greenhouse-gas emissions

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World Leaders Like Biden's 'Complete Change' on Climate

US lays out ambitious new goal on emissions at virtual world summit

(Newser) - President Biden convened a virtual climate-change summit with other world leaders on Thursday and kicked things off with an ambitious pledge. Biden said the US would cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 when compared to 2005 levels. In a stark contrast to the views of predecessor Donald Trump,...

Air Traffic Control to 'Throw Out the Old Rules' to Save Fuel

Pilots helming trans-Atlantic flights between Canada, UK can now pick their own flight paths thanks to pandemic

(Newser) - In 2020, the Environmental Protection Agency released its first-ever rules on airlines emissions, designed to cut down on air pollution, per the Hill . Now, a new collaboration will hopefully help reduce airlines' carbon footprint even further. The typically congested airspace between North America and Europe used to boast around 1,...

Biden Unveils $2T Climate Plan: 'What I Think of Is Jobs'

'The Climate President that America needs,' Wash. Gov. Inslee said in an email response

(Newser) - Joe Biden released a $2 trillion plan Tuesday to boost investment in clean energy and stop all climate-damaging emissions from US power plants by 2035, arguing that dramatic action is needed to tackle climate change and revive the economy. In remarks near his home in Wilmington, Del., the presumptive Democratic...

US Could Be 'Disruptor' at Climate Change Conference

Negotiators from almost 200 countries are in Madrid

(Newser) - The annual Conference of Parties climate change talks are underway in Madrid, after a last-minute change of city. The conference was originally meant to be held in Santiago, Chile, but Spain offered to host the talks as Chile's political crisis deepened. Representatives from almost 200 countries, including around 50...

What&#39;s Needed Over Next Decade Is &#39;Unprecedented&#39;
What's Needed
Over Next Decade
Is 'Unprecedented'
the rundown

What's Needed Over Next Decade Is 'Unprecedented'

UN Environment Program releases annual Emissions Gap Report

(Newser) - It's called the Emissions Gap Report . NPR reports that "Chasm" might be a more appropriate word. It's the annual assessment put out by the UN Environment Program, and it was issued Tuesday to gloomy headlines. That's because "the summary findings are bleak," the report...

Meal Kits Better for Planet Than Grocery Shopping
Meal Kits Better for Planet
Than Grocery Shopping

Meal Kits Better for Planet Than Grocery Shopping

It comes down to food waste: researchers

(Newser) - Despite arriving on your doorstep enclosed in plastic and cardboard, meal kits are generally better for the environment than a meal cooked at home with ingredients from a grocery store. In fact, store meals on average produce 33% more greenhouse gas emissions than meal kits bought from the likes of...

Climate Activist, 15, Tells Leaders They're Too Immature to Act

'You say you love your children above all else and yet you are stealing their future'

(Newser) - At 15, Greta Thunberg has many decades of living with the effects of climate change ahead of her—and she doesn't want to tell her grandchildren she didn't try to stop it. At an address to the United Nations COP24 conference in Poland last week, the Swedish activist...

Scientists Trying a Cow Trick: Adding Seaweed to Feed

The test will see whether it can reduce emissions of methane, a greenhouse gas

(Newser) - University of California researchers are feeding seaweed to dairy cows in an attempt to make cattle more climate-friendly, per the AP . UC Davis is studying whether adding small amounts of seaweed to cattle feed can help reduce their emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas that's released when cattle...

EPA: New Rule May Result in More Premature Deaths

'New York Times' looks into the fine print of new coal pollution rules

(Newser) - President Trump visits West Virginia Tuesday, and it's a safe bet he'll be trumpeting the proposal his administration just unveiled to ease up on coal plants. The Affordable Clean Energy Rule would roll back an Obama-era plan on emissions deemed too heavy-handed by the Trump administration, reports the...

