Proposition 8

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Warren Cancels ABC Interview at Last Minute

Pastor had been slated to clarify position on gay marriage

(Newser) - Rick Warren, who had been expected to explain contradicting statements about gay marriage today on ABC's This Week, backed out at the last minute because he was “sick with exhaustion,” Politico reports. The prominent evangelical pastor was to clarify the difference between his claims last week that he...

Married California Gays Face Lonely Future

Banning gay marriage but allowing existing unions will leave couples on 'marriage island'

(Newser) - The California Supreme Court's expected decision to uphold a ban on gay marriage but still recognize existing unions will leave the state's 18,000 married gay couples in a strange situation, the Los Angeles Times reports. Couples are relieved that their marriages are likely to survive, but they see legal...

Judges Appear Likely to Let Prop 8 Stand

(Newser) - It looks like California's ban on gay marriage will stand. Based on their questions today during arguments over Proposition 8, justices on the state's Supreme Court seem inclined to uphold the voters' decision in November, reports the Los Angeles Times. However, the justices also appeared willing to allow same-sex marriages...

Calif. Supreme Court Hears Prop 8 Arguments

Court weighs constitutionality of ballot initiative, effect on couples married before the ban

(Newser) - California Supreme Court justices heard arguments today on lawsuits seeking to overturn the state's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage as thousands demonstrated outside the San Francisco courthouse. Gay-rights advocates are urging the court to overturn Proposition 8 on the grounds it was put before voters improperly, or at least prematurely....

Calif. Prop 8 Back in Court Tomorrow
  Calif. Prop 8 Back 
  in Court Tomorrow 

Calif. Prop 8 Back in Court Tomorrow

(Newser) - Protesters around California are gearing up for tomorrow's state Supreme Court session on the constitutionality of Proposition 8, the voter referendum that banned gay marriage, the Los Angeles Times reports. The decision isn’t due for 3 months, but the opinion is already written, and the court's stand may be...

Despite Warren, Calif. Gays Celebrate Obama

Gathering at West Hollywood gay bar hiss at controversial pastor's invocation

(Newser) - A crowd gathered today at West Hollywood’s premier gay bar to celebrate Barack Obama’s inauguration, but also to watch with dismay as Rev. Rick Warren took the Capitol stage, the Advocate reports. Many in the community were shocked by Obama’s choice of the anti-gay marriage pastor to...

Obama Has Met Only Half of Rick Warren
Obama Has Met
Only Half of Rick Warren

Obama Has Met Only Half of Rick Warren

Evangelical's split personality includes 'bland Pastor Rick' and arch conservative

(Newser) - Evangelical Rick Warren has fooled many Americans, Barack Obama included, with his lifelong attempt at creating a double personality, Amy Sullivan writes in Time. There's Pastor Rick—the apparently progressive anti-poverty, concerned-about-AIDS persona Obama invited to deliver the inaugural invocation, and there's the divisive staunch conservative the president-elect should quickly...

Year's Top 10 Moments of Celeb Activism

Oprah, Paris, make a difference

(Newser) - It’s been a big year for celebrity activism—so big that it deserves its own year-end top 10 list, Tina Daunt writes in the Los Angeles Times. Some famous faces that made a difference in 2008:
  • Oprah Winfrey fought hard for Barack Obama, including hosting a traffic-stopping garden party.

Etheridge: Warren's No Monster
 No Monster 


Etheridge: Warren's No Monster

Iconic lesbian sticks up for pastor called homophobic

(Newser) - Melissa Etheridge is Rick Warren’s new best friend. She met with the pastor last week, after finding out they were set to perform at the same event, and discovered he's not, as expected, a "hate spouting, money grabbing, bad hair televangelist," one of those guys who has...

Brown Asks Court to Overturn Prop. 8

Calif. AG argues popular vote should not void personal liberties

(Newser) - California’s attorney general has reversed position and asked the state’s supreme court to void the ban on gay marriage enacted by voters in November, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Jerry Brown said in a filing yesterday that Proposition 8 is "inconsistent with the guarantees of individual liberty"...

