video game console

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Nintendo Cuts Wii to $200 in Price War With Sony

Console maker slashes price at opening of Tokyo Game Show

(Newser) - Nintendo is slashing the price of its Wii console by 20% worldwide, bringing the US price to $200—a cut announced just as Sony was beginning its presentation at the annual Tokyo Game Show. The prices of Sony's Playstation and Microsoft's Xbox were both dropped to $300 lately as the...

Twitter and Facebook Come to Xbox 360

Microsoft console gets motion-sensor camera, Spielberg to show it

(Newser) - In a bid to make its Xbox 360 more interactive, Microsoft is bringing Twitter, Facebook,, a lightning-speed video service, and—brace yourself—a motion-sensing camera that knows who you are just by reading your face to the console, Ars Technica reports. The company even brought in Steven Spielberg...

Prisoners Run Crime Ops Via PlayStation

Console used to pass messages, charge cell phones: UK watchdog

(Newser) - Organized criminals use PlayStation and interactive games to pass on orders while behind bars, says a British agency monitoring 5,000 global crime lords. The masterminds also charge illegally kept cell phones through the gaming console. A prison spokesman refuted the charge, saying that only older versions of such devices—...

Drop the Remote: Xbox Plans Motion-Sensing 3-D Camera

(Newser) - Microsoft is developing a 3-D camera for its Xbox 360 that would allow users to control games through body movements instead of a remote, the Wall Street Journal reports. Unlike the Wii, gamers would not hold any type of hardware to swing a tennis racket or the like. Insiders think...

Why Game Boy, at 20, Still Rules
 Why Game Boy, 
 at 20, Still Rules 

Why Game Boy, at 20, Still Rules

(Newser) - Nintendo's Game Boy portable gaming system has been around for 20 years today, and even has a spiritual successor in the DS. Benj Edwards takes a look at why the franchise is a lasting one on Ars Technica.
  • Tetris: "Every new hardware platform needs a 'killer app,'" and

Coming Soon: On-Demand Video Game Service

Will it kill consoles?

(Newser) - If Steve Perlman—the veteran entrepreneur behind WebTV—has his way, console gaming’s days are numbered. Today, Perlman and his partners unveiled OnLive, an on-demand video game service that offers the tantalizing prospect of playing any game, as soon as it’s released, on any computer or TV. The...

Gamers, Beware This Skin Disorder

Console controller linked to painful hand sores

(Newser) - Dedicated gamers beware—researchers have identified a skin disorder just for you, the BBC reports. “PlayStation palmar hidradenitis” is characterized by painful lumpy sores on the palms. British researchers think it's caused by gripping the controller tightly with sweaty hands for extended periods. Good news, though: Symptoms appear to...

Realistic NCAA Football Rosters Are Video-Game Gold

Makers can't use players' names, but gamers willing to pay to get data

(Newser) - College-sports video games offer players and teams carefully designed to mirror real-world counterparts, but NCAA regulations bar use of college athletes’ names in-game. But, Ars Technica finds, fans are willing to pay those who put in the time-consuming work of compiling rosters, with one company grossing $150,000 last year...

Startup Goes After Nintendo Over Patents

It claims the Wii uses stolen motion-sensing technology

(Newser) - A Maryland tech firm claims that Nintendo stole some of its technology for the popular Wii console, the Wall Street Journal reports. Hillcrest Laboratories filed a complaint with the US International Trade Commission, alleging that Nintendo infringed on patents for motion-sensing technology. It wants to ban Wii consoles from being...

Wii Want to ... Train Surgeons
Wii Want to ... Train Surgeons

Wii Want to ... Train Surgeons

Doctors at Arizona seeing benefits from time spent with Nintendo console

(Newser) - Nintendo’s popular Wii console is finding new uses in the hands of surgeons. The Guardian takes a look at an Arizona hospital that's making use of the Wii’s precise, motion-sensitive controller to hone motor skills for more serious applications. In a program for doctors being trained to do...

