Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani

3 Stories

Why Bother Putting Terrorists on Trial?
Why Bother Putting Terrorists on Trial?

Why Bother Putting Terrorists on Trial?

...Since we're not going to release them

(Newser) - Why does the Obama administration insist on trying terrorists when it has no intention of freeing them? In October, the federal judge in the trial of Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, an alleged conspirator in two US embassy bombings, complained that even if Ghailani were found innocent, the government could continue detaining...

Judge Deals Blow to US in Big Terror Trial

Witness Ghailani gave up during CIA interrogations is out

(Newser) - The first civilian trial of a Gitmo detainee has hit a serious snag, one that could crimp future cases. A federal judge ruled that testimony from a key witness is off limits—because the government learned about him during CIA interrogations at a secret prison overseas. The case, in which...

Pentagon Charges Inmate in Terror Strike

Critics cry foul as military plans tribunal for Ghailani

(Newser) - The Pentagon charged a Guantanamo inmate today in the 1998 US embassy bombing in Tanzania that killed 11 people, the New York Times reports. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, saying he remained an al-Qaeda agent after the attack and worked as a bodyguard to Osama...

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