Middle East

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New Cisco Unit First Based Abroad
New Cisco Unit First Based Abroad

New Cisco Unit First Based Abroad

Will aim to wire entire cities in Middle East, China, India from Bangalore HQ

(Newser) - Dozens of new cities are to be built in China, India, and the Middle East in the coming decade and Cisco Systems wants to network them top-to-bottom, the Financial Times reports. The networking equipment giant is setting up a new business center in Bangalore, India, as part of its push...

Suicide Attacks in Iraq Kill 34
Suicide Attacks in Iraq Kill 34

Suicide Attacks in Iraq Kill 34

Blasts in two cities underscore threat posed by insurgents

(Newser) - Two suicide attacks in big cities north of Baghdad today killed at least 34 and injured up to 100, underscoring the dangers still posed by insurgents, the Washington Post reports. A bomber killed 12 at a funeral in Baqubah, following an earlier car bomb explosion in Baiji that killed at...

Nokia Wins Big on Luxe Phones
Nokia Wins Big on Luxe Phones

Nokia Wins Big on Luxe Phones

Decked-out cell phones seen as status symbol for mega-rich

(Newser) - Nokia is enjoying increasing success with its Vertu subsidiary, a maker of luxury cellphones, as a super expensive phone becomes a status symbol for the mega-rich. Der Spiegel reports that Vertu phones, which come diamond- or gold-encrusted, make the iPhone look absolutely pedestrian with a price range from $6,500...

US to Privately Grade Mideast Peace Plan

Critics question secret oversight; official says it avoids public blame

(Newser) - Washington will secretly score Israeli and Palestinian adherence to the "road map" peace plan and hash out results with each side, Reuters reports. US diplomats plan to report to the White House on Israeli settlement growth and Palestinian vows to curb militants, two keys to the peace deal—but...

Olmert Nixes Hamas Truce: 'This War Will Continue'

Says Palestinian militants must first cease attacks, recognize Israel

(Newser) - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert today refused to consider a truce with Hamas until the militant Palestinian group recognizes Israel and halts attacks in Gaza, reports the BBC. Olmert told government officials that Israel is gaining ground in stopping rocket attacks, of which 1,000 have hit Israel since Hamas...

Lebanon Backs General as Prez Candidate

Government moves to break deadlock

(Newser) - The Lebanese government is attempting to clear a deadlock over who will run the nation by approving Lebanon's army chief as a presidential candidate. Gen. Michel Suleiman has provisional support from both the right-wing Christian ruling party and the Hezbollah-led opposition. His selection would require a constitutional amendment endorsed by...

US Pulls UN Resolution on Mideast Peace

Israeli uneasiness prompts withdrawal of draft document

(Newser) - Reacting to Israeli objections, the US State Department has withdrawn a draft of a UN resolution based on agreements reached at this week's Annapolis conference, Reuters reports. Israeli diplomats apparently were dismayed that the US did not consult them before putting the resolution to the Security Council yesterday, and involving...

Fear of Iran Driving Push for Peace
Fear of Iran Driving Push for Peace

Fear of Iran Driving Push for Peace

Arab leaders at conference unified by mounting extremist threats in Mideast

(Newser) - Fear of Iran and Islamic extremism is the catalyst that's bringing together delegates at the Mideast peace conference in Annapolis, the New York Times reports. Sunni Arab leaders see their young people becoming radicalized and Iran's influence expanding, and fear the region could be transformed in new and dangerous ways....

Saudis Will Attend Mideast Summit
Saudis Will Attend Mideast Summit

Saudis Will Attend Mideast Summit

But there won't be any 'theatrical shows' of affection for Israel

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia will attend next Tuesday’s Arab-Israeli summit in Maryland, Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said today, but he won't be shaking hands with any Israelis, the BBC reports. Prince Saud said at a meeting of the Arab League that the Saudis were reluctant to go, but since the...

Taliban Reclaiming Afghanistan
Taliban Reclaiming Afghanistan

Taliban Reclaiming Afghanistan

Now established in 54% of country and headed for Kabul

(Newser) - The Taliban is rapidly regaining control of Afghanistan, according to a report released by the Senlis Council, an independent think tank. The insurgency has established a permanent presence in 54% of the country, including "important road arteries," and the Taliban's goal of reaching Kabul in 2008 seems "...

