Iraq exit strategy

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How to Transition Out of Iraq
 How to Transition Out of Iraq 

How to Transition Out of Iraq

David Ignatius offers a strategy for scaling back in Iraq

(Newser) - It's time for the US to carve out a practical strategy in Iraq, David Ignatius argues in the Washington Post. At a cost of $400 million a day, the war is draining America's economy—precisely what Osama bin Laden hoped for. The solution will not be quick, simple, or easy,...

Iraq Could Win the Election &mdash;for McCain
Iraq Could Win the Election
—for McCain

Iraq Could Win the Election —for McCain

GOP candidate should focus on rapidly improving war

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom has it that supporting the Iraq war is a major weakness for John McCain, but conventional wisdom is wrong, writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post. In his victory speech, Barack Obama said it was “time for Iraqis to take responsibility for their own future,” but...

May Iraq Death Toll Lowest in 4 Years

(Newser) - The death toll in Iraq plunged in May, with 21 US military dead the lowest monthly figure in more than 4 years. Iraqi civilians and troopers also saw a decline, with 532 deaths in May, compared with 1,080 the month before. But in the absence of lasting political agreements,...

McCain Sees Troops out of Iraq by 2013

Senator envisions winning war in first term in text of speech

(Newser) - John McCain thinks he can end the Iraq war and bring most troops home within his first term as president, he says in the text of a speech, obtained by the Los Angeles Times, to be delivered this morning. McCain’s doesn't acknowledge a policy change, but includes a list...

Dems Assail McCain on War
Dems Assail McCain on War

Dems Assail McCain on War

Obama would defy Petraeus to withdraw; DNC ads knock Mac's '100 years' in Iraq

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain clashed over Iraq today, as the DNC readies an ad campaign criticizing McCain's now-infamous remark about keeping troops in Iraq for 100 years. In a Fox News interview, Obama pledged to withdraw troops from Iraq even if Gen. David Petraeus advised against it. But the...

'100 Years' Flap Clearly a Sore Spot for GOP
'100 Years' Flap Clearly a Sore Spot for GOP

'100 Years' Flap Clearly a Sore Spot for GOP

Republicans' frequent complaints about Dems signal stress

(Newser) - Republicans are complaining loudly that Democrats keep distorting John McCain's comments about staying in Iraq for 100 years. So loudly, in fact, that it's a dead giveaway the GOP is seriously worried about the consequences of McCain's statement, writes Steve Benen in Salon. The continuing fallout is the "single...

Petraeus Foils Senators Seeking Exit
 Petraeus Foils
 Senators Seeking Exit  

Petraeus Foils Senators Seeking Exit

General, Crocker continue testimony on Capitol Hill today

(Newser) - David Petraeus and Ryan Crocker head back to Capitol Hill this morning after a grueling day of testimony that was short on substance and clear goals, writes the Washington Post. Pressed repeatedly yesterday to describe what "conditions" they would like to see before recommending a troop withdrawal, the general...

Senate Grills Petraeus on Basra
 on Basra 

Senate Grills Petraeus on Basra

McCain mixes up Sunnis, Shiites again

(Newser) - The campaign trail ran through a scheduled Senate Armed Service Committee appearance by David Petraeus and Ryan Crocker today, as John McCain and Hillary Clinton helped grill the general and ambassador on Iraq. McCain zeroed in on the the widespread Iraqi defections in Basra last week, saying, “It was...

US Presence in Iraq Open-Ended in Secret Pact

US-Iraq deal would remove limit on troops, weapons

(Newser) - US officials and the Iraqi government plan to authorize an open-ended American presence in Iraq, according to a secret draft of an agreement between the two nations. The March 7 draft, leaked to the Guardian, is intended to replace the current UN mandate authorizing operations that expires this year. The...

Foreign-Policy Bigwigs Duel on Wisdom of Ending War

Brzezinski says it can't finish soon enough; Boot says US mustn't leave Iraq in lurch

(Newser) - Advisors to Barack Obama and John McCain spar over ending the Iraq war in Washington Post editorials, with Zbigniew Brzezinski saying rapid departure will likely bring stability, and Max Boot arguing it would spell disaster. The former national-security adviser says much jihadism is product of anti-American fervor, a charge Boot...

