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Time Warner, Viacom Reach Zero-Hour Deal

Cable provider keeps grip on Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, MTV

(Newser) - The countdown to the New Year was a frantic one for Viacom and Time Warner. The companies had set a midnight deadline in their tense negotiations to keep Viacom’s networks—which include MTV, Comedy Central, and Nickelodeon—on the massive cable provider. As the ball dropped, Viacom granted a...

Sobbing SpongeBob Joins Viacom Fee Dispute

Ads aimed at winning support in Time Warner feud feature a sobbing Spongebob

(Newser) - Viacom is enlisting some of its best-known kid cartoon characters in a contract renewal battle with Time Warner, the Wall Street Journal reports. Viacom wants higher fees from the cable carrier for its channels, which could disappear from Time Warner's service at midnight tonight if no new deal is reached....

Dow Loses 215 on Job Cuts
 Dow Loses 215 on Job Cuts 

Dow Loses 215 on Job Cuts

Retailers miss estimates as consumer rein in spending

(Newser) - The markets lost value today amid data that unemployment is growing, and poor sales reports from retailers, MarketWatch reports. Traders are bracing for the worst ahead of the November jobs report, due tomorrow. The Dow fell 215.45, closing at 8,376.24. The Nasdaq dropped 46.82 to settle...

Debt-Laden Redstone May Sell Theaters

Media mogul may have to sell CBS stake, too, to placate bankers

(Newser) - With debts threatening to consume his media empire, Sumner Redstone is considering selling his family’s 1,500-screen movie theater chain, the New York Times reports. But even that may not be enough to satisfy his bankers, say people briefed on the negotiations. If things get bad enough, Redstone may...

YouTube to Offer MGM Movies, TV Episodes

Internet site to announce new partnership with studio

(Newser) - YouTube and MGM are about to announce a partnership in which movies and TV shows will be offered on the video-sharing website, reports the New York Times. The deal is part of a strategy by YouTube owner Google to cozy up to Hollywood in a bid to compete with rival...

Redstone to Divorce (Again)
 Redstone to Divorce (Again) 

Redstone to Divorce (Again)

Couple of 5 years splits 'amicably' as Viacom, CBS chief tackles $1.6B debt

(Newser) - Media magnate Sumner Redstone is calling it quits with his wife of 5 years, the Los Angeles Times reports, even as the Viacom and CBS chairman tries to maneuver his family company through a debt crisis. Though the 85-year-old cited irreconcilable differences in ending his marriage to Paula Fortunato, the...

Spielberg, Paramount Split DreamWorks Projects

Divorce accomplished without years of litigation, projects divvied up

(Newser) - It may be one of the most amicable Hollywood divorces in history. Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks announced a division of 200 movie projects in development as golden-touch producer Steven Spielberg leaves to launch a new company, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The unexpectedly easy split comes in defiance of Hollywood...

Yahoo Board OKs New Round of AOL Talks

Time Warner anxious to decide on service's future

(Newser) - A Yahoo board of directors now stocked with allies of activist investor Carl Icahn cleared the way yesterday for reigniting talks on combining with AOL, the Financial Times reports. Time Warner’s chief is eager to decide AOL’s future “fairly soon,” but is hoping Microsoft will join...

Media Companies Brace as Advertising Slump Worsens

A slowing economy has prompted a sharp reduction in spending

(Newser) - A major slump in advertising is moving beyond newspapers and radio and is now starting to hurt TV and the entire media industry, reports the Financial Times. Major advertisers—especially car dealers, airlines, and banks—are cutting back on marketing as the economy slows. And, analysts say, even the windfalls...

Google Agrees to Give Viacom Encrypted Data

YouTube visitor data will be 'anonymized' before release

(Newser) - In a deal reached last night, Google has agreed to hand over YouTube user data Viacom had demanded in its copyright lawsuit, but only after replacing user names and IP addresses with unique substitutes to protect users’ privacy, the Wall Street Journal reports. The move will allow Viacom and other...

