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Bottled Water Sales Head Down the Drain

Environmentalists claim credit; industry blames economy

(Newser) - Bottled water sales are sinking, and environmentalists point triumphantly to their hard-fought campaign against the wasteful industry. Consumption is expected to drop 2% this year, following a 3.2% drop last year, MSNBC reports. But industry executives say it’s just a natural result of the economic downturn, noting that...

Climate Activists Shouldn't Be Anti-Human
Climate Activists Shouldn't Be Anti-Human

Climate Activists Shouldn't Be Anti-Human

Solving the problem requires faith in the future

(Newser) - Many activists battling global warming are doing their cause and their species a disservice by displaying a nihilistic and anti-human attitude, writes Anne Applebaum. Declaring that the end of the world is nigh or pushing for population-reduction initiatives to cut carbon emissions is a "profoundly negative" way to treat...

China Jails Radical US Environmentalist

He is sentenced to 3 years in prison on drug charges

(Newser) - An environmental activist from New Jersey who faces arson charges in the US has been sentenced to 3 years in prison in China on drug charges. Justin Solondz, 30, had been hiding out under a pseudonym in the mountainous town of Dali, which the New York Times describes as a...

Limbaugh Compares NYT Reporter to 'Jihad Guys'

Tells Times' Revkin to 'go kill yourself'

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh really outdid himself yesterday, comparing New York Times environmental reporter Andy Revkin to a terrorist and urging him to commit suicide. Well, that’s not entirely fair. Actually, Limbaugh compared all “militant environmentalists” to “the jihad guys,” who, in Limbaugh’s telling, “convince these...

Climate Activists Torqued By Obama Nobel
Climate Activists Torqued By Obama Nobel

Climate Activists Torqued By Obama Nobel

With US the biggest obstacle to action, they hope prize acts as stick

(Newser) - The Taliban and conservative commentators in the US aren’t the only ones steamed by  Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize. “It’s hard for me to emphasize enough the thickness of the international resentment towards America at the climate negotiation level,” Ben Jervey writes. The argument is simple:...

Kick in the Butt: Soft Toilet Paper Battle Gets Messy

The plusher paper invariably comes from virgin wood, not recycled content

(Newser) - The environmental campaign against soft toilet paper is heating up, as manufacturers keep pushing the fluff factor—"Quilted Northern Ultra Plush is the first big brand to go three-ply and three-adjective," the Washington Post notes—and environmentalists want the industry to go all recycled. The softer rolls US...

Climate Groups Look to Avoid Health Care Repeat

But administration reluctant to push climate legislation this year

(Newser) - Environmental groups are struggling to convince Democrats that the fight for cap-and-trade legislation won’t be as damaging as the one over health care, and to keep them from punting on the issue, Politico reports. Climate supporters say they have a grass-roots network in place that health care reformers didn’...

Cash-Strapped Drinkers Spurn Bottled Water

(Newser) - A combination of penny-pinching and environmental concern has pushed bottled water sales off for the first time in at least 5 years, the Washington Post reports. In 2008, consumption of bottled water fell for the first time this decade. “It's an obvious way to cut back,” a researcher...

Green Protester Slimes UK Minister

Mandelson pelted with custard as he arrives at environment meeting

(Newser) - An environmental protester threw a cup of green slimy liquid onto one of Britain's most powerful ministers this morning, reports the Times of London. Peter Mandelson, the business secretary, was arriving at a meeting when he was doused with a mix of custard and green food dye. The demonstrator was...

Nations Move to Breach Whaling Ban

Greenies say talks "wave the white flag" to whale killers

(Newser) - Secret government meetings could usher in a new era of legal commercial whaling for the first time in more than 20 years, the Independent reports. Twenty-eight whaling and anti-whaling nations have met twice to reach a compromise on the ban, which came after the near-extinction of many species. Environmentalists say...