In Preacher Pick, Obama Dismisses Gays
 In Preacher Pick, 
 Obama Dismisses Gays 

In Preacher Pick, Obama Dismisses Gays

Rev. Rick Warren was big backer of Proposition 8

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s choice of Rick Warren to offer his inaugural invocation was a glaring and offensive misstep for a consistently savvy politician, writes prominent gay-rights activist Joe Solmonese in the Washington Post. Warren was a key proponent of Proposition 8, “the biggest loss our community has faced in...

'Call in Gay' Wednesday, LA Activists Say

(Newser) - Some same-sex marriage supporters are urging people to "call in gay" Wednesday to show how much the country relies on gays and lesbians, but others question whether it's wise to encourage skipping work given the United States' economic distress. Organizers of "Day Without a Gay" also are encouraging...

The Bible's Case for Gay Marriage
 The Bible's Case 
 for Gay Marriage 

The Bible's Case for Gay Marriage

Tome isn't exactly as full of endorsements for 'traditional' marriage as conservatives would have us believe

(Newser) - Listen to opponents of gay marriage cite scripture, and you might believe it is not what Jesus would do. But, Lisa Miller writes in Newsweek, no sensible modern person wants to use the Bible as a “how-to script.” (Polygamy, anyone?) “Why,” Miller asks, “would we...

Snarky Stars Wage Protest in Prop 8 Musical

Jack Black is Jesus in 3-min. online rip on gay-marriage ban

(Newser) - Hollywood found a new way to protest California’s passage of anti-gay-marriage Proposition 8: song and dance, the AP reports. Prop 8: The Musical, posted on FunnyOrDie, features Jack Black as Jesus reminding the religious right that shrimp cocktail is also a Biblical “abomination.” The hero of the...

Earlier Milk Release Might've Killed Prop 8

Calif. gay-marriage ban puts biopic in broader, cause-defining light

(Newser) - If Milk, the film on San Francisco’s first openly gay city supervisor, had opened earlier, might it have swung the Proposition 8 vote? Maybe, writes Dennis Lim in Slate—but in light of the passage of the California gay-marriage ban, Milk becomes both a poignant “look-how-far-we-haven’t-come” tale...

Iowa Supreme Court Set to Review Gay-Marriage Ban

Advocates and opponents of same-sex unions dig in

(Newser) - Iowa’s Supreme Court will review a state law banning gay marriage next month, the Los Angeles Times reports. A district judge last year struck down the Defense of Marriage Act on the grounds that it violated state constitutional rights of equal protection, but nine hours later that decision was...

Prop 8 Reveals Churches' Fear of Strong Women
Prop 8 Reveals Churches' Fear of Strong Women

Prop 8 Reveals Churches' Fear of Strong Women

Religions fear the crumbling of 'male authority:' Rodriguez

(Newser) - Churches led the charge against Proposition 8 and gay marriage because of their insecurities over the breakdown of heterosexual families and the consequent rise of independent women, says gay author and devout Catholic Richard Rodriguez. Gays are scapegoats because they—like feminists—threaten "an alternative to the traditional male-structured...

Rosie: View 'Camaraderie' Fake
 Rosie: View 'Camaraderie' Fake 

Rosie: View 'Camaraderie' Fake

(Newser) - The co-hosts of The View are not friends, Rosie O’Donnell says. “I'm not saying they loathe each other, but the fact of the matter is there was not a lot of camaraderie off camera,” the talkfest's onetime lightning rod says. During an appearance to promote her upcoming...

California's Supreme Court to Rule on Prop 8

(Newser) - California's top court is wading back into the fray over gay marriage. The state's Supreme Court says it will rule on the legality of Proposition 8, which outlawed same-sex weddings. Justices asked both sides for more written arguments and will hold a hearing in March and issue a decision about...

Prop 8 Furor Squeezes Calif. Court

Groups would move to oust any high court members who overturn gay-marriage ban

(Newser) - California’s moderately conservative Supreme Court faces pressure from both fronts of the gay-marriage battle, the Los Angeles Times reports. Opponents of Proposition 8—including Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger—are collecting arguments for why the amendment should be struck down, while supporters have promised to oust judges who rule the other...

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