medical study

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It's OK, You Can Safely Donate a Kidney
It's OK, You Can
Safely Donate a Kidney

It's OK, You Can Safely Donate a Kidney

'The last decade has become a lot more safe in the operating room for living donors,' says study co-author

(Newser) - People who volunteer to donate a kidney face an even lower risk of death than doctors have long thought, researchers reported Wednesday. The study tracked 30 years of living kidney donation and found that by 2022, fewer than 1 in every 10,000 donors died within three months of the...

Your Brain May Be 0.5% Plastic
Brain May Contain Way More
Plastic Than Other Organs

Brain May Contain Way More Plastic Than Other Organs

Amounts seen in pre-print study are more 'than I ever would have imagined,' author says

(Newser) - Tiny plastic fragments have been found in human brains, lungs, livers, kidneys, placentas, testicles , knee and elbow joints, and even blood vessels and bone marrow, highlighting the huge problem of plastic pollution . Now, a new study has some microplastics researchers demanding "a global emergency" be declared in response. The...

Injection May Be Able to Forecast Parkinson's
Injection May Be Able
to Forecast Parkinson's
new study

Injection May Be Able to Forecast Parkinson's

Early detection could make a big difference

(Newser) - There might be a way to know Parkinson's disease is progressing in people long before they sense the physical changes. Researchers in Australia injected patients with a synthetic compound formulated to bind to a protein in the brain known as VMAT2, the Guardian reports. A PET scan then can...

For Seniors, Weight Loss May Be a Warning Sign
For Seniors, Weight Loss
May Be a Warning Sign
New Study

For Seniors, Weight Loss May Be a Warning Sign

New study sees an association with mortality, especially for men

(Newser) - Losing weight is often more difficult with age, so a successful regimen of diet and exercise can be something to celebrate. However, a new study in JAMA Network Open suggests weight loss may not always be a good thing for older adults, reports CNN . Researchers saw an association between...

Western First: Man Was Bit by Rabid Bat, Treated, Died Anyway

Experts describe 'extremely rare' case in man with 'unrecognized immune deficiency'

(Newser) - A Minnesota man has the awful distinction of becoming the first person given post-exposure treatment for rabies to die regardless, at least in the Western Hemisphere. An article published Wednesday in Clinical Infectious Diseases describes "the first reported infection of rabies virus in a person who received timely and...

Blame Your Nose for That Winter Cold
Blame Your
Nose for That
Winter Cold

new study

Blame Your Nose for That Winter Cold

Researchers discover colder temps reduce our nose's germ-fighting abilities

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom says that you're more likely to get a cold or flu in the winter. Now science backs that up. CNN reports on a "breakthrough" study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology that sheds light on the connection between colder temperatures and increased viral...

Scans Show How Pandemic Changed Teenage Brains
Scans Show How Pandemic
Changed Teenage Brains
new study

Scans Show How Pandemic Changed Teenage Brains

Researchers find young brains aged more than they would have during shutdown

(Newser) - The toll the pandemic shutdown took on teenagers has been documented before, but now a study has reported the changes it's made to young brains. The researchers had taken MRI scans of 220 children ages 9 to 13 eight years ago, intending to take new scans every two years...

New Research: Some COVID Patients Are Like Turtles

Their unconscious brains behave in similar ways

(Newser) - In the sea of COVID-related studies to emerge over the last couple years comes a particularly unusual one that compares some COVID patients to painted turtles. As the New York Times reports, the study examines a "puzzling phenomenon" that's been observed among COVID patients who had to be...

Doctors Given Anonymity Talk About Patients With Disabilities

One of the study authors found the responses 'shocking'

(Newser) - They "don’t want to come across as horrible people," said Dr. Lisa Iezzoni, a professor of medicine at Harvard, in explaining part of her motivation for granting physicians anonymity as part of her latest study. It's a fair point. The doctors were being asked about how...