Grand Theft Auto IV Marks the End for Next-Gen Gaming

Look for cheaper games with broader appeal in future, predicts writer

(Newser) - Low sales of Grand Theft Auto IV herald the end of next-gen gaming’s heyday, writes Wagner James Au on GigaOm. The game is selling poorly compared to the previous version, and it hasn’t improved sales of the next-gen Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles. “The days when...

Japan's Arcades Fall Before Mighty Wii

Kids can easily replicate atmosphere at home—and portable players have role, too

(Newser) - Japan’s arcades are in trouble, Reuters reports. For years, they’ve been immune to the ravages plaguing arcades elsewhere, but the $6.9 billion industry has met its match in the Nintendo Wii. A new generation of game consoles, coupled with an explosion of high-end TVs, has made the...

Smoking May Be Harmful to Your Wii

Nintendo cleans lenses damaged by cigarettes

(Newser) - Here's another reason to stop smoking: It damages your Wii. Some cigarette-wielding users in Japan last month noticed that the much anticipated "Super Smash Brothers Brawl" wasn't working properly, prompting Nintendo to provide free shipping and cleanup of tar-covered disc readers, the Boston Herald reports. Nintendo says the issue...

Selling the Video Game Pitch
Selling the Video Game Pitch

Selling the Video Game Pitch

Gamespot explores the evolution of the game concept sale

(Newser) - Picture the video game pitch: You sit down in front of a group software publisher execs with nothing more than a Powerpoint presentation and somehow try to communicate what your hypothetical digital world will be like and why it will be successful. Gamespot explores the evolution of pitching, from its...

Guaranteed Wii ... Come January
Guaranteed Wii ... Come January

Guaranteed Wii ... Come January

Nintendo, GameStop to offer rain check on video-game console

(Newser) - Kids hoping to score a Nintendo Wii this Christmas might have to settle for a skimpy rain check instead, the Los Angeles Times reports. Nintendo has completely sold out of its popular video-game console and won't be shipping any new units until January. Instead, buyers can reserve systems with full-price...

By Any Means Necessary: Buying a Wii

Shoppers explore varied strategies to get Nintendo's rare console

(Newser) - The holiday-season shortage of Nintendo’s Wii console is fostering some creative  shopping strategies, shared on a number of websites devoted to tracking down the device, the Washington Post reports. One advises Wii hopefuls not to ask store employees when the next shipment will arrive—instead, ask when the last...

Nintendo's Wii Shortage Is Good Business Strategy

Firm sees benefits of its conservative culture

(Newser) - Nintendo’s Wii is proving hard to find in the holiday rush, a phenomenon the Wall Street Journal says is indicative of the Japanese company’s cautious culture—but also good business sense. Nintendo is cautious for a reason: it saw its fortunes rise with the original NES and SNES...

Sony Halves Developer Fees for Struggling PlayStation 3

Console lags against rival Nintendo Wii

(Newser) - In its latest effort to revive lagging sales, Sony has halved the price of a software development kit for its PlayStation 3 video game console. Last month, the company slashed the price of the console itself to consumers, in response to fierce competition from the better-selling Nintendo Wii, reports the...

PC Gaming World Contracts
PC Gaming World Contracts

PC Gaming World Contracts

As Xbox, Wii, PS3 draw casual gamers away, PCs left with die-hard fans of killing games

(Newser) - The PC gaming industry is on the defensive, with sales of PC games down substantially over the past five years, as less expensive gaming consoles have become more powerful. The Wii, Xbox, and PS3 have lured away casual gamers, leaving the PCs to hardcore gamers playing, first-person shooters and complex...

Video Game Maker Calls for End to Rival Gaming Systems

Electronic Arts wants 'open gaming platform'

(Newser) - Electronic Arts, a leading video game manufacturer, has called on the gaming industry to set aside the incompatible gaming platforms now competing for consumer loyalty. Instead of choosing among rivals like Wii, Playstation, and Xbox, players should be able to use an "open gaming platform" for all games, EA...

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