Google Refuses to Hand Over Employee Data

Viacom wants to see what YouTube workers are uploading

(Newser) - Google is refusing to turn over records of content its employees at YouTube have uploaded, CNET reports. Two weeks ago, a judge ordered the company to disclose a huge set of user data, along with information on employees, as part of Viacom’s copyright claim. If workers uploaded copyright-protected material,...

Google Must Turn Over YouTube Records: Judge

Data dump includes users' names and IP addresses

(Newser) - A judge has ordered Google to give Viacom records of all videos ever watched on YouTube, including users’ names and IP addresses, Wired reports. Viacom is seeking the data to bolster its $1 billion lawsuit against Google for allowing copyrighted Viacom clips on YouTube. The media giant believes the data...

DreamWorks Near Bollywood Alliance
DreamWorks Near Bollywood Alliance

DreamWorks Near Bollywood Alliance

Deal would speed Spielberg team's Paramount departure

(Newser) - Steven Spielberg's DreamWorks venture is closing in on a deal with an Indian media conglomerate that could fund a break from Paramount Pictures, the Wall Street Journal reports. Mumbai-based Reliance, a conglomerate with stakes in telecom, finance, and entertainment looking to expand into Hollywood, could bring as much as $600...

Google CEO Says Saving Media Is a 'Moral Imperative'

Search engine chief says company wants to help publishers make Net ads work

(Newser) - Search engine giant Google wants to maximize online ad revenues for traditional media, CEO Eric Schmidt said yesterday, not work against them. CNets reports that with so many traditional media companies struggling to make online ads work, "it's a huge moral imperative to help here," Schmidt said.

Movie Studios to Create Premium Channel

MGM, Paramount, Lionsgate joint venture would target HBO

(Newser) - Paramount Pictures, MGM Studios, and Lionsgate are creating a premium TV channel to compete with HBO and Showtime, reports the Los Angeles Times, which currently showcase their programming. The joint venture comes as those same channels look to pay studios less for movies and pursue production of their own content.

Warners Swallows New Line
 Warners Swallows New Line

Warners Swallows New Line

Studio falls in latest Hollywood cost-cutting move

(Newser) - New Line Cinema, the studio that created the Lord of the Rings blockbuster franchise, will be folded into the Warner Brothers unit of Time Warner, reports the Los Angeles Times. It's a cost-cutting move and part of a trend that has seen DreamWorks swallowed by Viacom, and Miramax downsized by...

Studios Want Piece of Bollywood
Studios Want Piece of Bollywood

Studios Want Piece of Bollywood

Big names want in on the Indian film industry

(Newser) - Big studios such as Sony, Paramount Pictures, and Disney will be doing their best to make it big this year in Bollywood, India's increasingly profitable film scene, the Financial Times reports. As the India business becomes less mystifying to outsiders, big international studios want a piece of the world's most...

Microsoft, Viacom Ally to Check Google

Partnership aims to counter search giant's ad growth

(Newser) - Microsoft and Viacom joined forces to counter Google's growth in the ad market yesterday, with a 5-year, $500-million partnership. Microsoft gets audio and video content from Viacom, and is a preferred partner in online gaming. Viacom will switch its ad placement from DoubleClick, which Google is about to buy, to...

Jackass 2.5 to Have Web-Only Debut
Jackass 2.5 to Have Web-Only Debut

Jackass 2.5 to Have Web-Only Debut

'First Internet movie', studio heads say

(Newser) - Paramount is moving into uncharted territory by premiering Jackass 2.5 online, the New York Times reports. The December 19 premier on Blockbuster's Movielink service will be the first time a studio-backed feature film has made its debut on the Web. Executives hope that a successful experiment will pave the...

The Internet Didn't Kill the TV Show

Economist argues online viewers more likely to tune in the old fashioned way

(Newser) - With Viacom's lawsuit against YouTube, and widespread speculation that the dearth of material created by a long TV writers' strike will send more viewers online, there are still some economists who think Internet video could stimulate rather than stifle TV viewing. The key is not to think of the online/on-air...

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