
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Frozen Mammoth Yields Astounding Find
Frozen Mammoth
Yields Astounding Find

Frozen Mammoth Yields Astounding Find

Blood poured from carcass, say scientists

(Newser) - When Russian scientists who discovered a frozen mammoth half encased in ice prodded the 10,000-year-old animal with an ice pick, they were in for quite the shock: out poured blood, they claim. "This is the most astonishing case in my entire life," expedition head Semyon Grigoriev tells...

Your Heart, Lungs May Be Able to Smell

They appear to have odor receptors, researchers find

(Newser) - While your nose sniffs that fresh espresso, your heart could well be enjoying it, too. Researchers find that the heart, lungs, and even the blood may be capable of smelling, LiveScience reports. The nose has olfactory receptors to pick up on chemical compounds traveling through the air, and it appears...

Teacher Gets Fired for Letting Kids Taste Blood

Students pass plate around during 'sharing time'

(Newser) - A Norwegian school teacher put a new twist on show and tell by bringing a blood sample to class and letting students taste it, Gawker reports. The unnamed teacher brought a vial of her blood from a doctor's visit, and poured it on a plate for students to touch...

Blood of India Rape Victim 'on Clothes of Accused'

Prosecutor links accused men to forensic evidence

(Newser) - The latest in the India gang-rape case: A public prosecutor said yesterday that forensic evidence links the accused to the monstrous rape of a 23-year-old woman on a Delhi bus, the Guardian reports. In a pretrial hearing, the prosecutor told a judge that the five accused men tried burning their...

Is Young Blood the Fountain of Youth?

 Is Young Blood 
 the Fountain 
 of Youth? 
new study

Is Young Blood the Fountain of Youth?

Young blood reverses some brain aging in old mice

(Newser) - Vampires have known; now research mice are beginning to learn. Experiments on mice have shown that it's possible to rejuvenate animals by giving them blood from the young, according to a Standford University study. Blood from young mice reversed some of the effects of brain aging, improving learning and...

Infuriating Fans, 'Reagan's Blood' to Be Auctioned

A vial supposedly taken from president post-1981 shooting on the block

(Newser) - It may sound creepy to you, but to the head of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, it's "craven": A UK-based auctioneer has put a vial purported to hold Reagan's blood up on the block. PFC Auctions says a lab technician spirited the blood out of the hospital...

Iceman's Offering: World's Oldest Blood

Researchers discover blood cells on 5,300-year-old Oetzi

(Newser) - It's the ultimate cold case: Researchers continue to investigate the death of 5,300-year-old Oetzi the iceman, and they're making some fascinating discoveries. Their latest find is ancient blood—the world's oldest, the BBC reports. Usually, blood breaks down fast, and researchers had believed that was the...

Weight Loss May Push Toxins Into Bloodstream

Broken down fat cells release stored pollutants: study

(Newser) - Scientists have uncovered a toxic underside to weight loss: the breaking down of fat cells can release a flood of "pollutants" stored there. Fat stores trap certain toxins such as DDT and PCBs. When significant amounts of fat are broken down, these chemicals are released into the bloodstream, where...

Krakow Church's New Relic: Blood of John Paul II

Vial will be installed in altar following late pope's beatification

(Newser) - A vial holding the blood of Pope John Paul II will be installed in a Polish church as a relic, the AP reports. The vial will form part of the altar at a Krakow church due to open in May, the month of the late Polish pope's beatification. The city’...

Scientists Create Blood From Human Skin

It could have huge implications for transplants, transfusions

(Newser) - Researchers from McMaster University in Canada have created blood from tiny pieces of skin in a development hailed as a major breakthrough. Why the big deal? Because the blood created is genetically identical to that of the skin's donor, meaning there's no chance of rejection. Not only that, experiments have...

True Blood Stars Get Naked, Bloody for Rolling Stone

Show's creator: Vampires are 'all about sex'

(Newser) - This week Rolling Stone puts three True Blood stars on its cover—stark naked and streaked in blood. In a preview of the sure-to-be-buzzed-about cover story, creator Alan Ball says his show, unlike other vampire franchises (ahem, Twilight ), is all about sex. "The idea of celibate vampires is...

Al-Qaeda Steals Blood From Iraq Hospitals

Terror group uses fluid to treat its own wounded soldiers

(Newser) - As if working in an Iraqi hospital isn't challenge enough: The New York Times reports that Al-Qaeda groups routinely steal blood at gunpoint to treat their own wounded soldiers, often while Iraqi security forces stand by and watch. It's been going on for years, ever since Iraqi police began making...

US May Allow Gay Men to Donate Blood Again

1985 ban out of date, advocates argue

(Newser) - A quarter-century after the US started barring gay men from donating blood, Department of Health and Human Services experts are deciding whether to lift the lifetime ban, HealthDay News reports. The policy was instituted in 1985, as public consciousness of HIV/AIDS grew. "There was good reason for it, based...

Japanese Hook Up, Hire by Blood Type

In Japan, belief in blood group personality types colors dating

(Newser) - If you're looking for a decisive, confident partner, try dating someone with type O blood. Type As are dependable worrywarts, ABs are balanced but high-maintenance, and if you've been burned by a selfish ex, blame their type B blood. That's the conventional wisdom in Japan, where people believe blood group...

Thais Hurl Buckets of Blood at PM's House

Red-shirted protesters want fresh polls

(Newser) - A day after donating their blood, they hurled it: Anti-government Thai protesters tossed plastic buckets of blood at the residential compound of Thailand's prime minister today, leaving the walls, roof, and ground stained red. Though riot police initially blocked Abhisit Vejjajiva's walled compound, three dozen red-shirted demonstrators were allowed to...

Thais Collect Buckets of Blood—to Hurl in Protest

Red-shirts plan 'blood curse' after election refusal

(Newser) - The streets of Bangkok will run red with blood today if things go as planned for anti-government Thai protesters. Volunteers are lining up to help the movement reach its goal of collecting 1,000 liters of blood, which red-shirted protesters plan to hurl at government offices to curse the country's...

Swine Flu Shrinks Nation's Blood Supply

Donor pool dries up amid absenteeism at schools, offices

(Newser) - America's blood supply is suffering from the H1N1 pandemic. Blood centers nationwide are seeing a drop in donations as school and businesses cancel blood drives because of absenteeism; they're also having to dump blood already donated as an increasing number of donors report flu-like symptoms after giving. Centers say they...

True Blood Kills With Metaphors (and, Uh, Sex)

Kinky sex meets social commentary

(Newser) - Critics are gushing about HBO's hit True Blood, which manages to marry kinky vampire sex to social commentary, writes Gina Bellafante in the New York Times. The barrier-busting series touches on gay marriage, racial profiling, capitalism run amok, and right-wing religious extremism. In the current season, a crazed Christian cult...

No Blood Found in Casey Anthony's Trunk

Officials release video, documents in capital murder case

(Newser) - Prosecutors in the Casey Anthony case released a flurry of documents today, including a three-dimensional animated movie of the area where her daughter’s body was found, crime scene photos, and a 1,100-page report by investigators, the Orlando Sentinel reports. Among the revelations: No blood was found in the...

Chadian 'Vampire' Dish Gets Blood Boiling ... or Frying

(Newser) - There’s a vampire resurgence in Chad, and no, it’s not because Twilight has swept the African country. Cost-conscious residents have resurrected a dish slyly known as “vampire”: cooked animal blood, the BBC reports. With global food prices soaring and meat increasingly expensive, traditional vampire is “actually...

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