Democratic candidates

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The Average American Is Worth More Than Tim Walz
The Average American Is
Worth More Than Tim Walz
the rundown

The Average American Is Worth More Than Tim Walz

VP nominee doesn't own stocks, is thought to be worth $330K, unusual for a high-profile candidate

(Newser) - In the week of getting to know Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz, focus has turned to the Minnesota governor's finances—or what CNBC describes as a "modest financial profile" that stands "in stark contrast to that of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump."
  • For one thing,

Who Is Tim Walz?
Who Is Tim Walz?
the rundown

Who Is Tim Walz?

Progressive Minnesota governor goes from dark horse to Kamala Harris' running mate

(Newser) - Now that Kamala Harris has settled on Tim Walz as her running mate , the question becomes: Who is Tim Walz? A look at coverage of the Minnesota governor:
  • Profiles: The 60-year-old Nebraska native enlisted in the Army National Guard at 17, served 24 years, and eventually settled in Mankato, Minnesota,

Capitol Cop Who Worked Jan. 6 Now Wants a Seat in Congress

Harry Dunn vows to continue fighting to protect democracy

(Newser) - For more than 15 years, Harry Dunn protected Congress as a Capitol police officer. "I did all that I can do in that role to protect, defend, and preserve democracy," he tells Politico . "But that is exhausted now." Dunn, among a handful of law enforcement officers...

Trump's Ex-Fixer Is Fixing for a Seat in Congress

Michael Cohen is considering run in New York as a Dem, with possible primary against Jerry Nadler

(Newser) - Former Trump fixer , ex-attorney , and convicted felon Michael Cohen may soon be adding a new descriptor before his name: congressional candidate. "I am interested and there's a multitude of folks encouraging me to run," the 56-year-old told Semafor on Thursday, noting that he lives on Manhattan's...

NRA's Congressional Report Card Is Out. One Party Got Mostly F's

For first time in 25 years, not a single Dem candidate received an A from gun rights group

(Newser) - It's not terribly surprising that Democrats running for Congress this year received a dismal report card from the National Rifle Association, as they tend to be much more critical of the gun rights advocacy organization than their Republican counterparts. What makes this year's candidate ratings from the NRA'...

House Candidate Attempted Suicide After Sleepover Mess

Abby Broyles drops out of race, gets frank about her situation

(Newser) - The low point for Abby Broyles apparently wasn't when she mixed a sleeping pill and wine and blacked out while at the house of a friend who was hosting a sleepover for middle schoolers and verbally abused the girls. In a long and frank Medium essay posted Thursday, Broyles...

Biden Signals He Doesn't Want 2 Terms

But there's debate on whether to admit that fact publicly

(Newser) - Joe Biden badly wants to be president, but apparently not for eight years. The 77-year-old former vice president has indicated to aides that he would serve only a single term if elected president next fall, Politico reports. "He's going to be 82 years old in four years and...

Clinton-Gabbard Feud Is Now in Full Swing

Hawaii congresswoman calls Clinton 'queen of the warmongers' after Clinton insinuations

(Newser) - It's the presidential primary fight no one really expected: Hillary Clinton versus one of the lowest-polling Dems in the race. In a podcast appearance this week, the former secretary of state took a swing at who most people agree was Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, saying that the Russians had...

New Poll Is Bad News for Kamala Harris

She drops 12 points in CNN poll from surge after first debate

(Newser) - Joe Biden has bounced back from his debate squabble with Kamala Harris, who is now floundering, according to a new CNN poll. With the support of 29% of potential Democratic voters, up 7 points since late June, Biden regains a double-digit lead over Bernie Sanders (15%) and Elizabeth Warren (14%),...

