suicide bombing

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In Cutting Airstrikes, Karzai Could 'Hamstring' Troops

Pakistan office bombing kills 5

(Newser) - Afghanistan's president wants his country's security forces to stop asking foreign troops to launch airstrikes in residential areas —and that could leave Hamid Karzai's forces floundering, the Los Angeles Times reports. The commander of US-led forces there maintains that "there are other ways we can...

Bomber Kills 1, Injures 3 at US Embassy in Turkey

Embassy guard, suicide bomber killed in blast

(Newser) - The State Department confirmed a terrorist attack today just outside the US Embassy in Ankara and told Americans to stay away from US diplomatic offices throughout Turkey. A department spokeswoman says the explosion occurred on the perimeter of the embassy at about 1:15pm local time. Officials in the Turkish...

Suicide Bomber Kills 21 at Pakistan Mosque

More than 30 wounded in likely sectarian violence

(Newser) - A suicide bomber detonated his explosives outside a Shiite mosque in northwestern Pakistan as worshippers were leaving Friday prayers, killing at least 21 people and wounding 36 in the latest apparent sectarian attack in the country, police said. Shiite Muslims in Pakistan have increasingly been targeted by radical Sunnis who...

8 Dead as Suicide Bombers Storm Kabul Police HQ

3 police officers killed in 9-hour battle

(Newser) - A Taliban raid of the Kabul traffic police headquarters is over and three police officers and at least five insurgents were killed in the hours-long fighting, Afghan police say. The battle ended more than nine hours after it began early today with a car bomb attack against the front gate...

Taliban Kill 5 in Suicide Blast at US-Afghan Base

Hit sparks 2-hour gunbattle in Jalalabad

(Newser) - Taliban suicide bombers attacked a joint US-Afghan air base in eastern Afghanistan early today, detonating explosives at the gate and sparking a gunbattle that lasted at least two hours with American helicopters firing down at militants before the attackers were defeated. The attackers and at least five Afghans were killed,...

Suicide Bombers Penetrate Kabul's Green Zone

2 dead in suicide attack; Taliban claims responsibility

(Newser) - A suicide attack hit Kabul's Green Zone today, the fortified area housing government officials, diplomats, and US military, killing two Afghan security guards. The Wall Street Journal says a single bomber attempted to occupy an unfinished building, from which he could have fired into the CIA compound and nearby...

US General: We're 'Mad as Hell' About Insider Attacks

As fresh attack by suicide bomber in police uniform kills 14

(Newser) - The US is "mad as hell" over the rash of green-on-blue attacks it's facing in Afghanistan, the top US commander there says, even as a fresh attack today killed 14 people in the country's east. "We're going to get after this," Gen. John Allen...

Afghan Suicide Blasts Kill 12
 Afghan Suicide Blasts Kill 12 

Afghan Suicide Blasts Kill 12

Bombers strike near NATO base in east

(Newser) - Afghan officials say two suicide attackers have blown themselves up near a NATO base in the country's east, killing at least 12 people and wounding more than 50. The attack took place at dawn in the province's Sayed Abad district. One suicide bomber with a vest rigged with...

Dozens Killed in Afghan Day of Terror

Attackers target markets, hospital, mosque

(Newser) - A series of brutal attacks across Afghanistan made yesterday the deadliest day of the year so far for the country's civilians. At least 48 people were killed and more than 100 others injured in shootings and bombings, including a triple suicide bombing in the normally peaceful province of Nimruz,...

Truck Bomb Rams NATO Afghan Base

Bomb under bridge kills 9 on Kabul bus

(Newser) - A suicide attacker in an explosives-laden pickup truck rammed the gates of a NATO base in Afghanistan's Logar province today, wounding at least 11 Afghans, reports the AP . NATO commanders have confirmed the blast and say there are no immediate reports of injuries among the troops. The Taliban took...

