John McCain staffer said earlier sites with “Barack Obama's name on them” were among those spreading the rumor that Palin’s 17-year-old daughter was the real mother of her youngest...

A Mac Victory Would Crush GOP
 A Mac Victory Would Crush GOP

A Mac Victory Would Crush GOP

An Obama win will energize the struggling party, but McCain won't accomplish anything in office

(Newser) - A John McCain win in November would be the worst loss Republicans have endured in decades, Peter Beinart writes in Time. On the other hand, an Obama win—and subsequent torrent of liberal legislation—would reinvigorate demoralized Republicans. If McCain takes the White House, he will likely compromise with Democratic...

'Relic' Conventions to Host Huge Political Shifts
'Relic' Conventions to Host Huge Political Shifts

'Relic' Conventions to Host Huge Political Shifts

Obama, McCain both aim to redirect parties

(Newser) - The presidential nominees are already decided—so why have conventions? “Money and publicity," Bill Schneider writes on CNN. Gala events are prime opportunities to milk donors, and high visibility has led “both parties try to control every minute of the convention as if it were a television...

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