
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Pentagon Splits Up Disputed Cloud Contract

Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Oracle will each have a piece of potential $9B deal

(Newser) - The Pentagon announced Wednesday that it has resolved the long-running battle among tech giants for its cloud computing contract by giving everybody a piece of the pie. Google, Oracle, Microsoft, and Amazon each won part of the deal that could total $9 billion by the time the Joint Warfighting Cloud...

Pentagon Intros Secret New Bomber: 'Won't Really See It'

B-21 Raider is first US stealth warplane of its kind in more than 30 years, meant to combat China

(Newser) - America's newest nuclear stealth bomber is making its public debut after years of secret development and as part of the Pentagon's answer to rising concerns over a future conflict with China. The B-21 Raider is the first new American bomber aircraft in more than 30 years, per the...

Musk Flops, Apparently, on Paying for Starlink

SpaceX founder tried to get Pentagon to step in on program in Ukraine

(Newser) - He may have sounded a little bitter about the whole thing, but Elon Musk nonetheless said Saturday that SpaceX will keep covering the cost of its Starlink satellite terminals in Ukraine. "The hell with it … even though Starlink is still losing money & other companies are getting billions...

SpaceX: We Can't Keep Paying for Ukraine Satellites

CNN reports the company wants Pentagon to start picking up the tab for Starlink

(Newser) - Last Friday, Elon Musk laid out on Twitter how much it's cost his SpaceX company this year to donate 20,000 or so Starlink satellite units to Ukraine: roughly $80 million, with projections by Musk that the figure will exceed $100 million by year's end. Now, it looks...

US to Send Ukraine Biggest Arms Package Yet

(Newser) - The US on Monday announced its biggest arms shipment so far to Ukraine, a package adding up to $1 billion that includes long-range weapons and armored medical transport vehicles. US assistance since Russia invaded Ukraine in February now surpasses $9 billion. The weapons will come from American military stockpiles, CNBC...

Pentagon Officials' Phones Were Wiped of Jan. 6 Texts

Watchdog group demands investigation

(Newser) - The post-Jan. 6 phone-wiping apparently extended to the Pentagon as well as Homeland Security and the Secret Service , according to court documents. The watchdog group American Oversight says that in response to litigation, the Department of Defense and the Army have confirmed that the phones of officials including former acting...

Photo Completes Portrait Wall Honoring 9/11 Attacks' Victims

New York exhibition is a tribute to the 2,977 lives taken

(Newser) - A portrait filled the last vacancy on the photo wall at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York on Wednesday, concluding the almost 16-year-long project to memorialize the hundreds killed as a result of the terrorist attacks of 2001. Antonio Dorsey Pratt's portrait, provided through Voices...

High-Tech Arms Going to Ukraine Include Harpoon Launcher

International meeting of defense leaders discusses sending more advanced weapons

(Newser) - Nearly 50 defense leaders from around the world met Monday and agreed to send more advanced weapons to Ukraine, including a harpoon launcher and missiles to protect its coast, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters. And Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that "low-level"...

Pentagon: Ukraine Hit Russia's Warship Before It Sank

Ukrainian forces struck Moskva with two Neptune missiles, says defense official

(Newser) - Ukraine claimed it caused a Russian warship to sink on Thursday. Russia refuted that claim, saying there was a fire and that the ship simply sank as it was being towed to shore for repairs. Now the Pentagon is weighing in, and it's confirming the Ukrainian side of the...

US Prepares for Test of North Korean Missile

Next launch of ICBM could be to determine its range

(Newser) - North Korea is in the middle of testing a new intercontinental ballistic missile, US officials said Thursday, prompting an increase in the readiness level for American missile defense forces in Asia. The tests are being conducted openly this time, officials said, allowing them to prepare for what they expect to...

Pentagon Adjusts Account of Kabul Airport Attack

Investigation concludes that a single bomber was responsible

(Newser) - The mass killing at the Kabul airport last August, as US forces were withdrawing from Afghanistan, was carried out by a single attacker, a Pentagon investigation has found. At least 170 Afghans and 13 American troops were killed in the blast . The Pentagon report says it was caused by one...

'Nervous' Chicken Caught at Pentagon Checkpoint

It's been named 'Henny Penny'

(Newser) - A mysterious intruder was found at a Department of Defense security checkpoint earlier this week—and fowl play is suspected. "Apparently, the answer to 'why did the chicken cross the road' is to get to the Pentagon," an animal welfare group tweeted after the bird was spotted...

Ukraine Worried About 'Panic' in the West

US defense chief urges Putin to back away from a confict

(Newser) - Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin joined the list Friday of political and military leaders around the world urging Russia to turn away from a fight at the Ukraine border. "There's no reason that this situation has to devolve into conflict," Austin said, per the Hill , adding that Russian...

US Places 8.5K Troops on High Alert for Ukraine

Move is intended to reassure allies, Pentagon says

(Newser) - Saying "it's very clear the Russians have no intention right now of de-escalating," a Pentagon spokesman announced Monday that 8,500 US troops have been placed on high alert. Should Russia invade Ukraine, most of them would join a NATO response force that hasn't yet become...

New Video Shows US Drone Strike That Killed 7 Kids

'We deeply regret the loss of life,' says US Central Command rep

(Newser) - The Pentagon has released video footage of last year's botched drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan, which killed 10 civilians, seven of them children. In two silent videos obtained by the New York Times through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, two drones observe a car backing into a walled...

National Guard Has New Rules for Use in DC

Approval responsibility shifts to defense secretary

(Newser) - The Pentagon said Thursday it has streamlined the approval process for urgent use of National Guard forces in the District of Columbia, after months of study following the Jan. 6 riot at the US Capitol. The changes give the defense secretary sole authority to approve requests that would involve DC...

Pentagon Won't Punish Anyone for Civilian Deaths

10 people were killed in Kabul after US commanders decided aid worker was with ISIS-K

(Newser) - The Pentagon won't discipline any US personnel involved in the mistaken drone strike that killed 10 civilians in Afghanistan in August. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin accepted recommendations on the issue that did not include punishment, press secretary John Kirby said Monday. The recommendations from two commanders were mostly procedural,...

6-Year ID Project for Victims of USS Oklahoma Is Complete

92% of the victims from Pearl Harbor attack were identified, with 33 remaining 'unknowns'

(Newser) - A six-year project to identify the crew members killed on the USS Oklahoma when it sank during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor has ended with 33 people still unidentified, the military revealed this week. However, 355 sailors and Marines were identified from dental records or DNA samples supplied by...

Generals Lied About Jan. 6, Ex-DC Guard Official Charges

Memo says deployment was delayed to avoid the appearance of uniformed troops at Capitol

(Newser) - A memo by a DC National Guard officer accuses two Army generals of lying to Congress about the response to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and the Pentagon of trying to cover up the failures. Gen. Charles Flynn and Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt are "absolute and unmitigated...

Trump's Ex-DOD Chief Sues Pentagon Over Memoir

Mark Esper says Defense Department is blocking parts of his manuscript it thought were 'too candid'

(Newser) - Mark Esper's memoir, A Sacred Oath, is due out in May from William Morrow, but readers may not see everything he originally included in its pages, thanks to the Pentagon. The former defense secretary in the Trump administration is now suing the agency he once led, claiming that sections...

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