child molestation

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Judge Nixes New Trial for Man With 47 IQ

Texas 18-year-old's 100-year molestation sentence will stand

(Newser) - Witness after witness testified about the severity of Aaron Hart’s mental disabilities—his former special education teacher said he functions below a 1st-grade level—but Texas judge Eric Clifford ruled against giving the 18-year-old a new trial or sentencing hearing, the Chicago Tribune reports. Hart, whose IQ is 47,...

Coverup Probe Launched in LA Archdiocese Abuse Cases

Cardinal may face fraud charges for failing to protect parishioners

(Newser) - Federal authorities are investigating whether top officials of the Los Angeles Catholic Archdiocese conspired to cover up the sexual abuse of minors by priests, sources tell the Los Angeles Times. Cardinal Roger Mahony and other leaders may face fraud charges for failing to keep children safe by improperly dealing with...

Polanski Sex Victim Seeks to Dismiss Case

Victim slams DA for putting 31-year-old case back in spotlight

(Newser) - The woman film director Roman Polanski pleaded guilty to having sex with when she was 13 has filed court papers to have the charges dismissed, CNN reports. Samantha Geimer, now 45, made a declaration in connection with Polanski's efforts to have the case dismissed and end his 31-year exile in...

I'm Anti-Gay Marriage, Not Anti-Gay: Warren

Controversial pastor aims to dampen criticism, civilize discourse

(Newser) - Rick Warren continues to refine his stance on gays and gay marriage, saying he is “not opposed to gays having their partnership,” and that his anti-gay marriage stance doesn’t make him anti-gay, the AP reports. “I’m opposed to gays using the term marriage for their...

70-Nation Kiddie Porn Ring Busted
70-Nation Kiddie Porn
Ring Busted

70-Nation Kiddie Porn Ring Busted

Abusers targeted victims as young as 12 months old

(Newser) - Australian authorities have busted 19 men, including a retired cop, in a 70-nation kiddie porn ring that distributed at least 500,000  images and 15,000 videos of youngsters, reports the BBC. Some of the abuse victims were as young as 12 months old and some children were abused for...

Polanski Sues to Overturn Child Sex Conviction

Cites 'misconduct' revealed in HBO documentary

(Newser) - Roman Polanski is suing to dismiss a child molestation conviction against him 31 years after he fled to France to dodge sentencing, reports the Los Angeles Times. The director of Chinatown, Rosemary’s Baby, and The Pianist  admitted to having sex with a 13-year-old girl, but now is citing new...

Open My Rape Dungeon to Tourists: Fritzl

Josef Fritzl hoped to charge visitors to the Austria house where he repeatedly raped his own daughter

(Newser) - Josef Fritzl has proposed turning his dark, rat-filled subterranean dungeon into a tourist attraction, the Telegraph reports. Fritzl's sister-in-law told an Austrian tabloid that he hoped to collect 10 euros per visitor and give proceeds to his traumatized family. “It is completely mad,” she said. “The family...

Ad's Choice of Song Sparks Debate on Artists' Lives

HP yanks tune by pedophile Gary Glitter

(Newser) - HP's decision to change an ad because it featured a song by convicted child molester Gary Glitter has Charlie Moran in Advertising Age wondering about how far we should go in drawing the line between the artist and his art. The ad for the TouchSmart PC drew complaints because it...

Pedophile Pop Star Holes Up in Airport Hotel

Facing crackdown in London, Glitter hunkers down in Bangkok

(Newser) - Former rock star Gary Glitter, released after 27 months in a Vietnamese prison for molesting two children, is in a Bangkok airport hotel after refusing to continue his journey to London. Glitter, whose Rock & Roll Part Two remains a rock staple, is complaining about untreated heart and hearing problems,...

Vt. Girl's Death a Homicide: Investigators

Uncle faces execution in abduction of 12-year-old

(Newser) - The death of a 12-year-old Vermont girl was murder, prosecutors said yesterday, and her uncle may face the death penalty under federal kidnapping laws. A judge ordered Brooke Bennett’s uncle, who has not been charged with kidnapping but not murder, held without bail after Bennett’s body was found...

Missing Vermont Girl Found Dead
Missing Vermont Girl Found Dead

Missing Vermont Girl Found Dead

12-year-old's uncle accused of forcing her, and another girl, into sex ring

(Newser) - Vermont authorities found the body of a missing 12-year-old girl in a fresh grave yesterday, CNN reports. Brooke Bennett’s death “appears to be foul play,” said police, who arrested her uncle and stepfather on separate sexual assault charges. Bennett’s uncle, Michael Jacques, initiated her into a...

$10M Bond Allows Guru to Leave US
$10M Bond Allows Guru
to Leave US

$10M Bond Allows Guru to Leave US

'Swami Ji' follower puts up cash after sex charges in Texas

(Newser) - A Hindu guru charged with groping two underage girls will be permitted to leave the country, despite 20 counts of indecency, after a follower put up $10 million to guarantee his return. Given how much money's involved, the arrangement to allow Prakashanand Saraswati—known as Swami Ji—passage to India...

Pope to Church: Pedophilia Was 'Badly Handled'

He urges bishops to 'foster healing' and work to improve trust

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI had strong words for America's Roman Catholic bishops today, asserting that the clerical sexual molestation scandal had been "very badly handled" in many cases, the AP reports. "It is your God-given responsibility as pastors to bind up the wounds caused by every breach of trust,...

Police Defend Inaction at Polygamist Ranch

Bare dramatic details of raid

(Newser) - Law enforcement authorities yesterday released dramatic details of the police raid that rescued children suspected of abuse at a polygamist ranch—and countered complaints that the action was too late. Some 60 men surrounded the ranch temple, weeping and praying, in the last day of the operation that seized 416...

Jacko Can Keep Neverland
 Jacko Can Keep Neverland 

Jacko Can Keep Neverland

Last-minute deal keeps King of Pop's ranch from public auction

(Newser) - The King of Pop will live another day as the rancher of Neverland. Michael Jackson made a last-minute deal today to refinance his notorious California homestead and will retain ownership, the AP reports. The 2,500-acre property had been scheduled for a public auction next week after Jackson—who hasn't...

Reports of Horror at UK Orphanage Extend to 2007

Cops warn suspects not to threaten victims

(Newser) - British police are investigating charges that assaults at a notorious children's home occurred as recently as late last year, the Guardian reports. The revelation is the latest twist in an unraveling tale of sexual and physical abuse at the government-run home on the island of Jersey. Detectives said at least...

$37M Deal for Priest Sex Victims
$37M Deal for Priest Sex Victims 

$37M Deal for Priest Sex Victims

Iowa bishop apologizes for abuse

(Newser) - A Catholic diocese in Iowa has agreed to pay $37 million to settle claims by 156 people who charge they were sexually abused by priests. The deal clears the way for the diocese to emerge from bankruptcy declared last year after a jury awarded $1.5 million to a single...

Teen Sex Case Takes a Turn
Teen Sex Case Takes a Turn

Teen Sex Case Takes a Turn

Judge throws out 'cruel and unusual' 10-year sentence; AG plans to appeal

(Newser) - A judge ordered a 21-year-old Georgia man freed from prison today, ruling that his 10-year sentence for aggravated child molestation—receiving consensual oral sex from a 15-year-old when he was 17—was "cruel and unusual" and that keeping him incarcerated would be a "miscarriage of justice." The...

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