
Stories 721 - 740 | << Prev   Next >>

Health Care Isn't a Third Rail Anymore

Dems eady to tackle universal health care again—and GOP is notably silent

(Newser) - Thirteen years after Hillary-Care, politicians are ready to think big again about the US health care system, the Wall Street Journal reports. Skyrocketing costs and the rising ranks of the uninsured are combining to form a climate where candidates feel that they can tackle the issue without political backlash—even...

House Breaks Up Iraq War Funding Bill

Unusual move allows vote against war, for domestic spending

(Newser) - House Democratic leaders are splitting the new Iraq funding bill into two distinct amendments, the Politco reports. One will be the $103 billion Bush requested for the war in Iraq, which will speak of benchmarks but won't demand a withdrawal date, the other a $17 billion domestic spending package.

Dems Ditch Iraq Timeline Demand
Dems Ditch
Iraq Timeline Demand

Dems Ditch Iraq Timeline Demand

New war spending bill won't include much-ballyhooed provision

(Newser) - Democratic leaders have quietly abandoned a cornerstone of their Iraq war platform: a timeline for withdrawal. Racing to pass a spending bill before the Memorial Day recess, they don't have the votes to pass a timeline, the LA Times reports, and they risk fallout for failing to fund troops in...

Richardson Makes It Official
Richardson Makes It Official

Richardson Makes It Official

New Mexico governor joins 2008 race, touting his record, Latino ties

(Newser) - Bill Richardson has officially joined the throng of Democrats running for president, and become the first Latino to seek his party's nomination. The New Mexico governor made his announcement, in Spanish and English, in LA last night, touting his record as governor of a divided state and his proximity to...

GOP Finds Itself Tangled in the Web
GOP Finds Itself Tangled in the Web

GOP Finds Itself Tangled in the Web

Candidates lag Democrats in online popularity, fundraising

(Newser) - The digital divide is widening—between Democratic and Republican presidential candidates. Websites, blogs and online video aren't the only areas where the GOP trails; fundraising numbers reported in the Washington Post tell a similar story. In the first quarter of 2007, the top three Democrats raked in $14 million online,...

Hillary Downplays History With Wal-Mart

Ex-director keeps some links to retail giant

(Newser) - Throughout her political career, Hillary Clinton has kept quiet about a six-year stint on the Wal-Mart board of directors, the Times reports. She championed environmental issues and the cause of women in management, but with Wal-Mart a popular Democratic Party target, the presidential candidate has been forced to cut many...

YouTube to Co-Host Debate
YouTube to Co-Host Debate

YouTube to Co-Host Debate

Viral video site goes from embarrassing candidates to sponsoring debates

(Newser) - YouTube, the viral-video nemesis of many a gaffe-prone political candidate, will co-sponsor a Democratic presidential debate July 23rd in Charleston, South Carolina. CNN is the television partner for the debate, which will be the first of six, the DNC announced yesterday. 

House Dems Slam Pope's Threat
House Dems Slam Pope's Threat

House Dems Slam Pope's Threat

(Newser) - A group of House Democrats bridled at Pope Benedict's recent suggestion that politicians who support abortion rights should be excommunicated, The Hill reports. Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut led 18 legislators in condemning the Pope's comment, which "offends the very nature of the American experiment," according to their...

Dems, President Get Serious On Iraq Compromise

A day of pomp and American flags leads back to the drawing board

(Newser) - After a day of partisan theatrics—what the Politico notes may rank as the Capitol's most celebrated sendoff for a doomed bill—work gets serious on a compromise war spending bill that may include benchmarks but no timelines. Bush meets with congressional leaders to begin formal negotiations today, even as...

Big Business Turns Blue
Big Business Turns Blue

Big Business Turns Blue

Companies fill Dems' war chests, seeking traction with ruling party

(Newser) - Corporate America is shifting campaign contributions from GOP soulmates to Democrats, eager to bond with new legislative gatekeepers. Coffers aren't swelling across the board, though; a Wall Street Journal analysis shows pro-business Dems are pulling in most of it. General Dynamics, Honeywell International, Home Depot. and Aflac are among those...

