junk mail

4 Stories

Bank of America Sends Offer to 'Lisa Is A Slut'
Bank of America Sends
Offer to 'Lisa Is A Slut'

Bank of America Sends Offer to 'Lisa Is A Slut'

Feminist writer wasn't amused

(Newser) - Feminist writer Lisa McIntire was shocked to receive a credit card offer from Bank of America with "Is A Slut" added to her name. "Lisa Is A Slut McIntire, you've earned this special offer," read the mailer that arrived at the home of McIntire's mother,...

Post Office's Salvation: Junk Mail?

Er, 'advertising mail,' that is

(Newser) - Heroically riding in to save the US Postal Service, it's ... junk mail? Yes, the USPS is focusing on advertising mail—"we don't call it junk mail," notes Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe—to boost its business, reaching out to businesses to send more of their "pitches"...

USPS Defends Its 'Life Blood:' Junk Mail

Postmasters, big mailers have helped stall state legislation

(Newser) - The US Postal Service, dependent upon junk mail, appears to be successfully fighting efforts to staunch its flow, the Washington Post reports. Though 18 states have introduced do-not-mail bills, none has passed, thanks in part to resistance from postmasters nationwide. "The post office and the business groups are pretty...

Gmail Spam Doubles, Duping Junk Blocker

Program touted to tell real email from spam 'defeated'

(Newser) - Spammers doubled junk mail from Gmail accounts last month and all but iced a touted spam-blocker, PC World reports. Gmail junk rose from 1.3% to 2.6% of all spam in February, overwhelming the company's CAPTCHA programs with spam from multiple accounts. "It's only a matter of time...

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