presidential primaries

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Iowa Dems to Join GOP for Early Caucus

Latest ‘first in the nation’ move should be okayed Sunday

(Newser) - Dems will likely okay a January 3 date for Iowa caucuses and help the state stay ahead of New Hampshire in the rush for earliest caucus. Iowa Democratic Chairman Scott Brennan has already endorsed the date. "It was a recommendation that was not come to lightly," said a...

Would-Be First Ladies Candid in First Forum

Bill Clinton a no-show

(Newser) - Five spouses of presidential candidates met yesterday for a surprisingly candid exchange about their experiences on the campaign trail and their potential roles in the White House. Bill Clinton and Judith Giuliani both opted out, prompting host Maria Shriver, a former journalist and California's first lady, to joke that “...

Primary Leapfroggers Will Lose Half of Delegates: GOP

RNC vows to penalize 5 states

(Newser) - Five state delegations will lose half their votes if they hold their primaries, as currently scheduled, before the official start date of February 5, the RNC ruled yesterday. The party’s national chairman said the penalty shouldn’t come as a surprise, because the 2008 rules were adopted at the...

Rudy, McCain Swinging at Mitt
Rudy, McCain Swinging at Mitt

Rudy, McCain Swinging at Mitt

(Newser) - The gloves are off in the Republican presidential race, with the McCain and Giuliani campaigns forming a tacit alliance to take down Mitt Romney, the Politico observes. McCain said today that, unlike Romney, “I’m not going to con you,” while Giuliani ruthlessly derided Romney for saying a...

Clinton Up by 21 Points in NH
Clinton Up by 21 Points in NH

Clinton Up by 21 Points in NH

Key nomination state also prefers Romney over Giuliani, poll says

(Newser) - Hillary's up by 21 points over Obama in New Hampshire, a new poll says, and Mitt's got a 6% edge on Giuliani. More than half of state Dems say Hillary has the best shot at beating a Republican in 2008, but roles reverse on the GOP side: "While Mitt...

NH Pol Toys With Dec. Primary
NH Pol Toys With Dec. Primary

NH Pol Toys With Dec. Primary

Granite State election head won't rule out moving up poll

(Newser) - With upstarts Florida and Michigan threatening to crowd New Hampshire's sacred kickoff primary, the Granite State's secretary of state is shaking campaigns by dangling a December 2007 polling date. Endowed with god-like election powers, Bill Gardner can do whatever he needs in order to make sure candidates pay his tiny...

Obama, Edwards Bail on Michigan Primary

Clinton remains on ballot despite scheduling standoff

(Newser) - A crack at revising the primary schedule appears at risk today after Barack Obama and John Edwards removed their names from Michigan's ballot, the Detroit Free Press reports. Joe Biden and Bill Richardson have also withdrawn, marking the latest attempt to punish Michigan for moving its primary to January 15,...

Rudy, Mitt in Dead Heat in NH
Rudy, Mitt in Dead Heat in NH

Rudy, Mitt in Dead Heat in NH

Giuliani Catches Romney in run up to New Hampshire primary

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's early lead in the GOP race for New Hampshire has evaporated; Rudy Giuliani is now in a dead heat with the former Massachusetts governor in a new CNN-University of New Hampshire poll. Though Giuliani has been the nationwide frontrunner, Romney had a 14-point lead in NH in July....

Hillary's Lead Forces Hopefuls to Get Tough

Obama, Edwards adjust strategy, take aim at lead candidate

(Newser) - Polls are putting Hillary in first place among the Dems, forcing other hopefuls to campaign aggressively against her. She has allayed credibility doubts and can stay the course on health care, education, and energy, the New York Times reports. Obama and Edwards, meanwhile, each hope to be the other half...

Michigan Joins Herd to Move Up Primary

Jan. 15 date likely to push NH, Iowa races to first week of 2008

(Newser) - Michigan's governor yesterday bumped the state primary up to Jan. 15 as part of a national scramble for earlier, higher-profile contests. New Hampshire's primary and Iowa's caucuses are now expected to be moved up to the first week of January. States picking candidates before Feb. 5 face penalties from both...

DNC Bars Fla. Delegates from '08 Convention

State has 30 days to straighten out as primary chaos looms

(Newser) - Hoping to make an example of Florida in the escalating competition for ever-earlier primary dates, the DNC voted yesterday to strip the state of its delegates to next year's nominating convention, the Washington Post reports. Florida can regain its delegates if it reschedules its primary, currently set for January 29,...

Financial Woes Crucial Issue in '08 Election

AARP voters concerned about their wallets, new poll shows

(Newser) - A new poll of AARP members shows that financial security will be a big factor in how 90% will vote in early 2008 presidential primaries, the Politico reports. Though many of the 5,000 potential voters aren't familiar with candidates' positions on financial and health issues, one pollster says, more...

Blogger Claims Thompson Must Declare

Prolonged 'testing the water' status may violate election laws

(Newser) - Fred Thompson’s continued undeclared status—even while headlining GOP dinners and glad-handing at the Iowa state fair—is beginning to raise hackles. Federal election law says non-candidates can't spend more than $5,000 on campaign activities; liberal blogger Lane Hudson has filed a complaint that charges the former senator...

Senators Pitch Regional Primary Days

Plan would prevent current race to the top of the calendar

(Newser) - Three senators—a Democrat, an Independent and a Republican—have proposed a radical reinvention of the now-hopelessly-congested presidential primary system. To avoid states racing to the top of the calendar, it would establish four regions, each assigned its own voting day. Drafted by Amy Klobuchar, Joe Lieberman, and Lamar Alexander,...

Obama, Clinton Collect Biggest War Chests

With the two heavy-weights tied, Edwards a distant third

(Newser) - Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are neck-and-neck —and both way ahead of the pack— in campaign fundraising, according to their latest filings with the Federal Election Commission. Obama has about $34 million in primary cash on hand, Clinton has $33 million and John Edwards is a...

McCain's Slim Chances Dwindle Further

TNR's Judis looks at how the frontrunner fell far behind

(Newser) - Pitiful second-quarter fundraising foretells financing troubles that will likely put the Republican nomination beyond John McCain's grasp, and grave strategic errors have cut the senator off from voters who once appeared to be his natural base. The New Republic’s John B. Judis looks at a onetime maverick frontrunner whose...

Poll Puts Hillary Back in Lead by Double Digits

Obama trailing; McCain drops below Thompson

(Newser) - They were in a dead heat two weeks ago, but a new USA TODAY/Gallup poll out today puts Hillary back in front for the Dem nomination with a double-digit spread over Barack. The red team is also shaking up, with not-quite-official candidate Fred Thompson stealing second standing from John McCain.

Alaska and Georgia Move Up Primaries

15 states now voting on Feb. 5; 5 more expected to switch

(Newser) - Georgia and Alaska have moved their presidential primaries up to February 5, making a total of 15 states that will vote that day. Five more states are also close to making a switch. "We're going to be on Feb. 5, along with what appears to be over half the...

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