Dems Unite to Slam Iraq In First Debate

Candidates united to attack Bush for continuation of unpopular war

(Newser) - Eight Democrats butted heads last night in the first '08 debate, not so much with each other but with the president over the war in Iraq. Candidates at South Carolina State University  competed at panning the war for making the country less safe and Bush for ignoring the voters' will...

Barack Trumps Hillary in Battle for Primary Cash

It's nearly even after Round One, and Obama's made some unexpected friends

(Newser) - Barack topped Hill in the primary fundraising race, figures released yesterday showed, and New York mag knows why: Obama has not only won over some key Clinton-family loyalists, but culled a new generation of fortysomething donors with ample assets and Rolodexes to match. The result is Obama's $24.8 million...

Democratic Soapbox Disappears With Imus

Politicians fear losing a pipeline to white male voters

(Newser) - The cancellation of the Don Imus' show creates a vacuum for Democratic pols  who've used it to reach the white, politically independent men that were Imus's prime audience, the LA Times reports. Democratic candidates like Joe Lieberman,  Chris Dodd, John Kerry, and Harold E. Ford were among those who...

Immigration Reform Back On Bush Agenda

Even with Democrats more receptive, plan will be tough sell

(Newser) - President Bush is making another run at immigration reform, armed with the hope that the Democratic Congress will be more receptive than his own party was last year. In Arizona today Bush will reintroduce a package that sounds suspiciously like his earlier attempt: increased border security, better enforcement of immigration...

Third Gonzales Aide Resigns
Third Gonzales
Aide Resigns

Third Gonzales Aide Resigns

Monica Goodling resigns after declining to testify on dismissals of U.S. attorneys

(Newser) - Gonzales aide Monica Goodling resigned yesterday, a little more than a week after she plead the fifth rather than testify before a Senate committee about the Justice Department's firing of eight U.S. attorneys, the Times reports. Democrats had hoped Goodling, who was Justice's liaison to  the White House, would...

GOP Lags In Campaign Cash
GOP Lags In Campaign Cash

GOP Lags In Campaign Cash

Democrats top Republican donors for the first time in 30 years

(Newser) - Democratic presidential hopefuls have outperformed their GOP rivals at raising primary cash for the first time since 1976. In the first quarter the score was $79 mil to $51 mil, which seems portentous: Bob Dole's campaign manager confesses to the Times that the Dems "seem to have a lot...

Swift Boater Gets Recess Appointment

Bush slips three controversial conservatives past Senate

(Newser) - President Bush doled out three major recess appointments yesterday to  conservatives Democrats found distasteful. Ambassador to Belgium went to Sam Fox, a top-tier donor to Republican causes including Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the 527 that sank John Kerry’s shot at the White House.

Obama Raises $25 Million
Obama Raises $25 Million

Obama Raises $25 Million

Senator surprises pundits with grassroots results

(Newser) - Barack Obama has raised $25 million for his presidential bid, more than doubling his own projections for the quarter and falling just short of archrival Hillary Clinton’s $26 mil. Obama announced the figure to the Chicago Tribune today, revealing donations that have been far more diffuse than Clinton's—from...

Obama Played Hardball Early
Obama Played Hardball Early

Obama Played Hardball Early

Candidate burned political benefactor, among others, in Chicago

(Newser) - Barack Obama showed his acumen for sharp-elbowed politics early on, according to a report in the Tribune. The 2008 hopeful, famous for his affable and earnest optimism, launched his career in an old-fashioned Chicagoan way,  by pushing a former political mentor off a ballot, He won "not by...

Edwards Gains on Clinton, Passes Obama

In New Hampshire poll, it's suddenly a three-way race

(Newser) - John Edwards pushed past Barack and sliced into Hillary's comfortable lead in the latest New Hampshire poll, putting all three cadidates in a statistical dead heat. Clinton dropped from 35% of likely Democratic voters in February  to 27%. Edwards rose from 16% to 21%, and Obama lost a point, from...

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