the Hispanic vote

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Housing Bill Funds Democratic Ally

Group sets out to register the poor

(Newser) - Nestled in the housing bill President Bush signed yesterday is an acronym Republicans don’t like one bit: ACORN. The Wall Street Journal reports that the group is among the many housing-related nonprofits the bill hands cash to, but Republicans grumble that it does more than housing. It’s also...

Candidates Failing to Reach Florida's Hispanic Voters

Obama and McCain both pushing wrong message, nonpartisan group says

(Newser) - Hispanics could swing the presidential election in November, especially in crucial Florida, but the presumptive nominees aren’t reaching them, the St. Petersburg Times reports. Hispanics tend to vote on issues rather than along strictly party lines, but the media and candidates are pushing immigration reform though polls show the...

McCain, Obama Pitch Economic Plans to Hispanics

Candidates make their cases before key constituency

(Newser) - John McCain and Barack Obama each reached out to the critical constituency of Hispanic voters today. The rivals pressed anew their support for comprehensive immigration reform in separate speeches to the League of United Latin American Citizens. But each candidate was primarily focused on making the case that he—not...

Latino Voters: Four Myths
 Latino Voters: Four Myths 

Latino Voters: Four Myths

They don't want Spanish-language ads—and they will vote for a black guy

(Newser) - Pundits are way off on Hispanic voters, writes Arian Campo-Flores in Newsweek. Four common misconceptions:
  • Immigration is everything. A recent survey showed that education, health care, the economy, and crime were more important in the demographic. Recent immigrants are most likely to care about immigration—and least likely to be

Ethnic Media Proud of, Cautious About Candidate
Ethnic Media Proud of, Cautious About Candidate

Ethnic Media Proud of, Cautious About Candidate

A step for diversity, all agree, but will he show minorities the love?

(Newser) - Ethnic media outlets are lauding Barack Obama's victory as a step for all minorities, but they're also holding him at arm’s length, waiting for personal attention. “The White House may not be a house for whites anymore,” said Korea Daily. Indeed, American minorities say glass ceilings broken...

Obama Woos Key Western Swing States

Colo., Nev., and NM, barely lost by Kerry, seen as key to a Dem win this time

(Newser) - Barack Obama is touring the Mountain West, Politico reports, territory advisers believe could be crucial in the general election. At stake are Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada, states George Bush won by small margins in 2004—and in which the GOP has since lost popularity, especially on immigration and among...

Hispanics Hit 15% of US Population
Hispanics Hit 15% of US Population

Hispanics Hit 15% of US Population

High birth rate a big asset to the economy as workforce ages

(Newser) - The US Hispanic population is booming, driven more by a high birth rate among those already in the country than immigration, the Census Bureau says. Since 2000, Latinos have jumped from 12.6% to more than 15% of the total population—swelling their numbers to 45.5 million from 35....

Demos to Watch in Pa. Vote
 Demos to Watch in Pa. Vote 

Demos to Watch in Pa. Vote

Breaking down the groups that will decide the election

(Newser) - Some of the election season’s most intriguing demographics will be out in force in today’s Pennsylvania primary. The Wall Street Journal breaks down who they are and how they might vote in November.
  • Working-class white males mostly went red in 2006, supporting Republicans by a 14-point margin. Increased

Dems Launch New Spin Cycle
Dems Launch New Spin Cycle

Dems Launch New Spin Cycle

Clinton, Obama clash over who's winning, whose November appeal is broader

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama both say they're winning the Democratic nomination race, of course, but each backs it up differently. Obama points to a lead in delegates overall, pledged delegates, and popular vote. Clinton claims important groups like women, blue-collar workers, and Latinos—and so-called "big states" like...

Obama Not Making a Connection With Catholics

Clinton's Hispanic-Catholic base may prove key in coming contests

(Newser) - Barack Obama's poor primary showings with Catholic voters could become more problematic in Catholic-heavy states like Pennsylvania and Rhode Island, Politico reports. Despite Obama's string of victories, Hillary Clinton has consistently grabbed a large percentage of Catholics, in part due to her popularity with majority-Catholic Hispanics. Analysts and Catholic politicians...

Why Don't Latinos Back Barack?
Why Don't Latinos Back Barack?

Why Don't Latinos Back Barack?

Minorities don't always vote for minority candidates

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's support in Hispanic communities is well documented, but the voting patterns of Hispanics are not as easy to characterize as her pollsters make them out to be, reports the New York Times. The issue of identity politics is a complicated matter that clearly does not guarantee that all...

Obama Up by 6 in Texas, Down by 2 in Ohio

Female, Hispanic voters stick with Clinton

(Newser) - Ahead of Tuesday’s crucial primaries, Barack Obama leads Hillary Clinton in Texas, 48% to 42%, and trails in Ohio, 44% to 42%, Reuters reports. “All the momentum is with Obama,” said pollster John Zogby. “The question is whether she can stem the tide.” In Ohio,...

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