Big Mac

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'David' Says It Beat 'Goliath' in 'Big Mac' Trademark Fight

Irish rival Supermac's contested McDonald's use of the label for certain items

(Newser) - The decision is about more than burger names, but when it comes to burger names, it's a big one. McDonald's on Wednesday lost a European Union trademark dispute over the Big Mac name after a top EU court sided with Irish fast-food rival Supermac's in a long-running...

McDonald's Pushes Back Against 'Viral Posts' on Prices

Company president says people have been telling whoppers about 100% Big Mac price hikes

(Newser) - The president of McDonald's USA is pushing back against what he calls "viral social posts and poorly sourced reports" about price rises. In an open letter , Joe Erlinger said reports of price rises "significantly beyond inflationary rates" have been greatly exaggerated, CNN reports.
  • "I can tell

34K+ Big Macs and Counting: Guy Is Still Eating Them

Guinness record holder Don Gorske has consumed an unimaginable quantity of the McDonald's burger

(Newser) - Two years ago, Don Gorske hit a taste bud-teasing milestone: a half-century of scarfing down Big Macs almost every day. Now, the Wisconsin man can claim even more Big Mac bragging rights, extending the record-holding status he first reached with Guinness World Records in 1999 by eating 34,128 of...

McDonald's Is Making Some Big McChanges

Burgers are getting upgrades, and the Hamburglar is back

(Newser) - McDonald's hamburgers will soon taste a bit different. The fast food giant is making a number of changes including new buns, "meltier" cheese, more sauce on the Big Mac, and onions added to the patties while they're still on the griddle. The Big Mac, the McDouble, and...

Man Marks 50 Years of Eating Big Macs Daily
Man Marks 50 Years
of Eating Big Macs Daily
in case you missed it

Man Marks 50 Years of Eating Big Macs Daily

Wisconsin man Don Gorske has only had 8 Macless days since 1972

(Newser) - Wisconsin man Don Gorske has marked a milestone in unadventurous eating that may never be equaled. He visited his local McDonald's in Fond du Lac on Tuesday to mark 50 years of eating Big Macs almost every day. "All through life here, a lot of people said, '...

McDonald's Just Spread Some More 'Big Mac Love'

Welcome the Double Big Mac and Little Mac

(Newser) - The Double Big Mac has arrived. The four-patty burger, dressed like your usual two-patty Big Mac, will be added to the McDonald's menu at participating restaurants for a limited time beginning Thursday, CNN reports. The Double Big Mac—not to be confused with the Grand Mac —has long...

Joey Chestnut Crushes Big Mac Eating Record

He gobbled 32 burgers in 38 minutes

(Newser) - Competitive eating juggernaut Joey Chestnut smashed the world record for eating Big Macs Thursday—and lived to tell the tale. "I'm having a cheat day," he declared before eating 32 Big Macs in 38 minutes in a video he posted on social media. He admitted he was...

McDonald's Lost a Big Mac Trademark. BK Pounced

Burger King restaurants in Sweden are now selling 'Not Big Macs'

(Newser) - So you're a fast-food giant that loses a trademark for one of your most popular offerings—what's the worst that can happen? Your rival could decide to mercilessly troll you, for one. That's what's happening to McDonald's in the EU, where the chain recently lost...

Guy Has Eaten 30K Big Macs
Guy Has Eaten 30K Big Macs

Guy Has Eaten 30K Big Macs

Don Gorske has only missed 8 days since his first in 1972

(Newser) - A 64-year-old Wisconsin man has eaten his 30,000th Big Mac and not only has lived to tell the tale, but claims low cholesterol and "perfect" blood pressure. As the Fond du Lac Reporter reports, Don Gorske ate his first Big Mac in 1972 at the same McDonald's...

McDonald's Is Giving Away 10K Bottles of Big Mac Sauce

Bigger, smaller Macs to be launched Thursday

(Newser) - To get you to come into McDonald's and buy new versions of its Big Mac, the chain is giving away 10,000 bottles of its trademark special sauce for people to use at home, the AP reports. The move is to celebrate the introduction of the Mac Jr. and...

