
16 Stories

Dozens Dash for Safety From Surprise Yellowstone Eruption

Hydrothermal explosion estimated to have sent material 100 feet into the air

(Newser) - A surprise eruption in Yellowstone National Park shot steam, water and dark-colored rock and dirt high into the sky Tuesday and sent sightseers running for safety, the AP reports. The hydrothermal explosion happened around 10am in Biscuit Basin, a collection of hot springs a couple miles north of the famous...

Car With 5 People Drives Into Yellowstone Geyser

Everyone escaped, and there were no serious injuries

(Newser) - Every now and then, stories emerge out of Yellowstone National Park of a visitor falling into one of the park's geysers. This new incident takes it to another level: A car with five people inadvertently went off the road and into Semi-Centennial Geyser, reports Utah's Fox13 . Fortunately, everyone...

At Yellowstone, a 'Spectacular' Event 6 Years in the Making

The Giantess geyser erupts

(Newser) - One of the biggest geysers in Yellowstone National Park erupted Tuesday for the first time in more than six and a half years, and the Guardian calls it "spectacular" and "worth the wait." The Giantess geyser typically erupts between two and six times a year, with a...

There's a Fresh Geyser Mystery in Yellowstone

It's unclear why the Steamboat Geyser had a record year

(Newser) - It's the tallest active geyser on the planet—with an emphasis on "active." NPR takes a look at Yellowstone's Steamboat Geyser and the unusual and perplexing year it has had. From 2015 to 2017, it didn't erupt at all. There was another largely quiet period...

Noisy Yellowstone Geyser Roars Back to Life

Yellowstone's Ledge Geyser had been silent since 2016

(Newser) - A noisy geyser in Yellowstone National Park has roared back to life after three years of quiet. Ledge Geyser is one of the biggest in Yellowstone's Norris Geyser Basin. The Billings Gazette reports the geyser shoots hot water at an angle up to 125 feet high and a distance...

'Slow-Moving Disaster' Threatens Railway Line, Freeway

Called the 'Slow One,' it's actually quite dangerous

(Newser) - Driving around Southern California? You may notice a bubbling mud spring close to Highway 111 that LiveScience likens to a "geologic poltergeist." Called the "Slow One"—it's near tectonic plates expected to one day cause the "Big One," a giant earthquake—this mud...

Geyser Erupts, Out Pours Trash Dating Back to 1930s
Geyser Erupts,
Out Pours Trash
Dating Back 
to 1930s
in case you missed it

Geyser Erupts, Out Pours Trash Dating Back to 1930s

Yellowstone's Ear Spring had a lot of coins in it, plus other stuff

(Newser) - When Ear Spring erupted at Yellowstone National Park Sept. 15, it was already notable—it was, as Live Science puts it, the geyser's "most violent display since 1957." But even more notable was what came out with the water that spewed up to 30 feet in the...

Dumb Old Faithful Stunt Gets Visitor Arrested

Man walks right up to it, which is against the rules, and appears to urinate in it

(Newser) - Taunting a bison is not only unwise, it will land you in legal trouble at Yellowstone . The same applies to tempting fate near Old Faithful. An unidentified man has been charged with multiple offenses, including going off-trail in a thermal area, after he appeared to urinate in the famous hot-spring...

Yellowstone Geyser Keeps Erupting
Yellowstone Geyser
Keeps Erupting 

Yellowstone Geyser Keeps Erupting

Steamboat Geyser just blew for 3rd time this year, but scientists aren't worried about volcanic activity

(Newser) - Steamboat Geyser hasn't erupted three times in a year since 2003, but Reuters reports that it hit that mark on Friday—which might prompt concern that something bigger is about to happen at Yellowstone National Park, which sits on top of a 44-mile-wide active volcano. Geologists aren't sure...

Another Yellowstone Visitor Gets Too Close to Hot Spring

21-year-old Gervais Gatete was severely burned

(Newser) - Yellowstone officials keep warning visitors about the dangers of the park's hot springs, but curiosity seems to be stronger than fear. A 21-year-old suffered severe burns this week when he fell into a spring in the park's Lower Geyser Basin, reports East Idaho News . Gervais Gatete of Raleigh,...

Man Dissolved by Hot Spring Was Checking Temperature

Final report on Yellowstone death released

(Newser) - A man who left the boardwalk in a highly dangerous area of Yellowstone National Park was looking for a place to swim but ended up being dissolved in a hot spring, according to the final official report on the June 7 accident. The report states that Oregon man Colin Nathaniel...

What Lurks Beneath Yellowstone? We'll Soon Know

Survey will determine the paths that groundwater takes

(Newser) - The mysteries of Old Faithful may soon be solved, thanks, in part, to something that looks like a giant hula hoop. American and Danish scientists have this week begun an aerial survey of Yellowstone that actually looks well into the earth, "visualizing" the geology and water as much as...

Latest Yellowstone Tragedy: Guy Falls Into Hot Spring

He wandered more than 200 yards off the boardwalk, fell into Norris Geyser Basin

(Newser) - A man in his 20s who wandered some 225 yards off the boardwalk and was spotted falling into the Norris Geyser Basin in the Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming on Tuesday is still missing and presumed dead, park officials say. MTN News reports that a search is underway, but the...

Scientists Unlock Old Faithful's Big Secret

The Yellowstone geyser is fed by a large cavern

(Newser) - Mystery solved: Scientists say they've finally figured out why Old Faithful erupts with super-hot water and steam about every 90 minutes, Our Amazing Planet reports. Seismic records show that under the Yellowstone geyser, a large egg-shaped chamber is connected to the mouth of Old Faithful by a sort of...

Yellowstone Sits on 'Supervolcano'

Underground volcanic material spans larger area than previously believed

(Newser) - The volcanic plume that powers Yellowstone’s geysers and hot springs may be bigger than we thought, and it could someday erupt—not for the first time. The “hotspot” unleashed three major blasts long ago, covering a huge portion of the continent with ash, the BBC reports. Researchers made...

Saturn Moon Holds Recipe for Life

Life's 'building blocks' found in massive geysers

(Newser) - Basic components of life like heat, organic chemicals, and water have been found on a Saturn moon, Reuters reports. A spacecraft flying over Enceladus this month spotted 500-mile-high geysers spouting off its surface, containing water vapor and the organic molecules found in living things. Though no one’s saying there’...

16 Stories