child molestation

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LA School Replacing Entire Staff After Sex Raps

Drastic change needed to restore confidence, officials at Miramonte say

(Newser) - The entire staff of a Los Angeles-area elementary school will be replaced while sexual abuse charges against two teachers are investigated. No one else at Miramonte Elementary School—which has been closed for two days —is suspected of abusing children, but a drastic change was needed in order to...

School Closing for 2 Days Over Sex Assault Arrests

Mark Berndt and Martin Springer arrested within days of each other

(Newser) - Miramonte Elementary School students won't be going to class tomorrow or the next day, after two longtime teachers were arrested last week on suspicion of sexually abusing students as young as six. Los Angeles Unified School District Superintendent John Deasy is meeting with parents at a local high school...

Second Teacher Arrested for Lewd Acts at LA School

Martin Springer allegedly fondled girls

(Newser) - More bad news from a Los Angeles-area elementary school: Only days after prosecutors accused a teacher of spoon-feeding semen to children , police arrested another teacher for allegedly fondling his students. Miramonte Elementary School teacher Martin Bernard Springer, 49, is said to have fondled two seven-year-old girls over the last three...

Philly Sportswriter Quits Amid Abuse Allegations

Daily News ' Bill Conlin accused of molesting 4 children in '70s

(Newser) - Three women and a man have come forward to say longtime Philadelphia Daily News sportswriter Bill Conlin molested them when they were children in the 1970s, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. Their parents, who did not contact law enforcement at the time, have corroborated their accounts, but prosecutors say that there...

Sports World Hit With Fresh Sex Abuse Allegations

2 accuse boss of the Amateur Athletic Union of assault when they were teens

(Newser) - In yet more accusations of sex attacks on children in the sports world, the boss of the Amateur Athletic Union has been axed amid a sex crime probe. The AAU booted Bobby Dodd last week and Memphis police launched an investigation after two men stepped forward to say that he...

Sandusky Arrested on New Charges

Two new alleged victims come forward

(Newser) - Jerry Sandusky was arrested again today, in light of new sexual assault charges a grand jury has filed against him. The former Penn State assistant coach was brought by police from his home to an arraignment, ABC News reports. The new charges stem from two men who say they were...

Red Sox Hit With $10M Sex Abuse Lawsuit

Two batboys say ex clubhouse manager Donald Fitzpatrick attacked them at Fenway

(Newser) - Two men who have accused a dead Boston Red Sox clubhouse manager of sexually abusing them when they were batboys are filing a $10 million lawsuit against the team. “These were inner city kids happy to have jobs with the Red Sox,” said their lawyer yesterday. “Then...

Sheriff Joe's Office Fell Short on Sex Crimes

More than 400 cases, many involving children, not properly examined

(Newser) - Sheriff Joe Arpaio calls himself "America's Toughest Sheriff," but apparently his office has not been so tough when it comes to sex crimes. More than 400 such crimes—dozens of them alleged child molestations—were barely investigated or completely uninvestigated after being reported to Arpaio's office...

New Accuser: Sandusky Abused Me 100+ Times

'John Doe' files lawsuit

(Newser) - A new accuser has come forward against Jerry Sandusky, claiming in a civil lawsuit that the former Penn State coach sexually abused him more than 100 times between 1992 and 1996. The alleged victim, now 29, was not included in the grand jury report accusing Sandusky of abusing eight other...

Syracuse Fires Coach in Wake of Molestation Claims

Bernie Fine's employment terminated, 'effective immediately'

(Newser) - Syracuse University has fired associate head basketball coach Bernie Fine in the wake of an investigation of child molestation allegations against him. "At the direction of Chancellor Cantor, Bernie Fine's employment with Syracuse University has been terminated, effective immediately," the school's senior vice president for public...

Congressman Hit With Child Sex Abuse Allegations

Rep. Dale Kildee denies family members' claims

(Newser) - Rep. Dale Kildee is facing accusations of child sex abuse, but the Michigan Democrat denied the allegations in a statement last night. Relatives claim Kildee abused a male second cousin, who was 12 at the time, when Kildee was in his 30s—more than 50 years ago, according to the...

Military College Apologizes for Not Reporting Sex Abuse

President John Rosa 'profoundly sorry'

(Newser) - The president of South Carolina military college The Citadel acknowledged yesterday that he should have reported the actions of summer camp counselor and alleged child sex abuser Louis "Skip" ReVille to police. "We're profoundly sorry, sorry that we didn't pursue it more . We acted on what...

2nd College Didn't Report Suspected Child Molester

Louis 'Skip' ReVille has admitted to molesting teens

(Newser) - Just days into Penn State's sex abuse scanda l, a South Carolina military college admits it also failed to report a suspected child molester—who has now been arrested and charged with abusing five teens, the Charlotte Observer reports. "We regret that we did not pursue this matter...

Penn State Scandal: Janitors, Parents Also Knew

'We as a society don't know what to do': professor

(Newser) - With Joe Paterno and Penn State's president both fired —and assistant coach Mike McQueary on "administrative leave" —has everyone who kept quiet about on-campus child abuse been publicly outed? Not by a long shot, reports McClatchy . Parents, janitors, and other school supervisors also knew or suspected...

Penn State Trustees Fire Joe Paterno, School President

Coach is ousted amid unfolding scandal

(Newser) - Joe Paterno's offer to retire at the end of the season wasn't good enough for Penn State trustees: They fired the football coach tonight, along with school president Graham Spanier, in the wake of the child molestation allegations roiling the campus, reports AP . The firings take effect immediately....

Feds Open Inquiry Into Penn State

Education Dept. looks into whether crimes weren't reported as required

(Newser) - Penn State's unfolding scandal is now a federal case, too. The Education Department is investigating whether school officials broke the law by failing to report the alleged abuse, reports the AP . Colleges are required to report crime stats, and the Office of Financial Aid has opened an inquiry. In...

Boy Scouts Refused to Report Serial Rapist

Scout leader bounced back and forth from BC to California

(Newser) - Boy Scout officials in Southern California failed to report a child-molesting Scout leader who went on to rape children in Canada, the Los Angeles Times reports. Former Scout leader Rick Turley starting molesting Scouts in British Columbia in the 1970s. He even kidnapped one, served time, and re-enlisted as a...

CDC Official Accused of Child Molestation, Bestiality

Senior scientist, boyfriend arrested

(Newser) - A senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control at Prevention was up to some pretty sick stuff, investigators say. Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey has been arrested on charges of child molestation and bestiality, and her boyfriend, CDC night watchman Thomas Westerman, is also facing charges. Investigators say the couple included...

Vatican Recalls Ireland Envoy Over New Sex Abuse Row

Irish investigative committee says church instructed bishops to ignore abuse

(Newser) - The Vatican recalled its Irish ambassador today amid a firestorm in Dublin over claims that the church refused to report child sex abuse to police as recently as 2009. A Vatican spokesman says Archbishop Giuseppe Leanza will return to Rome to meet with church officials, reports the New York Times ...

Kara DioGuardi: Producer Date-Raped Me

Former Idol judge's memoir also reveals child molestation

(Newser) - Another celebrity is revealing details of sexual abuse in a new memoir. This time it's former American Idol judge Kara DioGuardi, who discusses several disturbing incidents in her A Helluva High Note, out next week, E! reports. In 2000, she writes, a "fairly known producer" date-raped her after...

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