
Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>

Carradine Family Wants FBI to Investigate Death

(Newser) - David Carradine’s family has asked the FBI to look into his death, the New York Daily News reports. “They want an investigation,” said a lawyer for Carradine’s brother. The 72-year-old actor was found in a hotel closet in Bankok with a rope tied to his neck...

Feds to Probe Murder of Abortion Doc

Suspect may have broken 1994 law regulating clinic access

(Newser) - Federal investigators have opened a probe into the murder of abortion provider George Tiller, the AP reports. The Justice Department’s civil rights division will decide if Scott Roeder violated a federal law imposing criminal penalties for harmful conduct against abortion providers and patients. In a brief jailhouse phone interview,...

Feds Boost Abortion Clinic Security Amid Tiller Probe

FBI checks earlier vandalism incident

(Newser) - US Attorney General Eric Holder boosted security for abortion providers yesterday as the FBI investigated a vandalism incident at the clinic operated by slain doctor George Tiller, the Wichita Eagle reports. Tiller reported a threat last month, days after the Women’s Health Care Services clinic sustained thousands of dollars...

Under Fire, USC Drops Ball in Sports Perks Probe

NCAA expands Bush, Mayo investigation; school takes little action

(Newser) - Years after footballer Reggie Bush was accused of accepting gifts from marketers while at USC, the university is still doing almost nothing to investigate the matter, despite the spread of allegations to a top basketball player and coach, the Los Angeles Times reports. Though the NCAA has expanded its own...

Burris Offered Blagojevich a Personal Check

FBI tape reveals offer, but the future senator never sent money

(Newser) - The Senate Ethics Committee will have an interesting conversation to ponder as it considers whether Roland Burris engaged in any shady business before being appointed by Gov. Rod Blagojevich, reports the Chicago Sun-Times. In an exchange secretly taped by the FBI between Burris and Blago's brother before the gubernatorial scandal...

Pilot Transcripts Show Idle Talk, Then Terror

Flight 3407 transcript released ahead of public hearing

(Newser) - Just seconds before the worst US air crash in more than 7 years, the pilot exclaimed "Jesus Christ" and moments later his first officer screamed as Flight 3407 plunged to the ground. A cockpit voice-recorder transcript released today shows that only minutes before the Feb. 12 crash outside Buffalo,...

GOP: Torture Probe Must Include Pelosi

Republicans say speaker knew; hope to quiet Dems on matter

(Newser) - As calls continue for an investigation of Bush administration officials over torture, Republicans think they may have an ace in the hole: Nancy Pelosi, they say, knew waterboarding had taken place but didn’t try to stop it. Some Republicans think threatening the House Speaker will make her and fellow...

Pilot Training Faulted in Buffalo Crash

Captain did opposite of proper procedure when plane stalled

(Newser) - The captain of the commuter plane that crashed in Buffalo in February, killing 50 people, wasn't properly trained on the plane's stall-protection system and had failed several flight tests, the Wall Street Journal reports. When the plane warned of an imminent stall, the pilot did the opposite of proper procedure,...

Fleischer: Subpoena Me —I Dare You

Ex-Bush spokesman would 'be proud to testify' about torture

(Newser) - Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer doesn’t think there should be an investigation of his boss’s torture program. But “I’ll be proud to testify if I get a subpoena,” he said during a panel discussion yesterday. “I’m proud of what we did to protect...

Craigslist Case Investigators Place Ad on Craigslist

Seeks other possible victims in case

(Newser) - Investigators tracking the alleged Craigslist killer's actions are turning to the site at the heart of the case to reach out to more possible victims, the Boston Globe reports. They posted an ad in the site’s “Erotic Services” section reading: “Were you attacked or robbed at a...

Israel Finds No War Crimes in Gaza Attacks

Officials say civilian deaths isolated, unintentional

(Newser) - An Israel Defense Forces probe has found that no Gaza civilians were intentionally harmed in Israel’s recent incursion into the region, Haaretz reports. IDF colonels who weren’t involved in the fighting found that the IDF “adhered to international law and maintained a high level of professionalism and...

Spain to Indict Gonzales, 'Bush Six' Over Gitmo Torture

Prosecutors seek charges in US officials' Gitmo role

(Newser) - Spanish prosecutors will seek charges against Alberto Gonzales and five other Bush-administration officials over their role in torture at Guantanamo, the Daily Beast reports. The prosecutors plan to announce the probe into the so-called Bush Six today at Spain’s central criminal court. “The evidence provided was more than...

Quake City in Italy Begins Construction Probe

Rescuers find pillars made of sand

(Newser) - Reeling from the loss of 293 people and counting from this week's earthquake, officials in Italy's regional capital L'Aquila are investigating whether shoddy construction exacerbated the disaster, reports BBC. The probe is expected to focus on modern structures that rose after stringent safety standards were enacted. Rescuers have reported that...

House Ethics Watchdog Investigating Jackson Jr.

(Newser) - A House ethics panel has launched a “preliminary review” of Illinois Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr's bid for President Obama’s vacant Senate seat, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. The Office of Congressional Ethics, formed last year as an “investigative entity” of private citizens, will look at communications between Jackson’...

Pilot Error Likely in Buffalo Crash

Their training, experience is under scrutiny

(Newser) - Pilot error, not icing, appears to have caused the Continental Airlines crash in Buffalo that killed 50 people Feb. 12, an investigation report released today states. When a warning device alerted pilots they were flying too slowly, they pulled the plane’s nose up—rather than down, as pilots are...

State AGs Probe AIG Bonuses
 State AGs Probe AIG Bonuses 

State AGs Probe AIG Bonuses

Coalition of 19 state officials demands list of AIG bonus recipients

(Newser) - The attorneys general of 19 states have joined forces to investigate the bonus payments made to AIG employees, the Wall Street Journal reports. In a letter to the firm, the coalition demands a list of all employees of the financial products unit who received bonuses after the government started providing...

Pilots Reacted Late in Turkish Air Crash

Pilots were expected to intensely monitor auto landings

(Newser) - The pilots aboard a Turkish Airlines jet that crashed in Amsterdam last week, killing nine people, let their plane slow to a dangerously low speed, a preliminary investigation revealed. Recorded conversations note the trio—who are among the dead—acknowledging a faulty altimeter, but reacting too slowly when the plane...

Child Services Probed Octuplet Mom

Police have visited home eight times; family plans to move

(Newser) - A pre-octuplets Nadya Suleman was investigated by LA’s Department of Children and Family Services, TMZ reports—and cops have been called to her last two homes eight times for reasons ranging from a missing child to a feared break-in. DCFS visited the home in July after a neighbor complained...

Evidence Points to Pilot Error in Buffalo Crash

Investigation insiders say pilot commands, not ice, sent plane into deadly dive

(Newser) - Early examination of the evidence has led investigators to believe that pilot error rather than a buildup of ice was to blame for the crash of Continental Connection Flight 3407, sources tell the Wall Street Journal. Investigative insiders believe the captain incorrectly pulled back on the controls as the aircraft...

Plane's Wreckage Removed to Beat Buffalo Snowstorm

NTSB investigators probing de-icing system, flying conditions

(Newser) - Crews are working to shift the wreckage of Continental Connection Flight 3407 from the crash site before a snowstorm hits, the Buffalo News reports. Half the wreckage has already been removed and five of the plane's six de-icing valves have been recovered. Investigators hope to determine whether the de-icing system,...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>