
Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Builds Even More Bridges to GOP

(Newser) - Barack Obama's courting of conservatives is well-known, but he's done even more quiet outreach behind the scenes, Politico reports. Obama has publicly extended an olive branch to the likes of John McCain, Rick Warren, and George Will—but he's also contacted prominent Republicans on Capitol Hill and organizations such as...

Palin Wishes She'd Talked to the Media More

Governor wishes she'd spoken to reporters more

(Newser) - Sarah Palin wishes she’d interacted with the media more while campaigning with John McCain, the Alaska governor told Human Events. Palin identified her “biggest mistake” in the ’08 campaign as not taking a more active role in communicating with voters through the media. “I was not...

Iowa High Court Takes Up Gay Marriage Ban

Capital expects large crowds for landmark decision

(Newser) - Iowa's Supreme Court begins hearing a same-sex marriage case this week that could give gay activists their first heartland victory, reports the Des Moines Register. The state capital was abuzz with preparations for watch parties, town hall meetings, and court overflow rooms to accommodate the large crowds expected for this...

Column Deriding Gay Marriage Riles Campus

U. of Wash. students fume over column's bestiality illustration

(Newser) - An opinion column denouncing gay marriage—and illustrated with an image of a man adjacent to a sheep—has many University of Washington students beside themselves and demanding sensitivity training for their student newspaper, reports The Seattle Times. The editor of The Daily has refused to apologize, citing the need...

Far Right Cheers Hillary at State

Neocons, writers trumpet her ability to defy party on foreign policy

(Newser) - The far right is warming to the idea of Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, with neocons, righty writers, and a manager of Bill’s impeachment trial all getting excited about her perceived “willingness to veer right on international policy,” writes Ana Marie Cox at the Daily Beast....

The Culture Wars, College Football Style
The Culture Wars, College Football Style

The Culture Wars, College Football Style

Michigan-Ohio State rivalry illuminates tale of '60s, '70s upheaval

(Newser) - The cultural disconnect between conservative college football programs and America’s liberalizing culture in the late 1960s and early ‘70s is the theme of War as They Knew It, a book by Detroit Free Press columnist Michael Rosenberg. The survey of the Michigan-Ohio State rivalry (which continues tomorrow) through...

NYT Slaps Reporter for Facebook Source

Reporter reprimanded for messaging minors

(Newser) - Backlash against the New York Times reporter who contacted minors on Facebook to locate sources has led Times public editor Clark Hoyt to declare, “I would not have sent the messages.” Jodi Kantor, author of last month’s unflattering front-page profile of Cindy McCain, reached out to classmates...

Doggone It, Obama's Better Than I Thought
Doggone It, Obama's Better Than I Thought

Doggone It, Obama's Better Than I Thought

First pooch search shows his political skill, empathy: Kristol

(Newser) - For William Kristol, election night was bad, but not dreadful, for his fellow conservatives—until the president-elect promised his daughters a puppy. Suddenly, writes the New York Times columnist, Barack Obama showed "competence plus warmth, a pretty potent combination." Forget winning an electoral college landslide; it was...

Conservatives Plan Future With Palin

Conservatives meet to make plans

(Newser) - A “who’s who of conservative leaders” will meet in Virginia next Wednesday to plot their movement’s future, and the top item on their agenda will be Sarah Palin. Win or lose, many see Palin as the new face of the Republican party, the New York Times reports....

In 8 Years, Bush Revolutionized Appeals Courts

Below the high court, conservative judges for decades to come

(Newser) - George W. Bush's two appointments tilted the Supreme Court to the right—but it's at the appellate level where his judicial legacy is greatest. The president has appointed fully a third of all appeals court judges, and Republican appointees now control 10 of the 13 circuits. The result, writes the...

Looks Over, but Don't Count Out Conservatives: Noonan

McCain's 43% or more of the vote isn't nothing

(Newser) - For all of Barack Obama’s skill and John McCain’s clumsiness, the Republican can still count on at least 43% of the vote, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal. McCain might come back (there's still an awful lot of undecideds), but even if he doesn’t, more...