Elderly Termites Grow Suicide Backpacks
 Elderly Termites 
 Grow Suicide 
weird science

Elderly Termites Grow Suicide Backpacks

... and then explode them when enemies invade

(Newser) - Some termites grow up to be suicide bombers. Researchers observing the termite species Neocapritermes taracua found that certain workers, when they became elderly, grew a pair of dark blue spots between their abdomen and torso. When invaders raided their colony, these aging workers bit the intruders and then exploded the...

Al-Qaeda in Iraq Takes Credit for New Wave of Bloodshed

Militant group announces new campaign of violence in Iraq

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda's Iraq affiliate took credit yesterday for the string of bombings and shootings across the country on Monday that killed 116 and wounded 300, reports Reuters . The Islamic State of Iraq posted a statement on its website saying the attacks —the deadliest since the US pullout last December—...

93 Killed in Iraq's Bloodiest Day Since US Exit

13 cities hit with bombings, shootings

(Newser) - Thirteen cities across Iraq suffered bombings and shootings today as the country experienced its deadliest day since US troops left in December. Some 93 people were killed in the attacks, which all occurred in a span of a few hours and appeared coordinated, the AP reports. The deadliest attack occurred...

Suicide Blast Kills Syria Defense Minister
 Suicide Blast Kills 
 Key Assad Henchmen 

Suicide Blast Kills Key Assad Henchmen

State TV reports that more officials seriously wounded

(Newser) - A regime-shaking suicide attack on the National Security building has killed Bashar al-Assad's defense minister and brother-in-law, according to the country's state-run TV. The New York Times calls the death of defense minister Daoud Rajha the "first assassination of a prominent official" in the entirety of the...

Al-Qaeda Enemy No. 1 Killed in Yemen

Suicide bombing follows recent military successes

(Newser) - A suicide bomber assassinated Yemen's army commander leading the fight against al-Qaeda in the country's south, the defense ministry said, just days after the military made major gains in its campaign to rout militants from their southern strongholds. Maj. Gen. Salem Ali al-Quton was traveling in a three-car...

Yemen&#39;s Capital Hit With Deadliest Attack in Months
More Than 90 Killed in Attack on Yemen Capital

More Than 90 Killed in Attack on Yemen Capital

Al-Qaeda claims responsibility

(Newser) - A suicide bombing targeting the Yemeni military killed more than 90 people today, and injured another 222, a government official announced. Reportedly dressed as a soldier, the attacker set off the blast near the presidential palace in Sanaa as troops trained for a military parade. An al-Qaeda source tells the...

Blasts Hit Kabul After Obama Leaves
Blasts Hit Kabul
After Obama Leaves

Blasts Hit Kabul After Obama Leaves

At least 7 killed in suicide attack

(Newser) - At least seven people were killed as suicide bombers hit targets in Kabul just hours after the departure of President Obama. A suicide car bomber killed a guard and several passers-by at the gates of the "Green Village" compound that houses hundreds of international workers, Reuters reports. Other attackers...

Officials Watching for 'Body Bombs' on Planes

Threat of surgically implanted bombs is real: officials

(Newser) - As the anniversary of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden looms, security for US-bound flights has been stepped up around the world. While authorities say that there is no specific information of an impending attack timed for the anniversary, one threat that officials are watching for is "body...

6 Killed at Nigerian Newspaper Offices

Car bombers attack buildings in Abuja, Kaduna

(Newser) - A suicide bomber detonated a car loaded with explosives today at the office of a major Nigerian newspaper in the country's capital and another man threw a bomb near another newspaper office in Kaduna, killing at least six people in the attacks, witnesses said. The attack in Abuja struck...

Twin Afghan Bombings Kill at Least 18

Both attacks targeted gov't buildings, including police station in Helmand

(Newser) - Two suicide bombings in Afghanistan killed at least 18 people today, including eight policemen in an attack on a police station in southern Helmand province, reports the AP . Three men with bombs tried to enter a police station. Police spotted the attack and killed one man, but the other two...

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