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Hate it When People Get Your Name Wrong? You Shouldn't

Scientists say almost everyone does it, even with dogs

(Newser) - Almost everyone has done it one time or another: mix up the names of family members or friends. And so a cognitive scientist whose mother would often call her by her siblings' and even the family dog's name set out to learn why. Reporting in the journal Memory &...

Surprise: Running May Actually Make Knees Healthier

Study finds running lessens risk factors associated with knee inflammation

(Newser) - "It flies in the face of intuition," Matt Seeley tells UPI . Seeley is the co-author of a study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology that may upend what we thought we knew about running's effect on knees. Conventional wisdom says running is hard on the...

Answer in the Desert: 5 Most Incredible Discoveries of the Week

Including a surprise move by a female shark

(Newser) - A new theory about an old desert mystery and an unprecedented feat by a female shark were among the big discoveries of the week:
  • Theory May Finally Explain 'Fairy Circles' : Two theories have long been floated to explain so-called "fairy circles" that pockmark the desert in Namibia: either

Theory May Finally Explain Fabled 'Fairy Circles'

It's a combo of plants and termites

(Newser) - Scientists are always crashing the party when they bring the likeliest but often mundane reasons for mysterious phenomena. Such is the case in Namibia, where so-called "fairy circles" that pockmark the desert are now being explained in the journal Nature as not the footprints of gods or poisoned patches...

After Years Without Mate, Shark Makes Her Own Babies

It's the first time a shark has switched from sexual to asexual reproduction

(Newser) - Australia's Reef HQ aquarium had hoped to scale back its shark breeding program. Its female sharks had other ideas. Over the course of six years, Leonie the zebra or leopard shark had produced more than two dozen offspring before she was separated from her mate in 2012. But in...

Being Rude to Your Kid's Doctor May Be a Health Hazard

It can jeopardize the care children receive, a study found

(Newser) - If you think being tough with your child's doctor is the right way to ensure better care, think again. A new study out of the University of Florida suggests that rude parents can cause serious, even deadly, consequences. Researchers who staged emergency situations in a neonatal intensive care unit...

Vampire Bats Now Feasting on Human Blood

Scientists in Brazil say they're evolving because of a decline in birds

(Newser) - Human encroachment typically means bad news for a given species (recent examples include giraffes and cheetahs ), but one mammal appears to be fighting back. Researchers say the hairy-legged vampire bat has adapted surprisingly fast from drinking the blood of birds to that of humans to survive, reports the Telegraph ...

&#39;Goldilocks Zone&#39; Exists for Teens&#39; Screen Time
'Goldilocks Zone' Exists
for Teens' Screen Time

'Goldilocks Zone' Exists for Teens' Screen Time

New study finds there's a window of time spent on gadgets that can be beneficial

(Newser) - Tapping away on computers, smartphones, and other devices a few hours a day can have beneficial effects on children, a new study found. Despite hand-wringing among experts that kids are spending too much time in a virtual world, the latest research out of Oxford concludes that "moderate engagement …...

Filling Cavities: 5 Most Incredible Discoveries of the Week

Including a surprising move by a monkey

(Newser) - A potential new way of filling cavities and a study sure to cheer those too busy to work out during the week were among the discoveries making headlines:
  • Alzheimer's Drug May Help Your Teeth : A novel therapy holds promise for changing the way dentists treat your cavities—they'd

Study: Kids Copy Superheroes' Aggression, Not Altruism

They may find it tricky to disentangle aggressive vs. helpful behaviors

(Newser) - A new study finds that children who are "highly engaged" with superheroes were more likely to be aggressive a year later. Researchers twice evaluated 240 preschoolers and kindergartners at four sites across the western US, analyzing their levels of three types of aggression at both points: physical (hitting, kicking),...

How Stress Turns Into a Physical Heart Attack
How Stress Turns
Into a Physical
Heart Attack

How Stress Turns Into a Physical Heart Attack

It involves a signal from your brain to your bone marrow

(Newser) - Scientists have long cautioned that stress is bad for the heart, and a new study provides insight into precisely why. In the Lancet , researchers lay out a chain of events: When people feel stress, the amygdala area of the brain—it processes emotions such as fear and danger—fires up...

Bad News: Booze Gives You the Munchies, Too
Bad News: Booze Gives
You the Munchies, Too

Bad News: Booze Gives You the Munchies, Too

At least it does in lab mice

(Newser) - You might hear your stomach rumbling, telling you to fill it with something tasty, but the actual impulse to eat originates in the brain. Now researchers studying the brain cells responsible—called agouti-related protein (AgRP) neurons—say that alcohol activates them, thereby triggering the urge to eat even though alcohol...

Cows Once as Big as Elephants May Soon Roam Europe

Welcome back the aurochs, or something like it

(Newser) - Standing nearly as tall as an elephant, the aurochs grazed for 250,000 years until its extinction in 1627. But its story may not end there: Scientists say they are close to resurrecting the "supercow," once the largest land mammal in Europe, reports CNN . In search of herbivores...

Lonely Deer-Humping Monkey Shocks Scientists, Internet

It's only the second time such a thing has been documented

(Newser) - One lonely snow monkey in Japan is taking animal sexuality to strange new places. In a study published Tuesday in Primates , researchers documented a monkey having or attempting sexual relations with at least two sika deer. While one of the deer ran off, the monkey mounted another deer and ejaculated...

Exercising Only One Day a Week Still Pays Off
Too Busy for Daily
Workouts? That's OK

Too Busy for Daily Workouts? That's OK

Study finds that 'weekend warriors' still reap benefits

(Newser) - Hate having to drag yourself to the gym after work? A new JAMA study suggests people who exercise only on the weekend enjoy much of the same benefits as weekday gym-goers. Researchers at Loughborough University in the UK who reviewed data on more than 63,500 mostly white adults found...

Mothers Tend to Hold Babies on the Left
Signal Dictates
Where Mom
Holds Baby
new study

'Ancient' Signal Dictates Where Mom Holds Baby

'Positional bias' is common among humans and wild animals

(Newser) - It's long been observed that mothers tend to cradle their infants on their left side, and this has long been at least informally attributed to handedness (so that right-handed mothers have the right hand free). Now researchers report in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution that "positional bias"...

Filling a Cavity May Never Be the Same

Alzheimer's drug tideglusib gets them to fill themselves

(Newser) - A novel therapy holds real promise in changing the way dentists treat your cavities—they'd get the cavities to fill themselves. As the Guardian reports, researchers at King's College London found that they could stimulate stem cells within the teeth to regenerate through a relatively simple approach: They...

Our Moon May Have Been Created From 'Moonlets'

A series of cosmic collisions may have spawned the smaller moonlets

(Newser) - A series of cosmic collisions may have spawned multiple moonlets that morphed into the one big moon we know today, the AP reports. Rather than one giant impact that knocked off part of early Earth and created the moon, a number of smaller collisions may have produced lots of mini-moons,...

A Blood Test Predicts How Well You're Going to Age

What secrets lurk within?

(Newser) - Every time the oldest people in the world celebrate a birthday, they're inevitably asked their secret to aging. Some cite alcohol, others the lack of it; some how much they sleep, others how little; many talk about just relaxing , and almost all pay homage to having good genes. Now...

Lost City Found: 5 Most Incredible Discoveries of the Week

Man says he followed hunch, found lost city

(Newser) - A lost city and a new organ make this week's list of interesting discoveries:
  • Dinosaur Eggs Hatched in Potentially Troublesome Way : A Florida State University professor thinks he's solved one of the "greatest riddles" about non-avian dinosaurs: Did their eggs incubate slowly like those of lizards, or

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