Charlie Black

6 Stories

Pro-Democracy Group Links Lobbyists, McCain
Pro-Democracy Group Links Lobbyists, McCain

Pro-Democracy Group Links Lobbyists, McCain

Nonprofit's workings clash with maverick image

(Newser) - The workings of a nonprofit democracy-promotion group John McCain has chaired for 15 years are “in many ways at odds with the political outsider image that has become a touchstone of the McCain campaign,” the New York Times reports. The International Republican Institute is a “something of...

Shuffle Atop McCain Team Yields Combative New Boss

Steve Schmidt takes day-to-day reins from Rick Davis, who'll focus on big picture

(Newser) - John McCain has ordered a shake-up at the helm of his campaign operation, Politico reports, with top aide Steve Schmidt taking day-to-day control from manager Rick Davis, whose focus will shift to the big picture. Schmidt, known for an aggressive style honed on President Bush's and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's re-election...

McCain Adviser Black Has Friends in Low Places
McCain Adviser Black Has Friends in Low Places

McCain Adviser Black Has Friends in Low Places

Black's young-conservatives comrades have sleazy record

(Newser) - Senior campaign adviser Charlie Black drew fire recently when he suggested that a terror attack would help John McCain, but maybe we shouldn’t have been so surprised. Black’s past is littered with questionable associations, Thomas Frank writes in the Wall Street Journal, with comrades from a 1970s young-conservatives...

McCain Rips Aide's Remarks on 'Helpful' Terror Attack

Aide claimed terrorism would boost campaign

(Newser) - John McCain has denounced comments from one of his most senior political advisers that a terrorist attack would be "a big advantage" to the Republican candidate politically, the Washington Post reports. Aide Charlie Black also said in an interview in Fortune that Benazir Bhutto's assassination, while "unfortunate,"...

McCain Guru's Work for Foreign Dictators Draws Fire

Angola's Savimbi, Philippines' Marco haunt Charlie Black's clients list

(Newser) - A client list that included dictators in Angola, the Philippines, Kenya, and Somalia is now haunting a key strategist for John McCain, the Washington Post reports, with Democrats baying over Charlie Black’s lobbying record. Black was among the earliest users of the revolving door between lobbying and campaign consulting...

Cutting Lobby Ties Is 'Messy Business'
Cutting Lobby Ties Is 'Messy Business'

Cutting Lobby Ties Is 'Messy Business'

McCain plays reform card with new policy, but conflicts abound

(Newser) - John McCain is at war with his own staff to save his image as a crusader against special interests, the New York Times reports. Five aides have been sent packing, and new rules promulgated to rout out any further conflicts. But with many staffers who made their living as lobbyists,...

6 Stories
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