Bush Praises Iraqi Offensive
 Bush Praises Iraqi Offensive 

Bush Praises Iraqi Offensive

President scolds Congress' calls for withdrawal

(Newser) - President Bush praised the government of Iraq today for the offensive launched three days ago against militias in Basra, painting it as a sign of progress toward the goals of the US war, the AP reports. Bush also criticized Congress for calling for troop withdrawals so the military’s attention...

Petraeus to Bush: Hold Troop Levels Steady

General's advice means significant drawdowns will be left to next prez

(Newser) - Troop levels should remain steady in Iraq once they return to pre-surge levels in July, Gen. David Petraeus told President Bush today. Petraeus urged a period of “consolidation and evaluation,” with monthly reviews of ground conditions—meaning Bush would likely leave major troop reductions to his successor, the...

Bush: 'Noble' Iraq War Must Go On

We're not going anywhere, president says on 5th anniversary

(Newser) - President Bush argued for continuing the Iraq war today on the fifth anniversary of its start, saying the "battle in Iraq is noble, it is necessary, and it is just." Outlining the horrors of Sadam’s regime, Bush thundered, “Because we acted, the world is better,”...

Support for Iraq War Highest Since 2006

Poll finds 53% believe US will succeed; McCain stands to benefit

(Newser) - Americans' support for the Iraq war is at its highest since the summer of 2006, with some 53% believing the 6-year-old US mission will succeed in bringing stability to the country—up from 42% in September, Politico reports. A February Pew Research Center poll found 48% of Americans believe the...

Ohio, Texas Torn Over Iraq
Ohio, Texas Torn Over Iraq

Ohio, Texas Torn Over Iraq

Ohio, Texas have suffered 1 in 8 US troop deaths

(Newser) - Tomorrow's most delegate-rich primary states, Ohio and Texas, are key to the US war effort and staunchly support the troops—but remain divided over whether to stay or quit a conflict that has cost 4,000 US lives and $500 billion. And between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the...

Obama, McCain Trade Potshots Over Iraq War

Each delivers 'news' to the other about al-Qaeda presence

(Newser) - John McCain and Barack Obama traded sharp words today, as the two presidential frontrunners bludgeoned each other over the Iraq war. McCain dug into Obama for saying, in the debate last night, that he wouldn't hesitate to act if al-Qaeda established bases in Iraq for targeting the US, Reuters reports....

Gates Backs Pause in Iraq Troop Pullout

Defense secretary sees need to stabilize gains after 'al-Qaeda routed'

(Newser) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates today backed a "pause" in pulling out US forces from Iraq once the 30,000  troops added for the surge are sent home in July. “The notion of a brief period of consolidation and evaluation probably does make sense,” Gates told reporters during...

House Demands Iraq Exit Plan in 60 Days

Bipartisan vote for Iraqi withdrawal plan

(Newser) - The House of Representatives has voted overwhelmingly to give the White House 60 days to come up with an exit plan for withdrawing significant numbers of troops from Iraq. The 377-46 vote is the first salvo of a new Democratic strategy but does not require a withdrawal timeline or  a...

Democrats Vote $150B For War
Democrats Vote $150B For War

Democrats Vote $150B For War

Will continue to pressure administration to end conflict

(Newser) - After failing to force the White House to bring significant numbers of troops home, Senate Democrats helped authorize another $150 billion to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The 92-3 funding approval came as the House planned legislation that will require President Bush to produce a coherent exit...

Bush, Brown Back UN Iraq Force
Bush, Brown Back UN Iraq Force

Bush, Brown Back UN Iraq Force

Security Council resolution could mark beginning of exit strategy

(Newser) - The US and UK have circulated a draft resolution to the UN Security Council that would greatly increase the UN's role in Iraq, writes the Times of London. The resolution follows Bush and Brown's meeting at Camp David and is seen as a step towards an exit strategy from Iraq...

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