oil spill

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Mississippi River Shut Down After Oil Barge Crash

Investigators not sure how large spill is

(Newser) - Oil spilled into the Mississippi River yesterday when a barge carrying 80,000 gallons of it hit a railroad bridge in Vicksburg, Miss., the AP reports. Investigators don't know how much oil spilled, but a sheen was reported as far as three miles downriver. A second barge owned by...

BP's $4.5B Spill Fine Is Biggest in US History

Firm pleads guilty to criminal misconduct

(Newser) - Looks like BP will need to reach deep into its pockets to pay its fine over the 2010 Gulf oil spill : a record $4.5 billion to resolve Justice Department and SEC claims, reports the New York Times . CNN reports that the biggest criminal penalty in US history was previously...

BP's Tab So Far in Gulf Spill: $38B

But third-quarter results better than expected

(Newser) - BP is still calculating its costs related to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, but the Gulf of Mexico disaster has now cost the oil giant more than $38 billion to date, Sky News reports. The firm’s third-quarter report included $59 million in payments related to the spill, but even...

Iran Weighs Plan to Cause Oil Spill: Report

Such a spill in the Persian Gulf would boost oil prices

(Newser) - Iran's latest idea: cause an oil spill in the Persian Gulf that would punish the West and force its leaders to play nice with Tehran, the Jerusalem Post reports. Such a spill would also drive up oil prices, induce Western countries help clean it up, and perhaps lead them...

Isaac Brings Old Oil to La. Beaches

Tar could be leftover from BP oil spill

(Newser) - The latest fallout from Hurricane Isaac: The storm caused old oil to wash up on beaches in Louisiana, and it may be from the Deepwater Horizon spill. Officials restricted fishing and are testing the tar to determine if it's from the 2010 BP spill, the AP reports. Wildlife management...

Fishing Haul Way Down in Estuary Near BP Spill

But overall in Louisiana, numbers were about the same

(Newser) - The seafood stats are in for the Gulf's 2011 harvest, and though the finger-pointing (at BP and the oil spill, of course) has begun, the numbers paint a complicated picture. Last year was the first full year of fishing since the spill, and some areas definitely saw a depressed...

Exxon Mopping Up New Oil Spill
 Exxon Mopping Up New Oil Spill 

Exxon Mopping Up New Oil Spill

80K gallons spilled from Louisiana pipeline over weekend

(Newser) - Amid reports of eyeless shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico, some good news for BP: There's a new oil spill, and it's not theirs. Rather, Exxon Mobil is cleaning up about 80,000 gallons of oil that spilled from a pipeline in rural Louisiana. The company says the...

Feds: Engineer Deleted 200 BP Spill Texts

Kurt Mix the first to be hit with criminal charges

(Newser) - The Justice Department said today it filed the first criminal charges in the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, accusing a former BP engineer of destroying evidence. Kurt Mix was arrested on two counts of obstruction of justice, and is accused of deleting a string of 200 text...

Charges Loom in Deepwater Disaster

Engineers, at least one supervisor under the gun

(Newser) - US authorities are on the verge of bringing their first criminal charges related to the Deepwater Horizon disaster, with several Houston-based engineers and at least one BP supervisor likely facing felonies, sources tell the Wall Street Journal . The men are suspected of providing false information to regulators regarding the risks...

BP: Halliburton Torched Evidence in Gulf Oil Spill

And computer modeling data 'inexplicably missing'

(Newser) - Halliburton has both intentionally destroyed and conveniently lost evidence relating to the Deepwater Horizon disaster , according to court documents filed by BP. “Halliburton has steadfastly refused to provide these critical testing and modeling results in discovery,” BP’s court filing says, according to CNN . “BP has now...

Crashed Cargo Ship's Captain Arrested

...as New Zealand prime minister warns ship could break apart

(Newser) - Bad news keeps spilling out of the cargo ship Rena , and New Zealand wants to hold her captain responsible. Officials say the captain has been arrested for “operating a vessel in a manner causing unnecessary danger or risk,” reports the BBC , which notes that the Rena plowed into...

NZ to Pump Oil From Grounded Cargo Ship

Bad weather looms, could break up ship

(Newser) - Crews are getting ready to pump some of the 1,700 metric tons of fuel aboard a cargo ship grounded off the coast of New Zealand, as gale-force wind and rain forecast for tomorrow threatens to break up the Liberian-flagged Rena and trigger an environmental disaster. "The top priority...

Oil Appearing Around BP Well Again

Sheen reaches across a quarter mile

(Newser) - A year after BP capped its ill-fated Macondo well, oil is once again appearing on the surface overhead. Oil blobs climbed to the surface and spread into patches 4 and 5 feet wide, the Press-Register reports. The thin sheen covered an area some 50 yards wide and a quarter-mile long....

Constant Oil Leaks Killing Gibraltar Bay: Critics

Spain and UK feud while spills threaten the strait's ecosystem

(Newser) - As blame spreads between Spain and the UK, so too does ecosystem-destroying oil in the Strait of Gibraltar. Europe's No. 1 transfer port, located between the towering Rock of Gibraltar and the Spanish fishing town of Algercias is, on any one day, home to tens of oil tankers and...

As Feds Set Cleanup Deadline, Exxon Under Fire

Montana governor says oil giant lied about scope of spill

(Newser) - Exxon Mobil had better clean up its act—and its 1000 barrels of crude currently spilled in the Yellowstone River. Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer has a litany of complaints that mostly boil down to the oil giant misleading state officials about the scope of the spill, and has yanked state...

Yellowstone Waters Swell as Oil Spill Spreads

Exxon admits contamination beyond 10-mile zone

(Newser) - Exxon Mobil's Montana oil spill cleanup faces a big hurdle today as the swollen Yellowstone River peaks at Billings this afternoon. The rising water means that areas already cleaned may be re-contaminated, and the AP reports that Exxon officials acknowledged under fire yesterday that the scope of the...

BP Fined $25M for 2006 Alaska Spills

It's the largest per-barrel assessment ever imposed for a spill

(Newser) - Another blow to BP's coffers—and reputation: The oil company has been fined $25 million for two Alaska pipeline spills in 2006 . The civil fines will settle charges arising from both the spills and BP's non-compliance with court orders to properly maintain the pipelines, the New York Times...

Penguins Plucked From Oil Spill in Massive Rescue

With 300 birds dead, thousands more in danger, rescuers ask for help

(Newser) - An isolated island chain halfway between Africa and Argentina, home to 140,000 penguins, is now in the midst of a massive rescue operation, after a shipwreck sent thousands of gallons of oil and soya bean into the waters there. More than 300 penguins have already died since the ship...

Busted Pipe Blocked BP's Blowout Preventer

New report details devastating mechanical troubles

(Newser) - The flow of millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico could have been stopped—but for a single piece of mangled drilling pipe that got in the way, according to contractors who examined BP's raised blowout preventer. As oil began gushing from the Deepwater Horizon rig in...

Atlantic Oil Spill Coats Endangered Penguins

Nightingale Island surrounded by giant crude slick

(Newser) - An oil spill has covered thousands of endangered penguins in crude after a cargo ship ran aground on an island in the South Atlantic, the AP reports. The MS Olivia of Malta broke into two pieces after it hit Nightingale Island in the Tristan da Cunha chain. Its 1,650...

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