
Stories 81 - 88 | << Prev 

Texas Cop Fired for Overkill Investigation

Sheriff's lieutenant shut down car wash over wife's missing $16

(Newser) - A Texas sheriff’s lieutenant has been fired for using police resources to investigate the alleged theft of $16 from his wife at a local car wash, the Houston Chronicle reports. Louis Guthrie and a group of deputies taped off the establishment for an hour to question employees. “This...

Mexican Drug Bucks Ensnare Texas County, Sheriff

Border sheriff faces trial for clearing the way for drug traffickers

(Newser) - Starr County on the Texas border is enjoying boom times while the rest of the country is stuck in recession, the Los Angeles Times reports. The county—still one of America's poorest—lies at the center of the cross-border drug trade, and while residents acknowledge that illicit cash has long...

'I'm Not Resisting,' Cried Seattle Teen

(Newser) - The Seattle teen whose jailhouse beating at the hands of a sheriff’s deputy has sparked internet outrage screamed “I’m not resisting” during the attack, the Post-Intelligencer reports. “It was horrible,” said Malika Calhoun, charged with stealing a friend’s mother’s car. “My head...

Bong Owner Tried to Get $100K on eBay

Eight partygoers have been arrested; Phelps not among them

(Newser) - The bong case grows. Eight people in Columbia, SC, have been arrested on drug charges stemming from the infamous frat party that Michael Phelps attended, WIS-TV reports. Those eight do not include Phelps himself, but they do include the bong's owner, who reportedly tried to sell it on eBay for...

Phelps Toke Highlights Absurd Drug Laws
Phelps Toke Highlights Absurd Drug Laws

Phelps Toke Highlights Absurd Drug Laws

We elected a president who once smoked, so what's the big deal?

(Newser) - Poor Michael Phelps, who will have to be punished for something nearly half the country has also done, writes Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post. And poor Sheriff Leon Lott, who "probably doesn't want to press charges because it's a waste of time and resources." The real problems,...

Chicago Sheriff Halts Evictions
Chicago Sheriff 
Halts Evictions

Chicago Sheriff Halts Evictions

Lawman declares that throwing renters out of foreclosed properties is unjust

(Newser) - A Chicago lawman is going to stop enforcing foreclosure evictions because they’re unfair to renters, the Chicago Tribune reports. Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart has a huge and growing eviction list but is refusing to carry out any more mortgage-foreclosure evictions until lenders first figure out who’s actually...

Paps Vs. Surfers Battle Ebbs as Cops Move In

Malibu battle over McConaughey less than righteous, dude

(Newser) - Malibu sheriffs stepped up beach patrols this weekend, in the wake of last week's ruckus between paparazzi who wanted to snap actor Matthew McConaughey and surfers who rushed to defend him as one of their own. But the anticipated fray this weekend consisted of one lone photographer with a protest...

Bullets Hit LA Police Chopper, Force Landing

Pilot gets down safely; cops questioning several suspects

(Newser) - Two bullets struck a Los Angeles sheriff’s helicopter and forced it to make an emergency landing, the Los Angeles Times reports. Noone was hurt. The chopper was on its way to investigate a robbery when bullets hit its belly and tail, apparently from a high-powered rifle. Several men have...

Stories 81 - 88 | << Prev