political scandal

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'It's Better to Like Beautiful Girls Than Be Gay': Berlusconi

Italian PM offers up an interesting defense

(Newser) - Despite calls for his resignation , Silvio Berlusconi will not step down—or apologize—following reports of his involvement with a 17-year-old belly dancer. His defense: “It’s better to like beautiful girls than to be gay,” Ireland's RTÉ reports. At a motorcycle industry show, he insisted he hadn’...

Teen Belly Dancer Could Be Berlusconi's Downfall

Italian leaders are finally getting sick of his never-ending scandals

(Newser) - Silvio Berlusconi has shrugged off more than his share of sex scandals, but even old allies appear to be finally losing patience with the Italian leader's antics. Parliamentary speaker Gianfranco Fini says Berlusconi should step down if reports that he abused his power and pressured police into releasing a 17-year-old...

State Politics: Hotbed of Sleaze, Booze, Scandal

ABC investigation finds no shortage of sleaze at state level

(Newser) - You hear a lot more about the sleaze in Congress and governors' mansions than the sleaze at the state legislator level, but that's not because of a lack of low-down behavior, an ABC News investigation finds. Five grad students sent to cover a national convention of state legislators in Louisville,...

Blogger Swears to Nikki Haley Affair in Affidavit

Alleged lobbyist lover says he'll follow suit; Haley denies everything

(Newser) - Conservative blogger Will Folks is sticking to his guns about his alleged affair with Nikki Haley, giving a sworn affidavit in which he says he had “romantic encounters” with the would-be governor in his apartment, her Statehouse office, and her Cadillac. “Rep. Haley specifically requested that I notify...

Fresh Subpoenas Issued in Edwards Hush Cash Inquiry

Former candidate could still face charges, trial

(Newser) - John Edwards' political career is dead but the federal probe into whether he used campaign funds to keep his mistress quiet has shown public signs of life for the first time in more than a year. Federal prosecutors have issued a fresh round of subpoenas for witnesses to appear before...

Senate Candidate Indicted for Sex With Minor

Eric Deaton claims to have Tea Party backing

(Newser) - Another day, another political sex scandal—but this one involves a minor. Ohio's Eric W. Deaton, Senate candidate for the conservative Constitution Party, was indicted Tuesday for having alleged sexual contact with a young girl, the Dayton Daily News reports. Deaton, 42, is accused of having unlawful sexual conduct with...

Looks Like Bribery's Legal
 Looks Like Bribery's Legal 

Looks Like Bribery's Legal

Messy campaign finance system explains Blago verdict: Scott Turow

(Newser) - An Illinois jury's failure to convict Rod Blagojevich on bribery-related charges despite damning evidence starts to make sense when you look at America's shambolic campaign finance system, argues Scott Turow. The huge number of loopholes, together with the Supreme Court's decision to lift restrictions on corporate campaign donations, has turned...

Blago Jurors Have Settled on Only 2 Counts

Judge wants them to keep deliberating

(Newser) - The Rod Blagojevich jury continues to be stuck: On its 12th day of deliberations, jurors informed the judge that they've settled on only two counts (it's not clear which ones), remain deadlocked on 11 others, and haven't even begun deliberating the remaining 11 related to wire fraud charges. The judge...

Republicans Scolded for Partying With Lady Lobbyists

Boehner tells off Hunter, Graves, Terry, others

(Newser) - John Boehner has warned several Republican congressmen to stop flirting, dining, partying, and otherwise hanging out with female lobbyists. Boehner told the reps to “knock it off,” sources tell the New York Post , which dutifully tracked down the perpetrators. It caught Lee Terry, for example, chatting up an...

Sarkozy Denies Taking Illegal Donations

France outraged over alleged cash handoffs from L'Oreal heiress

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy went on TV last night to defend himself and his party against allegations that they took illegal cash donations from Liliane Bettencourt—the richest woman in France, and heir to the L’Oreal fortune. Sarkozy said he’d attended Bettencourt’s parties, but said nothing untoward had occurred...