'All I Got Was a Plaque': Big Mac Creator Dies
'All I Got Was a Plaque':
Big Mac Creator Dies

'All I Got Was a Plaque': Big Mac Creator Dies

Jim Delligatti started selling his burger for 45 cents

(Newser) - When he put two beef patties, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, and a "special sauce" on a double-sliced sesame seed bun, Michael "Jim" Delligatti could've had no idea that he'd just created what would become America's most famous burger. The McDonald's franchisee from Pennsylvania never...

McDonald's Is Testing the 'Grand Mac'

And the 'Mac Jr.,' for those with daintier appetites

(Newser) - The Big Mac turns 50 next year, and McDonald's has decided to update its signature menu item from 1967 for an age when the average burger—and the average American—is bigger. A super-sized "Grand Mac" was rolled out in the test markets of central Ohio and Dallas/Fort...

McDonald's Is Changing How It Preps Its Buns

Fasten your seatbelt: the toasting times, they are a-changing

(Newser) - McDonald's has floated some pretty radical changes in its apparently relentless zeal to reboot , or as CEO Steve Easterbrook puts it, the chain's "recommitting to hotter, tastier food." The latest is literally "hotter," but not so radical: As Time reports, the chain will begin...

Driver Leads Police Chase... so He Can Finish Big Mac

Not surprisingly, alcohol was allegedly involved

(Newser) - Talk about a Mac Attack: An Ohio man allegedly driving at three times the legal alcohol limit led police on a chase so he could finish his Big Mac, the Smoking Gun reports. An officer tried to stop Randall Miller, 31, from pulling out of a McDonald's drive-thru in...

If McDonald's Doubled Wages, Big Macs Would Rise ... 68 Cents

Researcher calculates bump to $15 an hour

(Newser) - Fast-food workers want to make a "living wage" of $15 an hour . Chains say they'd have to jack up prices if that ever happened. But just how high? Turns out, not as high as you might think, at least according to a University of Kansas researcher. He found...

25K Big Macs? Man Marks Milestone Today

Don Gorske will celebrate at McDonald's

(Newser) - Don Gorske ate his first Big Mac on May 17, 1972. Today, 39 years later, he will eat his 25,000th. Gorske, 57, normally eats two of the McDonald’s classics a day, but has eaten just one on a number of days this year so that he could hit...

New Health Ad Targets Death by Big Mac

Don't be lovin' it, commercial warns

(Newser) - A health group with a beef against McDonald's is taking its complaint to TV. A new ad by the nonprofit Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine features a chubby dead man in a morgue still gripping a half-eaten burger, and implies McDonald's is to blame. The words "I was lovin'...

Movie Popcorn = 3 Quarter Pounders, Plus Butter

It's as unhealthy as it was 15 years ago

(Newser) - Figure 1,600 calories, 60 grams of saturated fat, and 980 milligrams of sodium—that’s what you’re eating when you scarf down a medium helping of movie popcorn at the nation's biggest theater chain. Add a soda and it’s the equivalent of eating a pound of baby...

Burger King Slammed for Seducing 'Whopper Virgins'

Campaign to bring burger to newbies leaves bad taste in critics' mouths

(Newser) - Burger King is catching flak for taking the burger wars to places that don't even have a word for burger, Wall Street Journal reports. In a campaign critics are calling crass, the company sought out "Whopper Virgins" in far-flung locations from Greenland to Transylvania who had never eaten a...

In Tough Times, McDonald's Revives a Jingle

'Two all-beef patties' Big Mac slogan seeks new tune on MySpace

(Newser) - In 1974, with an unpopular war raging and inflation on the rise, McDonald's launched a jingle—"Two all beef patties, special sauce..."—to promote its signature product, the Big Mac. Decades later, in similar circumstances, the fast food giant is reintroducing the mantra-like list of ingredients via...

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