Mubarak Gives Peace Talks Thumbs-Up
Mubarak Gives Peace Talks Thumbs-Up

Mubarak Gives Peace Talks Thumbs-Up

Egyptian prez on board for next week's Annapolis summit

(Newser) - Saying "Now is the right time for a comprehensive peace," Hosni Mubarak today endorsed next week's Middle East summit in Annapolis, the Times reports. The Egyptian president's backing boosted hopes that more Arab states will take part. “Obviously we would hope that Egypt’s position will be...

Blair Floats Palestinian Jobs Plan
Blair Floats
Palestinian Jobs Plan

Blair Floats Palestinian Jobs Plan

Mideast envoy offers 'quick impact project' ahead of Annapolis summit

(Newser) - In his first major undertaking as the international community's Mideast envoy, Tony Blair will disclose plans today to provide tens of thousands of jobs for Palestinians, the Guardian reports. The multimillion-dollar projects come in the lead-up to the peace talks in Annapolis next week. "This is part of the...

'Bring Down' Hamas in Gaza: Palestinian Prez

Hamas is 'abusing our people,' says Abbas

(Newser) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas yesterday called for the overthrow of the Hamas government in Gaza for "abusing" people. "We have to bring down this bunch, which took over Gaza with armed force," he said in his most inflammatory remarks since Hamas took over in June. Abbas' angry...

50 More Years in Mideast for US, Ex-General Says

Abizaid: Strategic situation won't allow withdrawal for decades

(Newser) - It could be 50 years before US troops leave the Middle East, the former commander of US forces in the region said yesterday. The Associated Press reports that while John Abizaid acknowledges that US forces will eventually play an "indirect role" in conflicts such as Iraq, the military won't...

First Lady Pushes Saudis on Breast Cancer Awareness

Stigma prevents many women from seeking treatment for the disease

(Newser) - Laura Bush today swept into a country where breast cancer is such a taboo that it is often not prevented, treated, or publicly admitted—a high-profile woman trumpeting a pink-ribbon message where 70% of cases aren't reported until late stages. Though excellent care exists, many ignore "that disease" for...

US Surf Champ Scuffles With Israeli Paparazzi

Dude detained in row as photogs snap super model gal pal

(Newser) - A camera-shy Florida surfing champ with super model in tow was detained and released following a row with photographers in Israel, reports AP. Eight-time world champion Kelly Slater was spotted outside a hotel near Tel Aviv with model Bar Refaeli; when photogs started snapping, Slater pushed them, police said. A...

European Militants Find Training in Pakistan

Fighters wary of Iraq are groomed for terror ops on Afghan border

(Newser) - Renewed Al-Qaeda strength on the Pakistan-Afghan border is wooing European militants to train in Pakistan, the Los Angeles Times reports. Fighters who are wary of Iraq—where they may have to strap on a bomb on short notice—can enjoy being groomed for missions in Pakistan. “Pakistan worries me...

Letter Chides Rice on Summit Planning

Former diplomats call for more leadership, talks with Hamas

(Newser) - As Condoleezza Rice prepares for next month's Mideast peace summit, a group of former diplomats have warned her that the opportunity may be squandered by poor planning and weak strategy. The Guardian reports on an unprecedented letter to Rice from top former State Department figures, saying that "the chances...

Bush Unloads on Burmese Junta
Bush Unloads on Burmese Junta

Bush Unloads on Burmese Junta

Prez announces new sanctions, visa ban at UN

(Newser) - President Bush told the UN General Assembly today that the US will tighten economic sanctions on Burma and impose a travel ban on its military junta leaders. The US has long maintained an embargo against the country, which is now in its eighth day of anti-junta protests. “The people’...

Is Biggest Oilfield Running Dry?
Is Biggest Oilfield Running Dry?

Is Biggest Oilfield Running Dry?

Saudis may be hiding fact that world's largest reservoir is drying up

(Newser) - The world’s most critical oil field might be nearing its end. Saudi Arabia, which accounts for 19% of all oil exports, doesn’t supply hard data about its production, but a little math sleuthing by a computer scientist shows the Ghawar reservoirs should be empty soon, the Atlantic reports.

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