Florida voting

12 Stories

Romney Pulls Ahead of Gingrich in Florida

New poll shows Mitt at 38%, Newt at 29%

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is on a roll: After an impressive debate performance last night, he's No. 1 in Florida in a new poll. The Quinnipiac Poll has Romney with 38%, followed by Newt Gingrich with 29%, Ron Paul with 14%, and Rick Santorum with 12%. That's quite a difference...

Hillary Compares Nigeria Democracy to Florida 2000

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton told an audience of Nigerians yesterday that while their country's democracy is deeply flawed, the Florida presidential race recount shows America's isn't perfect either, the Guardian reports. "Our democracy is still evolving," Clinton said. "We had some problems in some of our presidential elections. In...

Voting Could Get Ugly, Warn Watchdogs

Ballot denial, long lines likely in battleground states

(Newser) - With record-shattering turnout anticipated, voter-rights groups predict contentious voting in battleground states, where Republicans are accused of disenfranchising new voters—who are overwhelmingly Democrat. In Florida, a “no match, no vote” standard denies ballots to people whose registration info clashes with government records, an obstacle not unique to that...

Florida Extends Early Voting Hours

Governor makes move to cut down on hours-long lines

(Newser) - Florida Gov. Charlie Crist decreed yesterday that early-voting locations stay open 12 hours a day instead of the usual eight, in an attempt to address hours-long lines at many polling places, the Orlando Sentinel reports. Crist's failure to consult with his party's leadership has ruffled some Republican feathers, but the...

McCain's Final Strokes Paint Obama With Lefty Brush

Democrat's tax plans amount to 'welfare,' Republican charges

(Newser) - John McCain criticized Barack Obama’s economic plans yesterday as the Republican focuses on portraying his opponent as a tax-and-spend liberal with a socialist vision for America, the Los Angeles Times reports. McCain had hoped to iconic plumber Joe on his tour of central Florida, but Joe Wurzelbacher refused. Instead,...

Florida Vote Could Hinge on Youth, for a Change

The domain of the retirees has growing, active young voter bloc

(Newser) - Florida is used to being the center of attention in election years, but senior centers and condo complexes no longer wield all the power. The swing state may have reached the point where its under-30 residents can tip the balance to Barack Obama, reports Time. Florida’s population is actually...

Clinton Fans Say Her Support for Obama Tepid

Her Florida speech seems lackluster, worrying partisans

(Newser) - Yesterday Hillary Clinton gave a speech in Florida, site of her uncontested primary victory, and urged Democrats to vote for Barack Obama in November. But as the New York Times reports, many at the rally found her support for the presumptive nominee lukewarm at best. In a room full of...

Candidates Failing to Reach Florida's Hispanic Voters

Obama and McCain both pushing wrong message, nonpartisan group says

(Newser) - Hispanics could swing the presidential election in November, especially in crucial Florida, but the presumptive nominees aren’t reaching them, the St. Petersburg Times reports. Hispanics tend to vote on issues rather than along strictly party lines, but the media and candidates are pushing immigration reform though polls show the...

Hispanic Dems Could Make GOP Nervous in Fla.

Sunshine State might not be such a sure bet for McCain in Nov.

(Newser) - Registered Democrats will take a lead among a crucial demographic for the first time this week: Hispanic Floridians. The GOP has lost ground in its traditional stronghold for the last 2 years, and its slide might give the Democrats a shot at the critical state and its 27 electoral votes...

Florida Dems Nix Primary Do-Over
Florida Dems
Nix Primary

Florida Dems Nix Primary Do-Over

State tells party to find solution; Michigan mulls June re-vote

(Newser) - Florida Democrats reacted to weeks of political wrangling today by ditching plans for a mail-in revote, the Miami Herald reports. "Thousands of people responded," Florida Democratic Party chair Karen Thurman wrote. "The consensus is clear: Florida doesn’t want to vote again. So we won’t."...

Deal Close for Mail-in Florida Revote

Nelson, Crist push soft-money do-over

(Newser) - Floridians will get a chance to vote again in the Democratic primary, this time by mail, if Florida Sen. Bill Nelson and Gov. Charlie Crist have their way. Nelson tells Newsweek that plans are all but set for a re-vote, this time paid for by soft money donations. But hurdles...

Nader Will Reveal Election Plans
Nader Will Reveal Election Plans

Nader Will Reveal Election Plans

He'll announce decision on 'Meet the Press' Sunday

(Newser) - Ralph Nader will announce this weekend whether he intends to run for president again. He's been talking to “lots of people on all sorts of levels” about a potential bid, said Nader's spokesman from the 2004 race. The announcement comes Sunday on "Meet the Press." “Obviously,...

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