'Environment Crime' May Have Just Been Traced to One Nation

Recent uptick in CFC-11 emissions could mess up ozone layer recovery; they may originate in China

(Newser) - Across the world, someone has been illegally producing an ozone-destroying gas banned more than 30 years ago. Now, investigators and the New York Times may have pinpointed the culprit behind the CFC-11 chlorofluorocarbon: factories making foam insulation in remote parts of China. Putting CFC-11 in the insulation, which is used...

Scientists 'Astounded' by Mysterious Rise in Banned Chemical

Source of CFC-11 is somewhere in East Asia

(Newser) - More than 30 years ago, world governments dealt with an alarming hole in the ozone layer with the Montreal Protocol, which banned damaging chemicals including the chlorofluorocarbon CFC-11. But it looks like somebody failed to get the memo. Scientists say they've detected a mysterious rise in emissions of the...

Report: Tourism Much Worse for Planet Than Thought

Carbon emissions are around 3 times earlier estimates, researchers say

(Newser) - Globe-trotting tourists are doing a lot more damage to the planet than previously thought, according to a new study that takes more than just air miles into consideration. In the study, published in the journal Nature , researchers determined that tourism accounts for around 8% of global carbon emissions, around three...

'Mass Mortality' Hits Great Barrier Reef, Shocks Scientists

'Unprecedented bleaching event' killed off half the coral there over 2 years

(Newser) - An "unprecedented" bleaching event struck the Great Barrier Reef in 2016, with perilously high temperatures affecting the 1,400-mile-long stretch of coral. The Atlantic notes we already knew that this occurred , but that the toll is just now being fully understood: It describes a new study published in the...

'The War on Coal Is Over': EPA Rolls Back Obama Plan

Scott Pruitt says previous White House exceeded authority with 'clean power plan'

(Newser) - The Trump administration will abandon the Obama-era Clean Power Plan aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt said Monday. "The war on coal is over," he said, per the New York Times . Speaking in Kentucky coal country, Pruitt said he will sign a proposed rule...

Why This Scene May Cease to Exist in California After 2040

Assemblyman wants to ban sales of cars fueled by gas, diesel by that deadline

(Newser) - If Phil Ting has his way, California girls will soon be cruising down Highway One and never having to stop for gas. When the state Legislature returns at the start of 2018, the Dem assemblyman says he'll introduce a bill that would ban the sale of new cars fueled...

California Is Going After Its Farting Cows

It's all part of Gov. Jerry Brown's plan to fight climate change

(Newser) - California Gov. Jerry Brown kept up his assault on climate change Monday, pushing through a law meant to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions from dairy farms and landfills. "You know, when Noah wanted to build his ark, most of the people laughed at him?" Brown said, per the Sacramento Bee , adding...

Obama Puts New Obstacle in Coal Industry's Way

President to announce stop to new coal-mining leases on federal land

(Newser) - During his SOTU address Tuesday, President Obama forewarned he'd "push to change the way we manage our oil and coal resources." Today, part of that blueprint is set to become more clear, with an expected announcement by the president to stop all new coal-mining leases on public...

Paris Talks Run Long, Hinge on One Final Issue

Final draft expected Saturday: Laurent Fabius

(Newser) - High-stakes climate talks outside Paris will not end Friday as planned but will continue at least one more day as diplomats try to overcome disagreements over how—or even whether—to share the costs of fighting climate change and shift to clean energy on a global scale. Negotiators from more...

World's Biggest Polluter to Make Big Announcement

Obama will join Xi to reveal cap-and-trade program

(Newser) - President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping are set to make an announcement today on one of the few things they agree on. The White House says that at a joint press conference with Obama, Xi plans to announce a 2017 launch date for a national cap-and-trade program to cut...

We Massively Underestimate Methane Pollution: Study

New study finds fault in device used to measure leaks

(Newser) - The amount of methane leaking into the atmosphere from natural gas sites and contributing to global warming might be highly underestimated, according to a researcher who happens to have invented the technology used to measure leaks. In a new paper published today , Touché Howard notes an issue with the EPA-approved...

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