party identification

10 Stories

There Are More Liberals Than Ever: Poll

...But conservatives still outnumber them

(Newser) - More Americans are calling themselves liberal today than at any point since Gallup started measuring in 1992, according to a new Gallup analysis—though conservatives still far outnumber them. The ranks of self-identified liberals swelled to 23% in 2013, according to the analysis, which collected data from 13 polls spanning...

Why Working Class Americans Vote Republican
Why Working Class Americans Vote Republican

Why Working Class Americans Vote Republican

Gary Younge investigates a conundrum that vexes liberals

(Newser) - Nothing frustrates liberals more than poor Republicans. They are, after all, generally voting against their economic self-interests—government dependency is consistently higher in right-leaning counties. "To many liberals, these are turkeys voting for Christmas or lemmings off for a leap," writes Guardian columnist Gary Younge, who set out...

Massachusetts' New Political Party: Pirates
 Massachusetts' New 
 Political Party: Pirates 

Massachusetts' New Political Party: Pirates

Pirate Party now accepted as a political designation

(Newser) - Avast there, Massachusetts voters! A’fore ye register f’r some lilly-livered party like the “Democrats” or “Republicans,” ye might want to consider signin’ on with the state’s newest crew: the Massachusetts Pirate Party. That’s right, the Massachusetts Election Division has officially approved the swashbuckling...

Only 31% of Americans Call Themselves Democrats

Republican identification inches up to 29%

(Newser) - The number of people who consider themselves Democrats has plunged to its lowest level in more than two decades, to just 31%, according to a Gallup analysis of several polls. That ties the lowest score the donkeys have ever received since Gallup began polling in 1988—and a big drop...

Young Voters Ditching Democratic Party

Fewer identify with Democrats, despite socially liberal leanings

(Newser) - Democrats might be losing their grip on young voters. Polls shows a drastic drop in 18-to-29-year-olds who identify themselves as Democrats, the New York Times reports. The figure peaked at 62% in July 2008, but slid down to 54% by late last year, before ticking up to 57% this year....

Tea Partiers Are 'Average' Americans, Just 57% GOP
Tea Partiers Are 'Average' Americans, Just 57% GOP
2 new polls

Tea Partiers Are 'Average' Americans, Just 57% GOP

Movement currently accounts for 17% of voters

(Newser) - A pair of new polls poke holes in the conventional image of the tea party as a fringe group of loud Republicans. In a Sunday poll of 1,000 registered voters, 17% identified themselves as “part of the Tea Party movement,” the LA Times reports. Of those, 28%...

Republicans Winning the Shouting Match
 Republicans Winning 
 the Shouting Match 

Republicans Winning the Shouting Match

(Newser) - As unbelievable as this sounds, given the huge crowds Barack Obama was able to drum up not so long ago, the Democrats could be losing the enthusiasm wars, writes Nate Silver of A new poll from Virginia shows that in its upcoming gubernatorial race, 52% of voters will...

Parents of Daughters Lean Left: Study

(Newser) - A new study shows that parents with daughters are more likely to align themselves with left-wing parties, reports. Building on earlier research that showed that parents of daughters leaned left on gender issues, sociologists surveyed a nationally representative random sampling of men and women, mostly from Great Britain....

GOP Voter Enrollment in Sustained Freefall

Year-on-year declines highly uncommon

(Newser) - Disenchanted voters have left Republican Party enrollment in freefall since 2005, with more Americans registering either with the Democrats or no party at all. While changes in party membership are common, a sustained drop like that is remarkable, say psephologists. The shift might have little effect on this year's presidential...

Electorate Number-Crunching Gives Edge to Obama
Electorate Number-Crunching Gives Edge to Obama

Electorate Number-Crunching Gives Edge to Obama

Democrats snag larger share of voters than in 2004

(Newser) - With a smaller piece of a bigger pie, Barack Obama holds a 6-point lead over John McCain even though he enjoys less support in his own party than John Kerry did in 2004. A “sharp shift in partisan loyalties” is coming into focus and "could prove the defining...

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