
Stories 21 - 36 | << Prev 

Palin Sorry for 'Pro-America' Remark

Candidate says sorry for misunderstanding; discusses what she'd do as VP

(Newser) - Sarah Palin apologized last night for any misunderstandings created by her remarks about "pro-America areas of this great nation." The candidate told a CNN interviewer she hadn't meant to imply that parts of the country are unpatriotic. "If that's the way it came across, I apologize,"...

When Did Patriots Stop Paying Taxes?
When Did Patriots Stop Paying Taxes?

When Did Patriots Stop Paying Taxes?

Palin dead wrong; now is time for US taxpayer to step up: Friedman

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is really asking for it, writes Thomas Friedman in the New York Times, when she blithely criticizes paying taxes as unpatriotic—especially when Uncle Sam needs the cash to pay for wars and a bailout that she supports. Does Palin "think borrowing money from China is more...

Obama on Warpath Pleases, Worries Pundits
Obama on Warpath Pleases, Worries Pundits

Obama on Warpath Pleases, Worries Pundits

It was the right speech ... the speech Dem had to give ... a mashup of speeches ...

(Newser) - The chattering class saw strength—even Rovian aggression—in Barack Obama’s acceptance speech, for better or worse. A sampling of what observers are saying:
  • The Democratic nominee managed to be about voters, not himself, magnificently deflecting John McCain’s entire “celebrity” narrative, Michael Tomasky writes in the Guardian.

New McCain Attack: Obama Wants to Lose War

Republicans say Dem is serving own purposes

(Newser) - John McCain’s inner circle tried a new line of attack against Barack Obama today, charging that the presumptive Democratic nominee and his entire party want to lose the Iraq war to serve their own political purposes. Said McCain’s top foreign policy hand, “Senator Obama seems to think...

Real Patriots Criticize the Government
 Real Patriots Criticize
 the Government 

Real Patriots Criticize the Government

American ideals more important than scare of the minute

(Newser) - Patriotism is the word of the day, but what does it mean? For Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, it means fighting for your country’s ideals. "I believe I'm lucky to be an American because our founding document embraces the revolutionary idea that any citizen should be able...

Black, Red, White &amp; Blue
Black, Red, White & Blue 

Black, Red, White & Blue

Obama's patriotism questioned at historic moment

(Newser) - For black Americans, patriotism is a complex sentiment, but "complicated relationships tend to be the deepest and strongest," writes Eugene Robinson in the Washington Post. Barack Obama’s candidacy shows how far we've come, but "it is not common, in my experience, for sitting US senators to...

Say, That Star-Spangled Banner Is Huge!

Gigantic flags greet sports fans nationwide

(Newser) - A decades-old trend for field-sized Stars and Stripes at sporting events shows no signs of flagging, writes the New York Times. A flag big enough for the Statue of Liberty to wear as a cape will cover Yankee Stadium's turf before the upcoming all-star game—and the giant 150-foot banner...

Patriotism Is Latest Plank in Balancing Act

Dem is battle-tested, yet he still needs to define himself in many voters' eyes

(Newser) - Barack Obama is still doing battle to define himself, with his patriotism the latest thrust, Dan Balz writes in the Washington Post. But as he wrapped himself in the flag yesterday, Obama was revealed as both “stronger and weaker” than earlier in the year—stronger because he’s battle-hardened,...

Obama Rejects Clark's Remark About McCain

In patriotism speech, Dem says no to devaluing service

(Newser) - Barack Obama today rejected surrogate Wesley Clark’s suggestion that being shot down in Vietnam didn’t qualify John McCain for the presidency, the LA Times reports. A rep said Obama “honors and respects” McCain’s service. In a speech in Independence, Mo., Obama said: “Patriotism is supporting...

2 Candidates, 2 Americas: Old Values vs. New
2 Candidates, 2 Americas:
Old Values vs. New

2 Candidates, 2 Americas: Old Values vs. New

McCain represents tradition that's changing

(Newser) - It's not just youth vs. age, Peggy Noonan writes of the general election contest that began in earnest this week, it's a battle of the Old America vs. the New America—"between the thing we were, and the thing we have been becoming for 40 years or so."...

Get Back to the 'One Nation,' Barack
  Get Back to the
 'One Nation,'

Get Back to the 'One Nation,' Barack

Candidate lost message of patriotism, unity in wooing white working class

(Newser) - Give us our “one nation” Obama back, the New Republic editors demand: Barack has been "sapping the charisma from his campaign” to chase down the white working class, and now that Clinton is (all but) gone, it’s time to pivot back to pure patriotism. Trumpeting national unity...

Let's Stick This Pin on the Constitution
 Let's Stick This Pin
 on the Constitution 

Let's Stick This Pin on the Constitution

If it's that big a deal, then make patriotic lapel pin the 28th Amendment

(Newser) - If flag pins are so very important, it ought to be illegal not to wear one, Roland Martin writes on CNN. The obvious root of all our nation’s problems stops with Amendment 28: Elected officials must wear flag lapel pins. Heck, why stop at pins? Shouldn’t the candidates...

Obama Bristles at GOP: 'Lay Off My Wife'

Dem front-runner also scolds McCain on lobbyist connections

(Newser) - Barack Obama today responded with vigor to Tennessee Republicans' spotlighting wife Michelle’s “proud of my country” comments, saying, “these folks should lay off my wife.” Appearing on ABC, the Democratic front-runner tried to lay down some boundaries for the general election, Talking Points Memo reports, saying...

Tenn. GOP Rips 'Anti-American' Mrs. O on Web

Obama camp blasts 'shameful' tactic

(Newser) - The Tennessee GOP has produced a controversial internet video attack on Michelle Obama, blasting her recent remarks that she was proud of America "for the first time in my adult life." The four-minute video, released yesterday to coincide with her campaign visit to the state, features Tennessee residents...

When GOP Says 'American,' It Really Means 'White'
When GOP Says 'American,'
It Really Means 'White'

When GOP Says 'American,' It Really Means 'White'

On unpopular side of issues, McCain and Co. seem set to play to biases

(Newser) - John McCain’s first post-primary ad declares him “the American president Americans have been waiting for," and the repetition tells all, Harold Meyerson writes in the Washington Post. Forget "strong," or "experienced," he notes. For the GOP, " ‘American’ is a term to...

Obama Needs 'Act II'
 Obama Needs 'Act II' 

Obama Needs 'Act II'

And its focus should be America itself, Noonan advises in the Journal

(Newser) - Act I was his grand entrance, and Act III will be his acceptance speech at the party convention, but now Barack Obama needs an Act II, Peggy Noonan writes in the Wall Street Journal—and the subject of the act should be America. John McCain carries love of country “...

Stories 21 - 36 | << Prev