
Stories 121 - 126 | << Prev 

Journos Already Chafed Over WH Access

'Rookie mistake' keeps press from second oath-taking

(Newser) - Day 4, and already the White House and the press are squabbling? Press Secretary Robert Gibbs’ maiden briefing included outbursts from reporters angry over what they saw as opaque behavior, Politico reports. The top complaint: Only four reporters, and no non-White House cameras, were allowed at President Obama’s retaking...

Campaign Vets Get Back to Reality

Readjusting to life away from campaign trail takes time

(Newser) - After months—and maybe years—on the campaign trail, reporters and staffers are still adjusting to post-election life, Politico reports. Sleep is a high priority, and so is reconnecting with long-neglected family and friends. "You have to remind yourself that a campaign is followed by a transition," Time ...

Expect More Diversity in Press Corps

Media organizations rejigger White House teams

(Newser) - The White House press corps is likely to get a diversity makeover as news organizations prepare for the Obama administration. Beat assignments haven't been announced, but Liberian-born New York Times reporter Helene Cooper will be on the White House beat, sources tell Politico. Although it isn't necessary to have black...

Which City Are We In? Trail Takes Toll on Press, Too

18 months takes a toll on weary and addicted journalists

(Newser) - If you think you're tired of the election, just think about the reporters who've lived it nonstop for nearly two years. CNN's Candy Crowley tells the New Republic she falls asleep between events, pines for a mundane life and trips to the supermarket, and even resorts to leaving herself notes...

Rambling Palin Opens Up to Press Pack

Sarah rips Obama's 'forthrightedness' on 'No-Talk Express'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin surprised reporters yesterday by coming to the back of her campaign plane to take questions from the press corps for the first time ever, Fox News reports. The candidate spoke in her trademark rambling style for nearly 15 minutes aboard what reporters had dubbed the "No-Talk Express....

McCain Slams Door on Media Straight Talk

Traveling press corps fumes as local reporters gain access

(Newser) - John McCain has taken to emphasizing short sit-downs with local reporters over interaction with the journalists assigned to his campaign, a move that's irking regulars accustomed to plenty of access, Howard Kurtz reports for the Washington Post. McCain strategists say too much media access was preventing their campaign from carving...

Stories 121 - 126 | << Prev