
16 Stories

Man's Free Disney+ Trial Now a Headache After Wife's Death

Company says man whose wife died after eating at restaurant agreed in streaming contract not to sue

(Newser) - A widower suing the Walt Disney Co. over his wife's death in a restaurant at one of the company's Florida entertainment complexes has discovered there's a wrench in his complaint—all because he took advantage years earlier of a free trial of the Disney+ streaming service.
  • Death:

Judge Orders Lindell to Pay Contest Winner $5M

MyPillow founder says he'll appeal

(Newser) - A federal judge on Wednesday affirmed a $5 million arbitration award against MyPillow chief executive Mike Lindell in favor of a software engineer who challenged data that Lindell said proves China interfered in the 2020 US presidential election and tipped the outcome to Joe Biden. Lindell said he plans to...

Chris Cuomo Asks for $125M From CNN in Arbitration

Former host says firing hurt his reputation and his chances of finding a new job

(Newser) - Former host Chris Cuomo is seeking more than $125 million in an arbitration filing against CNN, saying the network was wrong to fire him. Cuomo was dropped in December , with CNN citing his involvement in helping his brother, then-New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, combat sexual harassment allegations. The governor resigned...

Officer Fired Over Racist Decorations Wins Job Back

Mayor calls for changes in arbitration process

(Newser) - A Minneapolis police officer who was fired for decorating a Christmas tree with racist items has been reinstated through arbitration, a process that makes it difficult to fire officers and has been cited as an obstacle to police reform. The arbitrator ruled that Mark Bohnsack was wrongly terminated over the...

Report: Eric Trump Was Told to Try to Silence Stormy Daniels

'Wall Street Journal': Trump wanted son involved in getting restraining order against her

(Newser) - In mid-February, Stormy Daniels' manager announced her client believed that despite her non-disclosure agreement she was now free to tell her story about her alleged affair with Donald Trump—and she did so at the end of March in a 60 Minutes interview . The Wall Street Journal is now out...

Supreme Court Sides With Employers in Big Labor Case

Says companies can restrict workers' ability to band together in complaints

(Newser) - The Supreme Court says employers can prohibit their workers from banding together to complain about pay and conditions in the workplace. The justices ruled 5-4 Monday, with the court's conservative members in the majority, that businesses can force employees to individually use arbitration to resolve disputes, per the AP...

CFPB Chief: Senate Vote a 'Giant Setback for Every Consumer'

GOP senators (and VP Mike Pence) just made it harder for consumers to sue financial institutions

(Newser) - A rule that would have offered consumers a powerful tool against financial institutions by allowing them to join together to sue saw its demise Tuesday night at the hands of Senate Republicans. The New York Times and Wall Street Journal report that, by a vote of 51 to 50 (with...

This 'Super Court' Lets Execs 'Bend Countries to Their Will'

Part I of a four-part BuzzFeed investigation

(Newser) - If you've never heard of investor-state dispute settlement, or ISDS, don't feel chagrined—but prepare to be gobsmacked. BuzzFeed on Sunday published the first in a four-part series on the "private, global super court," a 10,000-word piece by Chris Hamby that represents a year-and-a-half of...

Banks Flout Laws Protecting Troops From Foreclosure

NYT: Mandatory arbitration clauses mean repos, foreclosures for service members

(Newser) - Deployed service members are supposed to be protected by federal laws from repossession and foreclosure. But thanks to mandatory arbitration —a clause in a contract's small print that waives one's right to court intervention—lenders are circumventing the rules, placing the homes and cars of US troops...

General Mills Does U-Turn on Right to Sue

Arbitration policy dropped after online outcry

(Newser) - You can still "like" Cheerios or Wheaties without losing any rights: After a huge social media outcry, General Mills has scrapped a controversial policy that appeared to strip consumers who engaged with the company online of their right to sue. The company says it is voiding terms that notified...

You're Apparently Not Allowed to Sue General Mills
You're Apparently Not Allowed to Sue General Mills
in case you missed it

You're Apparently Not Allowed to Sue General Mills

Company updates its privacy policy

(Newser) - If you've "liked" a company on Facebook, downloaded its coupons, or really in any way interacted with it online, you might have inadvertently given up your right to sue it. The New York Times spotted new language in the privacy policy on General Mills' website indicating that customers...

Arbitration Firms Quit Consumer Debt Biz

Credit card, cell phone companies scramble to collect by themselves

(Newser) - Credit card and cell phone companies are scrambling as two major arbitration firms back out of the business of settling consumer disputes, the Wall Street Journal reports. The National Arbitration Forum—accused in a Minnesota lawsuit of misleading consumers into thinking it was impartial—will stop taking cases this week,...

Producers Press Case Against Piven

(Newser) - The producers of Speed-the-Plow haven't given up their legal pursuit of Jeremy Piven,Variety reports. They plan to seek independent arbitration, which could result in serious fines for the actor. A panel of actors and producers failed to reach consensus on a possible penalty last week, leading to the producers'...

Nursing Homes Pressure Patients to Forgo Lawsuits

Elderly required to sign away their right to sue

(Newser) - Nursing homes are pushing patients to give up the right to sue, writing binding arbitration clauses into standard contracts for admission, the Wall Street Journal reports. The homes say the practice lets them concentrate resources on care instead of costly litigation, which soared in the '90s, but critics charge that...

Insurer Owes Patient $9M for Ending Policy

Calif. firm canceled her plan in the middle of chemo treatments

(Newser) - A California health insurance company owes a breast cancer patient $9 million in damages after it canceled her policy in the middle of chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer, the LA Times reports. The arbitration judge called Health Net’s actions “despicable." The hefty ruling, the largest of its...

Phillies' Howard Wins $10M in Arbitration

First baseman gets record amount after rejecting smaller deal

(Newser) - Philadelphia Phillies’ Ryan Howard won big in his salary arbitration case today, getting $10 million instead of the $7 million his team had offered, the AP reports. The figure is the highest salary a player has scooped in an arbitration victory. “We negotiated right up to the courthouse steps,...

16 Stories