Why Spitzer Is Perfect for Cable TV
Why Spitzer Is Perfect
for Cable TV

Why Spitzer Is Perfect for Cable TV

CNN gets substance and a potential ratings grabber

(Newser) - CNN's choice of Eliot Spitzer to co-host an 8pm nightly show is a risky one given how many people are repulsed by him, but it makes sense, write Felix Gillette and Reid Pillifant at the New York Observer . CNN "built itself on substance but now finds itself chasing ratings....

Nikki Haley Denies Claim of 2nd Affair
 Nikki Haley Denies 
 Claim of 2nd Affair 
lobbyist has no evidence

Nikki Haley Denies Claim of 2nd Affair

Nothing but 'disgusting politics,' she says

(Newser) - Here we go again: A South Carolina lobbyist resigned from a rival political campaign yesterday and then became the second man to claim he had a tryst with Nikki Haley . Lobbyist Larry Marchant says he and Haley, who's running for governor, had a "one night indiscretion" in a Salt...

Folks: There's a 'Compromising' Haley Pic

 Folks: There's a 
 Haley Pic 
inevitability dept?

Folks: There's a 'Compromising' Haley Pic

Conservative blogger is gathering witnesses

(Newser) - Nikki Haley's situation just got a little stickier: There is apparently a photo floating around of the would-be gov and Will Folks in a “compromising position.” Folks revealed this little tidbit yesterday; ironically, he knows about the photograph because in early 2009 someone (who hired a private investigator...

Sanford's Would-Be Successor Denies Affair

SC governor hopeful Nikki Haley denies blogger's claim

(Newser) - A political blogger claimed today that he had an affair several years ago with a married Republican vying to become the state's first female governor. Rep. Nikki Haley vehemently denied the allegation, made in a post on Will Folks' blog that contained no proof. Haley called the claim a "...

Enquirer: Obama Cheated With Aide
 With Aide 

Enquirer: Obama Cheated With Aide

Tab claims president hooked up with former campaign aide

(Newser) - John Edwards isn't the only Democratic candidate who cheated on his fairytale marriage, if the National Enquirer is to be believed: The tab claims none other than Barack Obama 'became close to" 35-year-old campaign aide Vera Baker, quoting an anonymous limo driver who claims to have dropped Baker off for...

Blago Accidentally Reveals Allegations Against Obama

Screw-up reveals redacted info

(Newser) - Rod Blagojevich's defense team asked the judge to subpoena Barack Obama yesterday with a motion that was supposed to be heavily redacted. But whoever redacted it did a lousy job; the blacked out text could be easily read just by copying and pasting it, as Capital Fax revealed. Here's what...

Blago Judge: No Head-Butting in My Court

Ex-governor is colorful as ever in courtroom

(Newser) - The judge in the Rod Blagojevich trial doesn't intend to let the pugnacious former Illinois governor turn it into a grudge match with his nemesis, US attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. After a day of Blago antics —a rant in which he called prosecutors 'cowards and liars," challenged Fitzgerald to...

Massa Faces Sex Harassment Suit From Aide He Paid $40K

Sketchy payout came day after resignation

(Newser) - It's not a good time to be Eric Massa. The former New York congressman is facing a sex harassment complaint from his male former chief of staff—who took a sketchy $40,000 payout from Massa the day after his resignation, reports the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle .

Conservative Chief Tells Group Not to Give to RNC

Bondage club incident further shows 'tone-deaf' brass

(Newser) - The influential head of a key conservative group is urging that group’s members to avoid donating to the Republican National Committee in the wake of its most recent scandal. “This latest incident is another indication to me the RNC is completely tone-deaf to the values and concerns of...

Larry Flynt Writing Book on Presidential Sex

 Larry Flynt 
 Writing Book on 
 Presidential Sex 

our founding fornicators

Larry Flynt Writing Book on Presidential Sex

Hustler publisher will delve into affairs of state

(Newser) - Porn king Larry Flynt is turning to a slightly more academic topic: presidents. Well, the sex lives of presidents, to be exact. The Hustler publisher is writing One Nation Under Sex, an “academically sourced” history of White House seductions. Gawker got a look at the proposal, and it includes...

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