digital media

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For Albom's Latest, You'll Need a Kindle

Tuesdays With Morrie author releases new text only as an e-book

(Newser) - Mitch Albom's newest work is less than 4,000 words long and available for 99 cents—but only if you have a Kindle e-book reader to view it on. The exclusive deal for the text—a speech Albom delivered to his nephew's graduating class in May—could reveal some of...

Digital Rules Stymie Library of Congress
Digital Rules Stymie Library
of Congress

Digital Rules Stymie Library of Congress

Copyright restrictions make even routine archiving difficult

(Newser) - Anti-copyright laws are irritating not only casual music listeners or movie watchers who want to back up their digital media—even the Library of Congress is butting heads with the rules that forbid the duplication of copyrighted works, Ars Technica finds. And though the library has pushed for changes in...

Taking Analog Stuff Digital? Skip the Gadgets
Taking Analog Stuff Digital? Skip the Gadgets

Taking Analog Stuff Digital? Skip the Gadgets

Products for converting records, tapes, photos just aren't worth it

(Newser) - If you’ve been lamenting the fate of your analog media recently, wishing you could bring records, tapes, or photos into the digital world, new devices are here to help. They just don’t do a very good job of it, laments David Pogue in the New York Times, reviewing...

For Actor, Grand Theft Auto Doesn't Pay

Gaming companies refuse to dole out royalties

(Newser) - He has gained fame and exposure as the voice of sly Balkan criminal Niko Bellic in Grand Theft Auto IV. But actor Michael Hollick would rather see a royalty check from Rockstar Games, reports the New York Times. Though the game has raked in roughly $600 million so far, Hollick...

Fan Cams Change Players' Lives

New technology has athletes thinking twice about interacting with the public

(Newser) - The Information Age is great in a lot of ways, but when it comes maintaining the privacy of public figures, it can be a real hassle. Just ask Matt Leinart, Paul LoDuca, and countless other professional athletes who can tell you just how easy it is to have their most...

Files May Be Fleeting
 Files May Be Fleeting 

Files May Be Fleeting

As formats change, your digital data could be endangered

(Newser) - Cuneiform tablets have kept information safe across millenia, but hard drives have lifespans of just a few years. Even if your CDs survive the century, their players might have become obsolete, warns the Boston Globe. "Who knows how long they're going to last—how much time before the information...

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