job creation

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Today's Jobs Report 'Pretty Meh'

Unemployment rate ticks down to 7.3%, 169K new jobs added

(Newser) - The unemployment rate fell to 7.3% in August, and 169,000 jobs were added, today's jobs report reveals. The rate had been expected to hold steady at 7.4%, but 175,000 new jobs were expected. On the decidedly bad-news front, the number of new jobs added in...

80% of New Jobs Since 2009 Have Gone to Men

More men moving into retail sector

(Newser) - Men were hit hardest by job losses during the recession, but they have been way ahead of women in landing newly created jobs since the downturn officially ended in June 2009, the Los Angeles Times finds. Some 80% of the 2.9 million jobs created over the last three years...

Apple Claims It Supports 514K US Jobs—Does It?

Experts question company's analysis

(Newser) - Apple has quantified its effect on the US economy in a new study. Its analysis says its products "create or support" 514,000 US jobs, ranging from the Kansas employees who manufacture glass for the iPhone to the UPS driver who brings that iPhone to your home—but that'...

Job Creation in Green Energy Overstated

 Job Creation 
 in Green Energy

Job Creation in Green Energy Overstated

Wall Street Journal thinks 100K figure is way off

(Newser) - The Obama administration says a $10 billion portion of its 2009 stimulus directly prompted the creation of 100,000 jobs in alternative energy, but the claim is difficult to measure. Trouble is, such assessments are based on mathematical formulas and reports, not straightforward counts. Indeed, the Congressional Research Service urged...

How to Create 1.5M Jobs: Bump Up Recycling
How to Create 1.5M Jobs: Bump Up Recycling
new report

How to Create 1.5M Jobs: Bump Up Recycling

Increasing recycling could boost economy and reduce pollution

(Newser) - Help the planet and create jobs, all at the same time? According to a new report, it might be that easy: If the US increases its recycling rate from 33% to 75% by 2030, an additional 1.5 million jobs will be created, according to the Tellus Institute. Why such...

Jobs Plan Stuck, Obama Takes New Tack, New Slogan

Turns to executive orders to create economic relief

(Newser) - Barack Obama's jobs bill may have been stopped in the Senate by Republican filibuster threats , but the president still has plenty of tools at his disposal. Beginning today, he plans to launch a series of measures to help with housing, education, and the economy, reports the New York Times...

Our Best Hope for New Jobs: Starbucks
 Our Best Hope 
 for New Jobs: Starbucks 
Joe Nocera

Our Best Hope for New Jobs: Starbucks

Joe Nocera on Howard Schultz's excellent job creation program

(Newser) - When Joe Nocera heard about Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s plan to turn Starbucks customers’ donations into job-creating microloans, he had one thought: “God bless him,” he writes in the New York Times . Sure the government should be tackling this jobs problem, “but with an election coming...

Perry's Job Program Claims Wildly Inflated

Wall Street Journal looks at the numbers and isn't impressed

(Newser) - Rick Perry often boasts of his $440 million Texas Enterprise Fund, which he says has created more than 59,000 jobs. But the program’s estimates often appear wildly exaggerated, the Wall Street Journal reports. A $50 million grant to Texas A&M for a new Genomic Institute, for example,...

Obama's Job-Creation Team Full of Job Cutters

Advisers from Xerox, Kodak have laid off thousands

(Newser) - Tomorrow, President Obama will meet with his council of advisers on job creation; trouble is, many of its members seem to know more about cutting jobs than adding them. The head of American Express, for example, was appointed to the council days after AmEx cut 550 jobs—despite the firm...

Florida GOPer Pushing to Legalize Dwarf Tossing

All in the name of job creation, of course!

(Newser) - Just when you thought politics couldn't get any zanier, Florida state Rep. Ritch Workman enters stage right. The Republican legislator, who is on a self-pronounced "quest to seek and destroy unnecessary burdens on the freedom and liberties of people" is looking to legalize "dwarf tossing" in the...

Starbucks Wants You to Pay $5 More for Coffee

All in the name of stimulating job growth

(Newser) - Hey Frappuccino drinker, can you spare a fiver? Starbucks is hoping that its customers will begin ponying up an extra $5 beginning next month. No, not because that grande drink now costs $8. Starting Nov. 1, Starbucks will accept donations of $5 or more to its "Jobs for USA"...

Confessions of a 'Job Creator'

 Confessions of a 'Job Creator' 
Dana Milbank

Confessions of a 'Job Creator'

Dana Milbank admits his corporation employs no one

(Newser) - Dana Milbank is a job creator. Oh sure, “I have never knowingly created a job,” he writes in the Washington Post . “But I am a job creator in the sense that Republicans mean when they say ‘don’t tax our job creators more.’” Republicans...

Dems Balking at Obama Jobs Bill

Some lawmakers want to break up $447B bill

(Newser) - President Obama is touring the country trying to sell his $447 billion jobs plan to voters but even some lawmakers from his own party are still skeptical, the New York Times finds. Some Democrats, balking at certain portions of the American Jobs Act, say they cannot support the bill as...

GOP Rep's Jobs Bill Would Abolish Corporate Taxes

Gohmert's plan beats Obama's to House

(Newser) - Louie Gohmert and President Obama's plans to get Americans back to work have the same name—the American Jobs Act of 2011—but that's where the similarities end. Rep. Gohmert, a Republican from Texas, introduced legislation to the House yesterday that would reduce the corporate tax rate from...

Obama's Jobs Bill Goes to Congress Tonight

But it's missing one crucial element, 'Los Angeles Times' notes

(Newser) - "Pass this bill," President Obama said more than two dozen times during his two speeches last week touting his jobs bill —and he’ll say it again tonight when he officially sends the American Jobs Act to Congress. “He will call on Congress to pass the...

Perry Owes Texas' Jobs Boom to ... the Feds

Rick Perry boasts of limited gov't, but numbers tell different story

(Newser) - Rick Perry likes to boast that Texas' leading jobs creation rate comes from limiting taxes and government interference, but in fact many of those jobs are thanks to Washington. And thanks in particular to the military and surging federal spending—along with $25-billion in federal stimulus —government jobs in...

Second Stimulus, Additional Debt Release Coming

President to trade short-term spending for long-term cuts

(Newser) - President Obama's promises to boost jobs and cut the deficit are taking shape, with a new stimulus and tax cuts for companies that hire new workers to be announced in a major address right after Labor Day, reports the Washington Post . The stimulus is said to focus on road...

Obama Blasts GOP Field, Promises Jobs Plan

Plan to be unveiled next month, president tells Iowans

(Newser) - Sounding every inch a campaigner, President Obama went on the attack yesterday as his bus tour of Midwestern states rolled into Minnesota and Iowa. "There are going to be two contrasting visions that are going to be presented" in the run-up to the presidential election, Obama told supporters in...

Sorry, Our Economy Has Never Been on the Mend

Washington better get focused on jobs fast: Paul Krugman

(Newser) - For far too long, we’ve been preoccupied with “the wrong worries,” focusing on the deficit when we should have been working on job creation, writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . Now we’re seeing the fallout from that misguidedness. “Those plunging interest rates and...

Poll: We Hate Congress More Than Ever

Approval dives below 20%

(Newser) - The debt ceiling mess has pushed Congress' already dismal approval ratings into the abyss, according to the latest New York Times / CBS poll. Some 82% of Americans don't approve of the way Congress is doing its job, the lowest rating since the Times started asking the question in...

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