GOP Intellectuals Jump Mac's Ship, Leaving Wingnuts

Columnist's schadenfreude turns to dread over the new face of the party

(Newser) - It’s been a fun time for liberals, writes Rosa Brooks in the LA Times. Though initially worried about the boost Sarah Palin gave to John McCain’s polling numbers, Dems were then treated to the defections of some of the GOP’s brightest thinkers. Columnists David Brooks, Charles Krauthammer,...

Palin's Rise Proves GOP Just Doesn't Care
Palin's Rise Proves GOP
Just Doesn't Care

Palin's Rise Proves GOP Just Doesn't Care

Governing not foremost in GOP's mind

(Newser) - If the polls are right, Republicans are about to lose the election, and when that happens Sarah Palin "will reign as the party’s crown princess,” writes Jay Bookman in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. That would be a travesty, because Palin epitomizes the reason Republicans are falling from favor:...

GOP Is Brilliant at Blaming the Victim: Frank
GOP Is Brilliant at Blaming the Victim: Frank

GOP Is Brilliant at Blaming the Victim: Frank

Conservatives can't admit deregulation has failed, says Frank

(Newser) - Even in a financial crisis obviously precipitated by an orgy of deregulation, writes Wall Street Journal columnist Thomas Frank, the right has done a spectacular job deflecting blame. Looking to point the finger at something other than "unbridled pecuniary motives," conservatives have targeted Democrat-friendly Fannie Mae and Freddie...

Blogger's Pursuit of Paternity Issue Verges on Vendetta

Atlantic 's Sullivan engaging in 'Rove-style politics,' critics charge

(Newser) - Andrew Sullivan, blogger for the Atlantic, has come under fire for hammering John McCain’s campaign on an issue everyone else seems to have gotten over: whether or not Sarah Palin or her teen daughter Bristol is the mother of 4-month-old Trig Palin, Howard Kurtz writes in the Washington Post....

Where Conservatives Have it Wrong
 Have it Wrong 

Where Conservatives Have it Wrong

Individualism can't solve everything for a social species

(Newser) - Barry Goldwater wrote that the key to conservatism is “maximizing freedom,” and since his time, individual liberty has been the party’s central tenet. But people are a “deeply interconnected,” social species, as study after study has found —and today’s conservatives need to recognize...

Why Her 'Servant's Heart' Matters
 Why Her

Why Her 'Servant's Heart' Matters

Palin's speech demonstrated ordinary, old-time conservative values

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has the “power of the normal,” and she has the Democrats rightfully running scared, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal. The mother of 5 with her hockey-mom jokes and imperfect voice is "vividly genuine," a trait that helped her be the first...

Why Sarah Palin Didn't Get the Harriet Miers Treatment

Absurd, since she's more inexperienced that Bush's ill-fated Supreme Court nominee

(Newser) - E.J. Dionne can't resist comparing John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate to President Bush's attempt to put Harriet Miers on the Supreme Court. “Palin is, if anything, less qualified for the vice presidency (and the presidency) than Miers was for the court,”...

No Charges for Biased Justice Officials: Mukasey

Former employees have already faced internal consequences, AG says

(Newser) - Michael Mukasey said today the ex-Justice Department employees who discriminated against candidates in hiring for political reasons will not face criminal charges, the New York Times reports. Prosecution would be inappropriate, the AG said, because the biased hiring practices violated federal civil service law, not criminal law.

Conservative Artists Should Stand Tall
Conservative Artists Should Stand Tall

Conservative Artists Should Stand Tall

They can't 'battle this state of affairs with silence' in Hollywood

(Newser) - There are conservatives in Hollywood, writes Andrew Klavan in the Washington Post. Unfortunately, they are all tip-toeing and cowering, afraid of being dismissed by liberals who run the town—and it’s time that stopped. Liberal values pervade TV and movies, and not just in message films. It is artistic...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>