weight loss

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You Might Lose More Weight Without a Fitness Tracker
You Might Lose More Weight
Without a Fitness Tracker
study says

You Might Lose More Weight Without a Fitness Tracker

'We were definitely surprised,' say researchers

(Newser) - For those looking to lose weight, a two-year study suggests that wearing a fitness tracker helps. What surprised researchers, however, is that not wearing one seems to help even more, reports Ars Technica . The study in JAMA , perhaps the most comprehensive to date on the subject, followed nearly 500 overweight...

LA Sheriff: We're Looking Into Biggest Loser Drug Rumors

Ex-contestants say show's weight-loss tactics ruined their metabolisms and their lives

(Newser) - A New York Post exposé on alleged drug distribution on the Biggest Loser has now led to a probe by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, BuzzFeed reports. The investigation officially started last month after an unnamed journalist "advised Malibu/Lost Hills station personnel of a news report regarding...

Biggest Loser Contestants: We Starved, Used Drugs

The show's doctor denies the allegations

(Newser) - San Francisco police officer Mark Yesitis has seen some bad stuff: "I've seen people's brains outside their heads," he tells the New York Post . What could be worse than that? "Being on The Biggest Loser." Yesitis is among several contestants of NBC's long-running...

Woman Loses Vision After Weight-Loss Surgery

Not to mention severe pain and lesions on her eyes

(Newser) - After a Texas woman had gastrointestinal surgery, she lost weight as expected—but she also lost her vision. According to a study published last week in JAMA Ophthalmology, the woman in her 40s started complaining of deteriorating vision, eye pain, and lesions on her eyes. Study author Kyle Kirkland tells...

Vinegar for Weight Loss? It's Not a 'Magic Bullet'

Take this diet fad with a healthy dose of skepticism

(Newser) - Drinking vinegar for weight loss? The fad may be appearing all over social media, but it's "as gross as it sounds," and sipping vinegar is not the weight-loss miracle it's purported to be, reports Glamour after talking to dietitians. While drinking vinegar may aid in weight...

Another Oprah Weight Pitch? No Thanks, I&#39;m Done
Another Oprah Weight Pitch? No Thanks, I'm Done

Another Oprah Weight Pitch? No Thanks, I'm Done

'Maybe it can't be done,' says fan after 'epiphany'

(Newser) - Cassie St.Onge is a longtime fan of Oprah Winfrey, and, like Oprah, she's struggled with her weight for years. But the TV writer and producer had a revelation of sorts while hearing Oprah talk about her latest attempt to keep off extra pounds via her investment in Weight...

The Female Brain Isn&#39;t Wired for Modern Obesity Meds
Obesity Drugs May Not
Work So Great for Women

Obesity Drugs May Not Work So Great for Women

Male mice see much greater benefit in study

(Newser) - Bad news, ladies: Your brain may be wired in a way that doesn't help you lose weight—at least when compared with male brains. That's what scientists led by the University of Aberdeen conclude after observing how mice shed extra weight. In a Molecular Metabolism study, pointed out...

Coke, Pepsi Fund Study Touting Diet Soda's Health Benefits

'Laughable, unscientific nonsense'

(Newser) - You'll never believe who paid for a study that found drinking diet soda could be better than water for losing weight. Well, OK, you'll probably guess. The Independent reports the study—published in the International Journal of Obesity in November—was partly funded by ILSI Europe, an "...

Shed Fat in Siberia, Get Coal Dumped in Your Yard

The concept may even be turned into a reality-TV show

(Newser) - Shedding the pounds in Siberia can come with a particularly welcome reward—coal. When Aman Tuleyev, the long-serving—and somewhat overweight—governor of Russia's Kemerovo region, promised earlier this year to reward locals with 1.5 metric tons of coal for every 10 kilos [around 22 pounds] lost, everyone...

Study: Benefits of Teen Obesity Surgery Worth the Risks

Study finds health gains can last at least 3 years

(Newser) - The largest, longest study of teen obesity surgery shows huge weight loss and health gains can last at least three years, and many say it's worth the risks. "I feel awesome. It's like a new life," said Miranda Taylor, a Cincinnati nursing student in the study...

