nuclear fission

4 Stories

Man Arrested for Trying to Split Atoms In His Kitchen

He says he's just interested in science

(Newser) - Swedish police busted a 31-year-old science enthusiast recently, after he wrote the Swedish Radiation Authority asking if it was OK if he tried to split atoms in his kitchen. Richard Handl had been trying to do just that for months, blogging about his experiments as he went, the AP reports....

Brooklyn Man Builds Nuclear Reactor

Amateur physicist creates fusion with parts bought on eBay

(Newser) - After a hard day at the office, Brooklyn man Mark Suppes likes to unwind by tinkering with his pet project: a homemade nuclear reactor. Suppes built the fusion reactor after spending $40,000 on eBay buying parts. The machine—which joins atoms instead of splitting them—produces energy, although like...

Red Tape Chokes Path to Next-Gen Nukes
Red Tape Chokes Path to Next-Gen Nukes

Red Tape Chokes Path to Next-Gen Nukes

Government must get out of the way of cheap, clean energy sources

(Newser) - A handful of startups are designing an exciting new generation of modular nuclear reactors that could solve our energy woes, writes legendary tech investor Bob Metcalfe in the Wall Street Journal. Small enough to fit on a kitchen table, they’re cheap and safe and use non-weapons-grade fuel. “As...

Amateur 'Fusioneers' Explore Energy Future

Small basement reactors aren't power source, yet

(Newser) - Frank Sanns has an unusual hobby: He’s trying to prove nuclear fusion is a viable energy source. At the center of his search is a working, homemade nuclear reactor. “I’m a dreamer,” the Pittsburgh native tells the Wall Street Journal. Sanns is part of an exclusive...

4 Stories
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