Abu Ghraib

Stories 41 - 52 | << Prev 

US 'Buried' Tortured Yemeni in Jail for Years: Rights Group

Prisoner finally freed without charge was hung upside down, beaten

(Newser) - A Yemeni man was held by the US in secret prisons for nearly three years and subjected to torture after his capture in Iraq, a human rights group has charged in a condemnation of America's "cruel" defiance of international law. The man, Khaled al-Maqtari, was held in Baghdad's notorious...

Abu Ghraib Film: Too Soft on Abuses?

Documentary wins Berlin prize, criticism for 'morbid voyeurism'

(Newser) - Documentary-maker Errol Morris has often spoken truth to power, but his new film about the Abu Ghraib prison scandal may tread too lightly, Geoffrey Macnab writes in the Guardian. Though Standard Operating Procedure explores the infamous prison photos in gritty detail, Morris’ interview style—focusing mainly on implicated American soldiers...

US Officer Cleared Over Abu Ghraib
US Officer
Cleared Over Abu Ghraib

US Officer Cleared Over Abu Ghraib

Only officer charged with a crime in torture scandal will face no punishment

(Newser) - The only officer who faced a court-martial over the torture at Abu Ghraib has been cleared of all criminal wrongdoing. The BBC reports that Lt. Col. Steven Jordan was convicted in August of disobeying a gag order, but that decision was annulled and his record is now clean. No officer...

CIA Tapes Were Made—and Destroyed—for PR

Interrogations filmed to counter mistreatment accusations; stopped when techniques grew harsh, reports NYT

(Newser) - Concern over its image prompted the CIA to first secretly create—and later destroy—tapes depicting the harsh interrogation of detainees, the New York Times reports. In spring 2002 the agency decided to document every moment of senior al-Qaeda operative Abu Zubaydah's custody so that perceptions of mistreatment—by prosecutors,...

General's Anti-War Turn Thrills Dems

Ex-Iraq commander forges surprising bond with Pelosi

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi has made one of her strangest alliances yet with ousted Iraq commander Ricardo Sanchez, and their bring-the-troops-home alliance thrills Democratic leaders but baffles others, the Washington Post reports. Sanchez, forced to retire over the Abu Ghraib scandal, delivered last weekend’s Democratic radio address and blasted President Bush’...

Video Game Troopers Talk Abu Ghraib
Video Game Troopers Talk Abu Ghraib

Video Game Troopers Talk Abu Ghraib

Anti-Bush Blacksite game 'genuinely subversive,' says Wired

(Newser) - Blacksite boasts the usual nasties, but this first-person shooter has them US-trained and -armed—making it “one of the few genuinely subversive games,” says Wired’s Clive Thompson. Most shoot-'em-ups make you "a warrior for the American dream," but Blacksite’s “corrupt authority” is clearly...

Rumsfeld Says He Has No Regrets
Rumsfeld Says He Has
No Regrets

Rumsfeld Says He Has No Regrets

Ex-defense secretary sleeps just fine, thank you; still backs Bush

(Newser) - Ever unflappable, Donald Rumsfeld praises progress in Afghanistan, backs his old boss, and tells GQ he has nothing to apologize for in his first interview since his ouster in December. Rummy still exudes the confidence he was known for in office, dismissing questions of guilt in Iraq, saying, "I...

Jury Splits on Abu Ghraib Verdict
Jury Splits on Abu Ghraib Verdict

Jury Splits on Abu Ghraib Verdict

Colonel acquitted of abuse charges, convicted for talking about investigation

(Newser) - A military jury today acquitted Army Lt. Col. Steven Jordan, the only officer charged in the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, of three charges relating to widespread prisoner abuse that led to global denunciations of US involvement in Iraq. Jordan was found guilty of one count of “willfully disobeying” a...

CIA Helped Devise Torture Tactics
CIA Helped Devise Torture Tactics

CIA Helped Devise Torture Tactics

Agency believed to have teamed up with Pentagon

(Newser) - The CIA apparently colluded with the US military to develop torture techniques for interrogating terrorist suspects, Salon reports. The program was based on methods originally designed to teach American special forces how to withstand abuse if captured. While the military's role in this "reverse engineering" had been previously exposed,...

Rummy Fired General for Truthful Report on Abu Ghraib Prison

(Newser) - Shortly after the mistreatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq became public Major General Antonio M. Taguba was tasked by the Army with investigating and reporting on the situation. He found "Numerous incidents of sadistic, blatant, and wanton criminal abuses were inflicted on several detainees . . . systemic and...

The Man Who Toppled Saddam Has Second Thoughts

Says US rule is worse than Hussein's

(Newser) - The former Iraqi weightlifting champion who used a sledgehammer to topple the infamous 20-foot-tall bronze statue of Saddam Hussein four years ago now feels remorse at his symbolic role in the US victory. "I really regret bringing down the statue," Kadhim al-Jubouri says. "The Americans are worse...

British Torture Trial Backfires
British Torture
Trial Backfires

British Torture Trial Backfires

Acquittal in case that mirrors Abu Ghraib sparks public outrage

(Newser) - The prosecution of a group of British soldiers for mistreating Iraqi detainees—one of whom died under questioning—has backfired on the British government. Four soldiers have been acquitted of various crimes after a three-year investigation. Now the knives are out for leading members of the British government over the...

Stories 41 - 52 | << Prev