charter school

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Court: Public Funds Can't Go to Religious School

Oklahoma case may wind up before the US Supreme Court

(Newser) - Oklahoma's Supreme Court on Tuesday blocked approval of what would have been the nation's first publicly funded religious school. The high court determined the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board's 3-2 vote last year to approve the application by the Catholic Archdiocese of Oklahoma for the St. Isidore...

SCOTUS Decision a Win for 'Freedom to Wear Pants'

Court leaves in place a ruling against charter school's skirts-only dress code for girls

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has declined to hear a case involving a North Carolina charter school's dress code, leaving in a place a lower court's ruling that girls at Charter Day School can choose to wear pants instead of skirts. Parents of Charter Day students challenged the skirts-only dress...

Girl Gets 'Uniform Infraction' at School —Over 'Jihab'

Teacher who wrote up 8th-grader misspelled 'hijab' on dress code violation form

(Newser) - A Massachusetts school is taking heat after a teacher wrote up an eighth-grader there for wearing a hijab in class. NBC Boston reports on the incident at Mystic Valley Regional Charter School, where the girl was dinged for a "uniform infraction" for donning the religious head covering worn by...

Footage of 6-Year-Old's Arrest: 'Please, Give Me 2nd Chance'

Florida police officer fired after restraining, arresting Kaia Rolle after a tantrum

(Newser) - A police officer's bodycam shows a 6-year-old Florida girl crying and begging officers not to arrest her as zip ties are fastened around her wrists at a charter school. The video Kaia Rolle's family shared with the Orlando Sentinel and other outlets Monday shows the girl being arrested...

Lucky SOTU Student Isn't What She Seemed

Janiyah Davis was already attending a charter school

(Newser) - President Trump threw the spotlight on a Philadelphia fourth grader during his State of the Union address, but appeared to fumble a key fact—about the kind of school she attended. Trump made Janiyah Davis a showpiece for the school-choice movement Tuesday when he referred to "countless American children...

Pharrell's Gift to These Grads: a 'Steppingstone' to Greatness

Singer vows to line up 114 internships by next summer

(Newser) - Pharrell Williams sure knows how to make people "happy." The Grammy-winning singer-producer stunned graduates of Harlem Children's Zone Promise Academy charter schools in New York during a keynote speech last week, announcing he'll line up "A-list internships" for all 114 of them—each of whom...

Teacher on Leave After 'Gross' Slavery Assignment

Worksheet at Texas charter school asked students to list both negative and positive aspects of slavery

(Newser) - When Roberto Livar's wife picked up their son Wednesday from Great Hearts Monte Vista charter school in San Antonio, Texas, the 8th-grader was "distraught" over an assignment in history class, Livar tells KABB . The worksheet he completed was entitled "The Life of Slaves: A Balanced View,"...

10 Best High Schools in the US
10 Best High Schools in the US

10 Best High Schools in the US

BASIS Scottsdale takes the cake

(Newser) - BASIS Charter Schools will get a kick out of US News & World Report 's 2017 list of the country's top public and charter high schools. Five of the top 10 schools are BASIS Charter Schools, including the Scottsdale, Ariz., school that took the top spot. The list...

Diddy's New Gig: Charter School Founder

He founds school in Harlem

(Newser) - He's been a rapper, actor, singer, entrepreneur, record producer, and clothing designer. Now Sean "Diddy" Combs has taken on a new job as the founder of a charter school in New York City's Harlem neighborhood. Combs announced Monday that the Capital Preparatory Harlem Charter School will open...

Black Student Has to Change Schools Because of His Race

Thanks to a decades-old anti-segregation ruling

(Newser) - A black third-grader is being booted from his St. Louis school over the wording of a 30-year-old Missouri desegregation ruling, Fox News reports. Edmund Lee's family is moving from St. Louis to a new school district in the suburbs, but Lee wanted to stay at the Gateway Science Academy...