Marianne Williamson's Words on Reparations Made Waves
Marianne Williamson's Words
on Reparations Made Waves
the rundown

Marianne Williamson's Words on Reparations Made Waves

Her argument was hailed as 'powerful'

(Newser) - In Tuesday night's Democratic debate, Marianne Williamson was asked about her stance on reparations—and some are hailing her answer as the best that's been given. In questioning her, Don Lemon stated that Williamson has been "calling for up to $500 billion in financial assistance. What makes...

Democrats Had a Diverse Field, Then the White-Man Surge

Last 11 are straight white guys, and Nate Silver wonders about a 'certain type of privilege' at play

(Newser) - Just a few months ago, straight white men were a minority among Democrats' 2020 candidates. In fact, as Nate Silver points out at , only one such guy (John Delaney) even existed among 11 major candidates. Since then, however, things have changed in a big way. The last 11...

Bill de Blasio's 2020 Launch Has a Hiccup

Teenager scoops everyone by revealing NYC mayor's decision to run a day in advance

(Newser) - Another day, another Democratic candidate. This time it's New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who announced his 2020 campaign with a video and an appearance on Good Morning America, reports ABC News . The 58-year-old, currently in his second term, is running on a "working people first" theme....

No. 22: Another Democrat Is In, With a Key Bragging Point

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock has won in a solidly red state

(Newser) - Democrats are closing in on the two-dozen mark. Montana Gov. Steve Bullock joined the race Tuesday morning, making him (by most counts) the 22nd major candidate to do so. As the Daily Beast notes, the 53-year-old has one key attribute he's expected to bring up often: He knows how...

Candidate No. 20 Has One Thing Republicans Will Like

Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton opposed Nancy Pelosi for House speaker

(Newser) - All political eyes are on Joe Biden this week for his expected entry into the 2020 race. In the meantime, however, the 20th Democratic candidate has joined the field as a dark horse. Rep. Seth Moulton of Massachusetts, 42, announced his candidacy on Good Morning America and in a YouTube...

Poll Shows Biden's 2 Big Advantages Over Clinton

He's viewed more favorably, would best GOP contenders: poll

(Newser) - Now would be a good time for Joe Biden to enter the 2016 race. Sure, he'd lose the element of surprise come debate time, but he'd pop up as the most popular candidate according to a recent poll . The survey from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal ...

There's a Spot for Biden in CNN Debate, If He Wants It

VP already meets CNN debate criteria for polling

(Newser) - If Joe Biden wants to blindside his fellow Democrats at the first presidential primary debate next month, CNN has just given him the perfect opportunity. All he needs to do is declare his decision to run before the Oct. 13 debate takes place—even hours before—and he'll be...

Congratulations, You Tied Lincoln Chafee in 2016 Poll

He got zero votes in 1,001-person survey

(Newser) - A Monmouth University poll has some seriously bad news for Lincoln Chafee. The candidate of about 6 six weeks did not get a single vote in a survey of 1,001 registered voters who are Democrats or lean that way. "To be clear, this does not just mean that...

1 in 3 Voters Still Undecided
 1 in 3 Voters Still Undecided 

1 in 3 Voters Still Undecided

Good news for Dems? Not likely, poll finds

(Newser) - A third of voters still haven’t settled on their choices for Election Day, an AP-GfK poll finds. Sounds like good news for the Dems—but in fact, 45% of “persuadable” undecideds are leaning Republican, while only 38% are leaning Democrat, giving the GOP the same 7-point margin it...

Angry Gay Voters Weigh Skipping Polls

Movement leaders say Dems in for rude awakening

(Newser) - If Democrats think they can depend on the gay community on Election Day, they’d better think again: Gay people throughout the US are having doubts over whether to vote at all this year, the AP reports. “We're just used as a piggyback for them to get into office,...

Public-Employees Union No. 1 Election Spender

1.6-million member AFSCME spends $87.5M on campaign

(Newser) - The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees has become the biggest outside donor to the midterm elections, thanks to a last-minute push of funds to Democrats that brings its total election spending to $87.5 million, the Wall Street Journal reports. The organization, which boasts 1.6 million...

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