
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Vegan Shoes Walk Right In
 Vegan Shoes Walk Right In 

Vegan Shoes Walk Right In

Plus, white bucks are back and heels are lowered

(Newser) - Veganism isn’t just for food anymore. “Times have never been better for vegan fashion,” a PETA spokesperson says. “Vegan apparel and accessories companies are sprouting up everywhere in the US.” The Wall Street Journal tried out three pairs of vegan shoes and determined that synthetic...

Skinny Jeans Craze Puts the Squeeze on Guys

Style trumps comfort as trend hits not-so-hip

(Newser) - The market for skinny jeans is expanding, as more and more men looking to show off their assets are pouring themselves into tight fitting styles, the Wall Street Journal reports. But as they target a crowd beyond the usual hipsters, skaters, and hip-hoppers, manufacturers are giving customers a bit of...

Rompers: Play Clothes for Grown-Ups
 Play Clothes 
 for Grown-Ups 

Rompers: Play Clothes for Grown-Ups

Writer gives up, tries a few on—and actually likes some

(Newser) - When Jessica Grose found herself unwittingly trying on a romper during a shopping trip, she was horrified. After all, “it should be obvious that rompers were not originally intended to make adult women look hot,” Grose writes on DoubleX, remembering her reaction the first time she saw a...

Beer's New Role: Cocktail Mixer
Beer's New Role: 
Cocktail Mixer 

Beer's New Role: Cocktail Mixer

New drinks throw away rules about mixing alcohol

(Newser) - The days of keeping your beer and liquor separate are over, with bartenders crafting crossover drinks that mix beer with other spirits—even wine. “Other countries have been doing this for a long time,” one beer connoisseur tells the New York Times. Creations range from the “Muddy...

Japan's Latest Fad: Spouse-Hunting

Bars, bras, and baseball games get in on 'konkatsu'

(Newser) - Some call it a passing fad, but in Japan, konkatsu—"marriage hunting"—has inspired events in venues ranging from bars to baseball stadiums, the Wall Street Journal reports. A book that uses the word, punning on the words for “marriage” and “activity,” has sold 170,...

Energy Drinks: The Manic Lure of Liquid Uppers

(Newser) - Energy drinks are experiencing such a boom that every group seems to have its own—like the Christian “1 in 3 Trinity” beverage, “fused with both ‘fruit of the spirit’ and 1000 mg of taurine,” writes Julia Langbein for Gourmet. Drink makers “obviously want to...

In Women's Fashion, No Irony After 50

Women of a certain age should stick with elegance, some say

(Newser) - When 50-year-old Madonna showed up at the Met’s costume gala last month wearing a mini-dress and a bow shaped like rabbit ears, it begged the question: How old is too old for ironic touches like knee socks and pigtails? And more importantly, why can’t over-50 women wear certain...

To Beat Heat, Go 'Swizzled,' Not Stirred

West Indies drinks hit it big in New York

(Newser) - Shaken, stirred—or swizzled? This summer, many bartenders are urging patrons to choose the last. An authentic “Swizzle”—as the trendy drinks are called—doesn’t use a plastic stick; rather, a real stick from a Caribbean tree, with prongs that make it nature’s own Mixmaster, reports...

Big Bands Make Big Comeback

Popular 1940s art form experiences fan resurgence

(Newser) - Big bands are back—if not the same ones your grandparents went to see in the 1940s. Today’s big bands play in cafés instead of ballrooms, and instead of waltzers, their audience is made up of music aficionados who want to enjoy the dense, textured sounds. In trendy...

Speakeasies Make Secret Comeback

But they're not very similar to true Prohibition-era bars

(Newser) - Across the US, trendy bars are cropping up—but good luck finding them. These homages to the 1920s speakeasy are obscured by wooden slats, hidden behind other stores, accessible only by password. “People have an affection for this period of American history, and they want the mystery,” one...