Researchers Follow Zika Babies Looking for COVID Answers

Study follows kids whose moms were infected with mosquito-borne disease

(Newser) - Whatever happened with Zika? The outbreak in 2015 and 2016 was largely over by 2017, but its effects on babies whose moms were infected with the virus are still being felt. Some babies were born with microcephaly —a condition marked by an unusually small head and problems with brain...

Early Data Doesn't Back Hope That Omicron Will Be Milder

There's plenty of caution that it's too early to draw conclusions

(Newser) - UK researchers say they see no indication that omicron will be milder than the delta variant of the coronavirus. In fact, they found the new strain's reinfection rate to be more than five times as high as delta's, Reuters reports. The Imperial College London study, which has not...

Death Raises New Concern Over Alzheimer's Drug

Critics say Aduhelm approval was rushed

(Newser) - Aduhelm, the Alzheimer’s drug approved this summer in a process that led some FDA advisers to quit , is the subject of new controversy. A 75-year-old woman in Canada participating in a clinical trial died in September after going to the hospital for a seizure, the New York Times reports....

Pregnant Patients with COVID Face Risk of Stillbirth, Death

Delta variant made things much more grim

(Newser) - Pregnancy puts patients at greater risk of dying of COVID, a new study shows. The death rate for the virus during pregnancy is three times greater than it would be otherwise, and the risk goes up for patients with the delta variant, per CBS News . The study used data from...

She's Been Dubbed the 'Esperanza Patient,' Fittingly

Woman's own immune system may have cured her of HIV

(Newser) - She couldn't come from a more fitting place: A woman now dubbed the "Esperanza patient" after her hometown of Esperanza, Argentina, has become the second in the world to seemingly be cured of HIV by her own immune system; "esperanza" translates to hope. More on the discovery,...

For 54 Hours, a Pig's Kidney Worked Normally in a Human

It's a major breakthrough, says the surgeon who performed the transplant

(Newser) - More than 100,000 Americans are on an organ transplant list, and roughly 9 out of every 10 of them are waiting for a kidney—which makes this "breakthrough" such a huge one. Surgeons at NYU Langone Health say they successfully managed to transplant a kidney that was grown...

Study: Even Mild COVID Can Lead to Kidney Problems Later

New paper used data from more than 1M veterans

(Newser) - The longer we live with the COVID pandemic, the more we learn. And plenty of what we learn is far from encouraging. The latest finding is that COVID survivors are at greater risk of kidney damage. The study published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology took...

Novel Treatment Offers Hope for Children With Brain Tumors
New Strategy Found
for Deadly Childhood Cancer
new study

New Strategy Found for Deadly Childhood Cancer

Doctors inject brain tumors with a virus to stimulate an immune system response

(Newser) - For decades, a deadly type of childhood cancer has eluded science’s best tools. Now doctors have made progress with an unusual treatment: Dripping millions of copies of a virus directly into kids’ brains to infect their tumors and spur an immune system attack, per the AP . A dozen children...

For Some COVID Patients, This Is Liquid Gold
For Some 
COVID Patients,
This Is Liquid Gold

For Some COVID Patients, This Is Liquid Gold

Convalescent plasma reduces risk of severe illness in small study

(Newser) - The FDA gave "investigational" approval for COVID-19 patients to receive blood plasma from recovered patients in the spring, then expanded that approval in the summer. Now results from a clinical trial are in, and they "conclusively point toward … beneficial effects" if administered early on, reports the New ...

Factors That May Put You at Risk for 'Long COVID'
Factors That May
Put You at Risk
for 'Long COVID'
new study

Factors That May Put You at Risk for 'Long COVID'

Being female is one of them

(Newser) - There's COVID and there's "long COVID"—the kind whose symptoms don't go away within four weeks, as they do for most people. The BBC reports researchers with King's College London estimate that 1 in 45 people end up being sick for at least 12...

With Children in School, Study Suggests, Expect Transmission

Those ages 10-19 are big coronavirus spreaders

(Newser) - We may have been kidding ourselves about the likelihood of children spreading the coronavirus. A major study conducted in South Korea shows that children under 10 do give the virus to each other and to adults less often than other age groups do, the New York Times reports. But it...

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