Karl Rove

Stories 221 - 239 | << Prev 

Judge Tosses Ex-Spy's Suit Against Cheney

Court rules Plame's civil action vs. VP, Rove, Libby won't go forward

(Newser) - A judge today dismissed outed CIA operative Valerie Plame's civil suit against Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and Scooter Libby, saying that the revelation of her identity "was incidental to the kind of conduct that defendants were employed to perform." Furthermore, the judge ruled, Plame and her husband, ex-ambassador...

Ex-Aide Stays Tight Lipped on Attorneys

Sara Taylor respects former boss's executive privilege claim

(Newser) - Former White House political adviser Sara Taylor never discussed the ouster of nine US attorneys with President Bush, she told the Senate Judiciary Committee today. The subpoenaed Taylor said little else about the Justice Department scandal, citing executive privilege, but waffled occasionally between discretion and disclosure—for instance apologizing for...

White House Aides Broke Rules on E-Mails

Staff used political channels for government business

(Newser) - Hundreds of thousands of White House e-mails sent on Republican National Committee accounts have been deleted or are missing, an apparent violation of the law governing presidential records. The Washington Post reports that Karl Rove personally sent or received 140,000 e-mails, more than half of which appear to be...

Scooter Won't Need to Beg for Pardon

Slate's political wiz doesn't see Libby landing behind bars

(Newser) - President Bush will step in and save Scooter Libby for two reasons, argues Slate's John Dickerson. First, to repay Dick Cheney for not throwing Karl Rove under the bus. And second, pardoning Libby could help Bush regain Republican support by appeasing conservatives who opposed the CIA leak investigation from the...

US Attorney Firing Probe Spreads to White House

Congress calls Miers, another ex-official

(Newser) - The congressional investigation of the US attorney firings reached the White House today as the judiciary committee in each chamber subpoenaed a different former high-level official. Lawmakers subpoenaed documents from the White House chief of staff, the AP reports, but Karl Rove has not been served because Democrats are...

Breaking from Bush, GOP Splinters
Breaking from Bush, GOP Splinters

Breaking from Bush, GOP Splinters

Rove, DeLay, and Gingrich on the future of the conservative movement

(Newser) - The Republican Party is fracturing politically and strategically, writes the New Yorker's Jeffrey Goldberg. As Bush's approval ratings continue to sink, current and former GOP bigwigs—like Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay—are looking to redirect the conservative movement as the 2008 election nears.

Ex-Justice Aide Points Fingers
Ex-Justice Aide Points Fingers

Ex-Justice Aide Points Fingers

Deputy AG was 'not fully candid,' Goodling tells House committee

(Newser) - The deputy attorney general dissembled in his Senate testimony about the US attorney firings, Monica Goodling told a House committee today. Testifying under limited immunity from prosecution, the AG's former White House liaison said Paul McNulty's account was "incomplete or inaccurate" and accused him of "downplaying" the White...

Rove Had Motive to Oust Attorneys
Rove Had Motive to Oust Attorneys

Rove Had Motive to Oust Attorneys

Fired attorneys ticked off Rove by being lax on voter fraud, says Dan Froomkin

(Newser) - Karl Rove's role in the US attorney firings wouldn't be atypical for the power broker, writes  the Post's Dan Froomkin. Bush's ballot-calculating mastermind has long been monomaniacal about prosecuting voter fraud, a move his critics decry as a tactic to "suppress poor and minority turnout."

White House Hid Rove's Role in US Attorney Hiring

Leaked emails show cover-up of meddling

(Newser) - Karl Rove finagled a U.S. attorney post for his protégé Timothy Griffin, and the White House concealed his role in the appointment, the National Journal concludes from previously unrelease e-mails leaked to them. Griffin replaced fired attorney Bud Cummins; a Justice Department letter (later retracted) assured Congress Rove...

Senate Seeks E-mails From Gonzales

Attorney general receives first subpoena in firing scandal

(Newser) - The Senate demanded all e-mails pertaining to Karl Rove's role in the disputed firing of eight U.S. attorneys from Alberto Gonzales today, setting a May 15 deadline for the attorney general to turn them over. Patrick Leahy, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which  issued the subpoena, disputes...

Federal Probe Targets Rove, WH Operations

Obscure office led by Bush appointee launches investigation

(Newser) - The U.S. attorney firings, disappearing e-mails, and other White House political operations have found their way onto the radar of a small office that normally investigates federal employees' misbehavior. Karl Rove is in the sights of the Office of Special Counsel, whose head has vowed not to "leave...

Rove to Sheryl Crow: "Don't Touch Me!"

Bush mastermind strikes sour note with singer/activist

(Newser) - "Dismissive, condescending, and quite frankly a bully," is the verdict on Karl Rove from environmental activist Laurie David and singer Sheryl Crow. In their Huffington Post account of the White House Correspondents Dinner, they say Crow tapped Rove's shoulder when he turned from a conversation about global warming,...

Four Years of Rove E-mails Go Missing

E-mails may have covered attorney firings

(Newser) - Four years of emails from Karl Rove that are being sought in a congressional investigation are missing and may have been deleted by Rove himself, the Republican National Committee acknowledged yesterday. The RNC operates the server for non-official e-mail accounts Rove and other White House players use for political business;...

Congress Probes Private White House E-Mails

May have breached post-Watergate law

(Newser) - Use of private e-mail accounts by White House officials is being probed by Democratic lawmakers who charge that they were employed to avoid scrutiny. Accounts set up by the Republican National Committee are intended to keep political activities separate from official business, but they were used in planning the firings...

Third Gonzales Aide Resigns
Third Gonzales
Aide Resigns

Third Gonzales Aide Resigns

Monica Goodling resigns after declining to testify on dismissals of U.S. attorneys

(Newser) - Gonzales aide Monica Goodling resigned yesterday, a little more than a week after she plead the fifth rather than testify before a Senate committee about the Justice Department's firing of eight U.S. attorneys, the Times reports. Democrats had hoped Goodling, who was Justice's liaison to  the White House, would...

Justice Dept. Aide Ties Rove to Firings

Disputes Gonzales statements on his role in dismissals

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales was more deeply involved in the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys  than he has admitted, and Karl Rove had a direct role in the firings, according to dramatic testimony by the attorney general's former chief of staff yeasterday, reports the Washington Post. Kyle Sampson claimed he briefed...

Karl Rove Finds His Inner Eminem
Karl Rove Finds His
Inner Eminem

Karl Rove Finds His Inner Eminem

Bush's main man busts a few moves at the White House correspondents' dinner

(Newser) - White House codger-in-residence Karl Rove debuted his hip-hop alter ego, "MC Rove," at last night's correspondents dinner, the Politico reports. Bush's embattled adviser shouted "I'm MC Rove" at comedian-appointed intervals, pretending gamely to have a sense of humor (and any idea how to win the black vote)...

House Vote: Make Rove Testify
House Vote: Make Rove Testify

House Vote: Make Rove Testify

Senate expected to approve subpoenas today in prosecutor firing flap

(Newser) - A House panel authorized subpoenas yesterday and the Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to do so today in an effort to force Karl Rove and other top administration figures to testify about the firings of federal prosecutors. With the White House offering only private interviews, not under oath, the scene...

Email Fingers Rove in Attorney Scandal

He knew about the firings in 2005

(Newser) - An email released Thursday implicates Karl Rove in the U.S. attorney firings scandal, suggesting he knew of the plotted purges much earlier than previously acknowledged. In a message dated January 6, 2005, a White House lawyer reported that Rove had asked to discuss the firings with D. Kyle Sampon,...

Stories 221 - 239 | << Prev 
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