'Haute Pink' Is the New Black
 'Haute Pink' Is the New Black 

'Haute Pink' Is the New Black

Bright colors spell optimism in troubled times

(Newser) - As economic woes plague the country, fashionistas are turning to bright, cheery colors—most notably hot pink, the Wall Street Journal reports. Even in New York, those who once wore only black are buying fuchsia ties and designing magenta kitchens. With men who might balk at the traditionally feminine hue,...

Tea: Hot Drink of Geek Elite
 Tea: Hot Drink of Geek Elite 

Tea: Hot Drink of Geek Elite

(Newser) - Silicon Valley’s tastemakers are trading coffee for the soothing sensation of fine tea, reports Wired. The same tech giants who helped fuel the Starbucks craze are flocking to expensive teas, and tea lounges are popping up in the Bay Area to meet the demand. “It’s the new...

Kiddie Chefs Should Go to Their Rooms
 Kiddie Chefs Should 
 Go to Their Rooms 

Kiddie Chefs Should Go to Their Rooms

Child foodie trend is an insult to culinary world

(Newser) - Rachel Ray's smile may curdle your soul, but it's nothing next to the "absurd" child foodie trend, writes Regina Schrambling in Slate. From a 12-year-old restaurant critic to a 5-year-old host of a cooking show, a woeful food movement is upon us: "Today chefs barely out of...

While We're At It, Give Marriage a Bailout

Recession, laws making it more expensive, so make nuptials easier

(Newser) - Between the recession and various legal knots, it’s no wonder so many Americans are eschewing marriage, Mark Penn writes in the Wall Street Journal. Either go with the bailout flow and revamp tax codes and the like to make marriage easier and less financially constrictive, or use similar tactics...

Lab Is Top US Dog, 18 Years and Counting

Yorkshire terrier is second; bulldog now at No. 8 and gaining fast

(Newser) - The Obamas’ pup could change things, but for now the playful Labrador retriever remains America’s most popular purebred, the American Kennel Club calculates. It's the Lab’s 18th consecutive year as king; the Yorkshire terrier and German shepherd are second and third, Reuters reports. Bulldogs moved up two spots,...

Can Obama End Brotherhood of the Sagging Pants?

It's possible: JFK killed the hat

(Newser) - Fashion experts have their eyes on Barack Obama with a burning question: Can he inspire the young men of America to pull up their pants? The president-elect himself has said it's time to end the low-ride movement, and some have trotted out the (disputed) comparison of JFK single-handedly killing the...

Comic Becomes Bible of Asia's Wine Culture

Wannabe oenophiles takes cues from The Drops of the Gods

(Newser) - What do Freddie Mercury and a Jean-François Millet painting have in common? Both have been used to describe wine in The Drops of the Gods, a Japanese comic series that’s quickly becoming the go-to wine literature in Asia, reports the New York Times. Customers tend to ask for...

Trendy Pomegranates Have a Downside, Too

The trendy fruit has some drawbacks

(Newser) - Those five bottles of pomegranate juice you drink per day to help you live longer? Turns out they could be hurting you, reports the Chicago Tribune. Pomegranates, which have reached “superstar status” because of their alleged health benefits, can interfere with a number of drugs, including Crestor and Lipitor....

Ignore Hype of 'Wine Clones'
 Ignore Hype of 'Wine Clones' 

Ignore Hype of 'Wine Clones'

Americans wine drinkers are bowled over by smuggled vines

(Newser) - If you believe the hype of many American wineries, you don’t have to travel to Burgundy to sample grand cru pinot noir—thanks to "suitcase clones": American wines that supposedly had their start as smuggled cuttings from the mother country. Though “such stories may excite gullible consumers,...

Big Families Bring Big Rewards
Big Families Bring Big Rewards

Big Families Bring Big Rewards

One (non-celebrity) mother writes of the joys of her hefty brood

(Newser) - With Angelina Jolie and Sarah Palin in the parenting spotlight, could big families be back in vogue again? Meagan Francis wonders just that in the Christian Science Monitor, but the mother of 4—soon to be 5—doesn't particularly care about being hip. Instead she writes about the rewards that...

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