Northwestern University

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Northwestern: No, Our Special Uniforms Aren't Blood-Stained

It's supposed to look like an old flag, but some see it differently

(Newser) - Northwestern football players will don flag-inspired uniforms for their Nov. 16 game to honor wounded vets—but they're already apologizing for the gear. That's because it appears to be bloodstained, the AP reports via the Washington Post . In fact, it's a "distressed pattern on both the...

Researchers Name Language After Colbert

It turns out bilingual people are good at learning fake tongues

(Newser) - America's favorite fake pundit now has his own fake language. Northwestern University researchers wanted to study whether or not knowing multiple languages helped you learn a completely unrelated one, so they made one up, dubbing it "Colbertian," NBC Chicago reports. "We had to invent a new...

Northwestern Drops Live Orgasm Demo Class

Naked woman with vibrator too much for university officials

(Newser) - You can forget about applying to Northwestern now. University officials have decided to drop the school's class on sexuality in the wake of the brouhaha that erupted after students watched a naked woman enjoying a vibrator, reports the Chicago Tribune . The demonstration was presented after class, and attendance was...

That 'Live Orgasm' Class Was the Best One I Took

Author didn't see the same demonstration, but defends the course

(Newser) - J. Michael Bailey is getting a lot of flak for his Human Sexuality class at Northwestern University—you know, the one where some students, after class, watched a naked woman come to orgasm on stage. Bailey has already defended the decision , and now a former student is backing him up...

'No Harm' in Live Orgasm Demo: Northwestern Prof

J. Michael Bailey regrets effect on university's reputation

(Newser) - The Northwestern psychology professor behind the now-infamous after-class demonstration of a woman brought to orgasm has issued a new statement, reports the Chicago Tribune —and he's sort of sorry. "During a time of financial crisis, war, and global warming, this story has been a top news story for...

Live Orgasm in Class Creates Mess for Northwestern

University president says he's troubled by incident

(Newser) - Northwestern University initially backed the professor whose idea of an extracurricular activity was allowing his students to watch a naked woman orgasm onstage —but after the incident received national attention, officials now say they are investigating. In a statement, the university president said the demonstration "represented extremely poor...

Sex 101: Northwestern Class Watches Live Orgasm

Human sexuality class gets live demonstration

(Newser) - Class presentations don’t get much more unconventional: last week Northwestern psychology professor John Bailey held an optional after-class demonstration in which a naked woman had an orgasm live onstage, as a man identified as her fiance used a sex toy known as a “f---saw” on her. The girl...

Did Students Famed for Freeing Inmates Commit a Crime?

David Protess, his Medill Innocence Project and its methods, under fire

(Newser) - Fame has followed Northwestern Professor David Protess for more than a decade: His Medill Innocence Project—which has eager students using their investigative journalism skills to help free the wrongfully convicted—has significantly altered Illinois' legal history, helping push then-Gov. George Ryan to halt executions. But the golden-child project has...

Ranking America's Most Stressful Schools

These colleges might just drive you to suicide

(Newser) - This month, lots of high school overachievers will be anxiously awaiting acceptances from the halls of Ivy—even as concerns mount that these schools might not be great for your mental health. Cornell University, for example, had two suicides in as many days last month. So the Daily Beast decided...

Condemned Man Spared During Last Meal

Murder convict Hank Skinner granted last-minute reprieve

(Newser) - A death row inmate in Texas was spared Wednesday just as he was finishing his last meal on earth—chicken, a bacon cheeseburger, fries, catfish, onion rings, and a salad. Hank Skinner, who had been on death row since 1995, was convicted of bludgeoning to death his live-in girlfriend and...

Student Journos in Court Over Murder Investigation

Northwestern's acclaimed Innocence Project under fire

(Newser) - A group of Illinois journalism students found themselves in court yesterday, accused of flirting with and paying off sources during a 2003-2006 investigation for the Medill Innocence Project. The Northwestern students claim to have uncovered evidence exonerating Anthony McKinney, convicted in 1982 of murdering a security guard. Both sides went...

To Predict Flu, Follow the Money

Looking at how bills travel lets researchers predict shape of epidemic

(Newser) - Scientific research requires funding, but in the case of the Northwestern University team modeling the spread of swine flu in the near future, actual dollar bills are an important element of their analysis. The team has used information from a website that tracks the movement of money to predict how...

Couple Buys Black-Owned Only in 'Ebony Experiment'

(Newser) - A Chicago family is trying to use its household spending to invest in the black community by buying exclusively from black-owned businesses for 1 year, the Tribune reports. The Andersons’ ambitious “Ebony Experiment” has them driving 14 miles for groceries (and farther for other stuff) and has earned hate...

Northwestern Using Emails to Combat File Sharing

Campus prefers education campaign to punishment

(Newser) - Northwestern University has a way to decrease peer-to-peer sharing of copyrighted files: send students emails. The system, called Be Aware You’re Uploading, delivers email notifications to active p2p users on the network, Ars Technica reports. BAYU has a successful track record of reducing p2p usage and copyright violations. It’...

Where to Get Your JD, ASAP
Where to Get Your JD, ASAP

Where to Get Your JD, ASAP

Northwestern to join ranks of universities offering 2-year law degree program

(Newser) - Northwestern University’s law school will offer its JD program, normally a 3-year commitment, in 2 years, a move designed to increase the school's competitive edge and respond to critics who say students with jobs lined up coast through their final year. Northwestern isn't pioneering the approach, but as the...

Yoga Turning B-Schoolers on Their Heads

Capitalists latch on to search for inner peace

(Newser) - Inner peace through capitalism? Americans spend $5.7 billion a year on yoga classes and products, and now, BusinessWeek reports, yoga clubs are cropping up in some of the country's most high-pressured institutions: top business schools. "Having a yoga practice helped sort through the white noise," one MIT...

Chicago Mayor a 'Letdown,' Grads Moan

Northwestern seniors, hoping for a bigger name, not pleased with Daley as speaker

(Newser) - Some Northwestern University seniors are disappointed the “extremely well-known person” promised as graduation speaker is no one more significant than Richard Daley, Chicago’s mayor. Graduating students have called the revelation “lame” and a “letdown,” the Tribune reports; John McCain and Barack Obama were recent speakers....

Dartmouth Prof to Sue 'Fascist' Students
Dartmouth Prof to Sue 'Fascist' Students

Dartmouth Prof to Sue 'Fascist' Students

Furious that class questioned her 'ecofeminist' analysis

(Newser) - A Dartmouth English professor enamored of trendy French literary theories recently got so incensed at students who “argue with your ideas” that she announced her intention to sue her class, charging that their “anti-intellectualism” violated her civil rights and caused her “intellectual distress.”  The Wall ...

Church Builds Wright $1M Home in Pricey Chicago 'Burb

Meanwhile, Northwestern yanks honorary degree offer

(Newser) - Jeremiah Wright is set to retire to a $1 million mansion paid for by Trinity United Church of Christ. The 10,400-square-footer is in a tony Chicago suburb, and comes with butler’s pantry, elevator, and whirlpool, the New York Post reports. The church is listed as owner; an unexplained...

Law Students Object to Springer Speech

Northwestern rules in favor of alum as graduation headliner

(Newser) - No one’s resorted to chair throwing—yet—but Northwestern law students aren’t happy about their commencement speaker: Jerry Springer, class of '68. The committee that tapped the TV host touted his success in news and entertainment, and even politics, the Chicago Tribune reports. Never mind that he resigned...

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