Want to Save the Planet? Stop Dumping on Frankenfood

Genetically modified products fight pollution

(Newser) - It's time for greenies to take another look at the frankenfoods they've been campaigning against. Consider the enviropig. It’s a pig with an extra gene that means less phosphorous in manure runoff, and it’s just one example of how genetic modification in agriculture can be good for the...

Delhi Bans Plastic Bags
 Delhi Bans Plastic Bags 

Delhi Bans Plastic Bags

After time for plan to phase in, penalties will include 5 years in jail

(Newser) - Officials in Delhi have banned the “use, storage, and sale” of plastic bags, the Guardian reports, after Indian environmentalists warned about the dangers of the non-biodegradable bags. Violators could be imprisoned for up to 5 years and fined over $2,000. Plastic bags have become a staple in Delhi...

Inaugural Ball Flaunts Fashion Made of Trash

Cans, plastic bags, campaign signs make up 'trashion' lines

(Newser) - Stuck on what to wear to that upcoming Washington gala? How about a shower-curtain-and-aluminum-can cocktail dress? Or a canvas-scrap-and-rusty-nail gown? The actual “trashion,” created by recycling advocate Nancy Judd, will be showcased at Saturday’s Green Inaugural Ball, the Wall Street Journal reports. The fashionista even has a...

Student May Face Fed Charges for Fake Drilling Bids

Activist infiltrated auction, won 22,000 acres of federal land at auction in protest

(Newser) - A Utah college activist may face federal charges and jail for making bids he can't afford on scenic tracts in a federal drilling auction last month, the Washington Post reports. Economics student Tim DeChristopher wielded his red auction paddle 13 times to snag $1.8 million in property before federal...

Greenies Trip Up Jersey Boardwalk Plans

Use of Amazon wood contributes to global warming, activists insist

(Newser) - Tourists swarming New Jersey’s most popular shore this spring probably won’t notice the wooden planks underfoot, but officials and environmentalists have been fighting over them, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. Wildwood's plan to import lumber from Brazilian rain forests—for a $3.5 million boardwalk renovation—has angered greenies...

Navy, Greenies Settle Sonar Dispute
Navy, Greenies Settle
Sonar Dispute

Navy, Greenies Settle Sonar Dispute

Both sides declare victory in long-running lawsuit

(Newser) - The Navy and environmental groups both declared victory today after the two sides settled a lawsuit over sonar and its effect on whales and other marine mammals, the Los Angeles Times reports. The settlement, reached Friday, calls for Navy ships to avoid sensitive areas and reduce or halt sonar when...

Green Groups Come Down on 'Clean Coal'

Gore calls the technology 'illusions of the industry'

(Newser) - A new advertising campaign backed by environmental organizations, including one supported by Al Gore, is calling into question the efficacy of “clean coal technology,” the Washington Post reports. “Clean coal” was a buzzword during this year’s election, but environmentalists think it’s an oxymoron. “We...

Trump Gets His Scottish Golf Resort

Environmental groups fume over government's decision

(Newser) - Donald Trump got the green light for his $1.6 billion Aberdeenshire golf resort yesterday, much to the chagrin of environmental groups, the Times of London reports. Though it was rejected by the Aberdeenshire council last year, First Minister Alex Salmond approved the project after a public inquiry. Salmond said...

UCSC Tree-Sitters Hold Their Perches

Protesters refuse to budge, despite truce with UC Berkeley

(Newser) - UC Berkeley’s tree-sitters may have surrendered their perches earlier this week, but demonstrators at UC Santa Cruz are not ready to give up their redwood-saving fight. The activists, nearing the 1-year anniversary of their protest, suspect the university will cut down trees before classes begin in two weeks, but...

Border Fence Blamed for Ariz. Flooding

Critics say fence design ignores environment

(Newser) - Environmentalists say the US border-security fence is to blame for water backups in southwestern Arizona and Mexico, where steel-mesh panels meant to keep illegal immigrants out are getting clogged with flood debris, the AP reports. Critics are focusing their attacks on Homeland Defense Secretary Michael Chertoff, who waived environmental laws...

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