How $125K-a-Year Teachers Affect Kids' Test Scores

New York charter school pays hefty salaries, sees results, turnover

(Newser) - A charter school in Manhattan has been conducting an experiment of sorts: How do students perform if teachers are paid $125,000 a year? The results so far at the Equity Project Charter School look promising, the Atlantic reports. The fifth- through eighth-graders slowly saw test scores rise over the...

School Slammed for Using 'Tea Party' History Books

Charter school is pushing religious propaganda, group says

(Newser) - Reigniting the church-and-state debate, a group in Washington is criticizing a charter school for teaching history with books embraced by the tea party movement, the Arizona Republic reports. Americans United for Separation of Church and State says the Heritage Academy in Mesa, Arizona, shouldn't be using two books by...

Zuckerberg Throws $120M Into Local Schools

Priscilla Chan says it's an 'incredibly personal issue'

(Newser) - As debate rages over Silicon Valley's gentrification of the Bay Area, Mark Zuckerberg yesterday gave parents there a reason to applaud their wealthy neighbors. The Facebook founder and his wife, Priscilla Chan, announced that they're sinking $120 million into San Francisco-area schools over the next five years, the...

Teachers Now Backing ... the GOP

Republicans see more union dollars roll in

(Newser) - Talk about strange bedfellows: Some American teachers' unions, bruised by struggles with Democrats like Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel , are lending their support to ... Republicans, the New York Times reports. Reaching across the aisle in states like Illiinois, Ohio, and Texas, teachers' groups gave $1.2 million to GOP state candidates...

Louisiana School: We'll Stop Kicking Out Pregnant Girls

It just totally didn't realize anything about its policy was wrong

(Newser) - A Louisiana school that has received some pretty outraged press in recent days over its unusual pregnancy policy —students who were suspected of being pregnant were forced to take a pregnancy test, and those who refused or were, indeed, with child were kicked out—is changing said policy. Pregnant...

School Forces Pregnancy Tests on 'Suspect Girls'

ACLU threatens to sue over ban on pregnant students

(Newser) - A Louisiana charter school is banning pregnant students and requiring "suspect" girls to take a pregnancy test. Now the ACLU of Louisiana is threatening legal action unless the policies are changed at the state-funded Delhi Charter School by late next week. "The policy discriminates against female students not...

Brooklyn School Bans Hugs
 Brooklyn School Bans Hugs 

Brooklyn School Bans Hugs

Parents outraged, rebellious kids keep embracing in protest

(Newser) - The Brooklyn Prospect Charter School is cracking down on that most deviant of tween behaviors: hugging. The school has instituted a rule banning hugs in the hallways, outraging many students and teachers, the Brooklyn Paper reports. Though the rule was purportedly instituted after a sixth-grader said a hug from an...

Teacher: I Was Fired for Trayvon Hoodie Protest

She tried to help students organize a fundraiser, got canned

(Newser) - A civil rights group is raising a hue and cry on behalf of Brooke Harris, who says she was fired for trying to help students organize a fundraiser protesting the killing of Trayvon Martin. Harris says students in her yearbook class suggested an event in which they'd pay $1...

Oprah Donates $1M to Schools
 Oprah Donates $1M to Schools 

Oprah Donates $1M to Schools

Talk show queen is going out with a bang on show's last year

(Newser) - Will Oprah Winfrey ’s good deeds never cease? The talk show queen donated $1 million to a California nonprofit that runs 30 charter schools in the state, the AP reports. Winfrey’s Angel Foundation donated the money to Aspire Public Schools during her show yesterday, which was devoted to...

Cafeteria-Nightclub Lands Philly School in Hot Water

Booze shouldn't be sold in schools, say Philly officials

(Newser) - Nightclubs serving booze shouldn't be allowed anywhere near elementary schools, let alone inside them, angry lawmakers in Philadelphia said after learning a charter school let its cafeteria double up as a nightclub on weekends. Officials have ordered the Harambee Institute of Science and Technology, which serves around 500 kids from...

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