Why It's Easy to Gain Weight Training for a Marathon

Running to lose weight turns out to backfire

(Newser) - Melissa Dahl's week includes running six miles on Thursday, five on Friday, and 20 on Saturday. She's training for the New York City Marathon on Nov. 1, 2015, and as she writes for New York , she's discovered—for the second time, mind you—that there's no...

John Goodman Has Lost a Lot of Weight

He shows off a thinner look at 'Trumbo' premiere

(Newser) - John Goodman hit the red carpet looking svelte Thursday night, People reports. The 63-year-old actor, who has been open about his weight struggles in the past, was noticeably slimmer at the premiere of his new film Trumbo in London. Click through the gallery for "then and now" photos.

Scientist Says This Frozen Vest Could Help You Lose Weight

Dr. Wayne Hayes claims the vest can help burn up to 500 calories a day

(Newser) - If you've ever wished you could burn a fair amount of calories just by sitting around, and you don't mind that just-jumped-into-a-swimming-pool feeling, a NASA scientist may have a solution: his Cold Shoulder Calorie Burning Vest. Dr. Wayne Hayes, who has studied both ice and the effects mild...

These Are the Best Fruits, Veggies for Weight Loss
 These Are the 
 Best Fruits, Veggies 
 for Weight Loss 
in case you missed it

These Are the Best Fruits, Veggies for Weight Loss

Cauliflower, berries, apples are good choices: study

(Newser) - It might be time to up your produce intake: A new study in PLOS Medicine finds certain fruits and veggies can help lower a person's weight. The US dietary guidelines note people should eat a variety of fruits and vegetables to help "achieve and maintain a healthy weight,...

Study: Carbs Are Not a Dieter's Enemy

A physician's mathematical model proves to be correct

(Newser) - Think carbs are a dieter's enemy? It turns out restricting one's fat intake leads to a 68% greater loss of body fat than restricting the same amount of calories through carbohydrates in obese adults on strictly controlled diets—and this is in spite of the fact that a...

To Lose Weight, Play Tetris?
 To Lose Weight, Play Tetris? 
new study

To Lose Weight, Play Tetris?

The game reduces cravings by an average 20%, a study finds

(Newser) - Are food cravings growing your waistline? Don't fret: just play Tetris. In what might just be the best news you read all day, a new study published in Addictive Behaviors finds playing Tetris for just 3 minutes reduces cravings by an average 20%. And that doesn't just apply...

How Slim Shady Got Slim Again
 How Slim Shady Got Slim Again 

How Slim Shady Got Slim Again

The rapper takes to exercise like he did drugs

(Newser) - In 2007, when Eminem overdosed on prescription pills, he wound up in rehab and clocked in at 230 pounds. (He's 5-foot-8.) "I'm not sure how I got so big, but I have ideas," the 42-year-old Detroit native tells Men's Journal in an exclusive interview...

Study: 99% of Obese Will Still Be Obese Next Year

Less than 1% of obese men, women return to normal weight annually

(Newser) - A new study offers some rather depressing news for those of you who are obese: You’re probably going to stay that way. Researchers at King's College London monitored the weight of 278,982 Brits, including 176,000 who were obese, from 2004 to 2014. Excluding those who had...

Best Diet for Weight Loss: Veganism
 Best Diet for 
 Weight Loss: 

Best Diet for Weight Loss: Veganism

A review of diets finds that those who go vegan lose the most weight fastest

(Newser) - If you want to lose weight and you want to lose it fast, a review of 12 weight loss studies concludes that your road to success is a vegan one. Reporting in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, Ru-Yi Huang of E-Da Hospital in Taiwan finds in her review of...

Could 'Thunder God Vine' Extract End Obesity?

Mice fed extract from Chinese plant lost weight, big-time

(Newser) - Could a Chinese plant make our lifestyle of dieting, exercise, and rampant obesity a thing of the past? Well, a new study says that mice given an extract from the plant—known as "thunder god vine"—ate as much as 80% less than their counterparts and lost 45%...

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