US-Pakistan relations

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Pakistan Boots CIA From Drone-Launch Base

US officials say counter-terrorism strikes to continue from other sites

(Newser) - Furious over the recent NATO airstrike that killed at least 25 Pakistani soldiers , Pakistan has booted the CIA from an important base it had been using to launch drone attacks along the Afghan border, reports the New York Times . Pakistani officials said that, as of yesterday, all US personnel had...

Obama Offers Pakistan Prez 'Condolences' After Strike

Stops short of issuing formal apology

(Newser) - In a phone conversation eight days after NATO airstrikes killed two dozen Pakistani soldiers, President Obama today offered "condolences" for the deaths to Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari, the White House says. Diplomats had encouraged the president to apologize in an effort to soothe strained US-Pakistan relations, but...

Pakistan Cleared Deadly Hit: US
 Pakistan Cleared Deadly Hit: US

Pakistan Cleared Deadly Hit: US

Pakistan said it had no forces in area when airstrikes were called

(Newser) - Pakistan officials were unaware they had forces in the area and gave the OK for US airstrikes last week that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, according to the American account of the worst friendly fire killing in the 10-year Afghanistan war, reports the Wall Street Journal . US forces in Afghanistan were...

Obama Won't Apologize for Pakistan Strike

Balks against State Dept., says US has apologized enough

(Newser) - President Obama has decided against issuing a formal apology to Pakistan over a NATO airstrike that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, even as the State Department insists he must do so to salvage relations with Pakistan, officials tell the New York Times . The administration is instead backing the Defense Department, which...

Pakistan: NATO Ignored Our Pleas to Halt Attack

Prime minister sends a warning to US

(Newser) - Tensions are increasing over the NATO airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers Saturday, as Pakistan’s military claimed today that the attack lasted nearly two hours and that NATO ignored its pleas for a ceasefire. Commanders at both bases that were hit contacted NATO while the strikes were under way,...

Afghans Called in NATO Strike on Pakistan

Anonymous officials say troops were shot at from outposts where Pakistanis later killed

(Newser) - The plot thickens as the situation in Pakistan comes unglued: The NATO airstrikes that yesterday killed 24 Pakistani soldiers near the border were apparently called in by none other than Afghan soldiers, who had been fired upon before dawn. Anonymous Afghan officials tell the AP that their soldiers were shot...

Pakistan Envoy to US Booted Over Memo
Pakistan Envoy to US Booted Over Memo

Pakistan Envoy to US Booted Over Memo

He allegedly asked US to prevent a coup from Pakistan's military

(Newser) - Pakistan named Sherry Rehman as its new ambassador to the US today after its old one—the well-regarded Hussain Haqqani—was forced to resign yesterday over an ongoing scandal known in Pakistan as “Memogate.” After Osama bin Laden’s death, Haqqani allegedly sent a memo urging the US...

US to Pakistan: Take Out Haqqani

Or we will; rhetoric increasing in wake of embassy attack

(Newser) - US officials have been sending Pakistan an increasingly sharp message in recent days: Take out the Haqqani Taliban network, or we will. Pakistan’s intelligence service has a longstanding relationship with the Haqqani network—Adm. Mike Mullen described it as a “proxy connection”—but after a series of...

Pakistan Let China Inspect Osama Raid Stealth Copter

If report is confirmed, it would worsen already terrible US-Pakistan relations

(Newser) - Despite US protests , Pakistan allowed Chinese officials to inspect the remains of the American secret stealth helicopter left behind after the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, reports Reuters . A spokesman for the ISI, Pakistan's top spy agency, denied the accusations, but new reports indicate that Pakistan not only...

American Warren Weinstein Kidnapped in Pakistan
 American Kidnapped in Pakistan 

American Kidnapped in Pakistan

Warren Weinstein worked as a development contractor

(Newser) - Gunmen abducted an American after breaking into his house in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore today, officials said, an unusually brazen raid that illustrated the threat to foreigners living in the militancy-wracked country. The US Embassy identified the victim as Warren Weinstein. A man by that name serves as...

US Defers $800M in Military Aid to Pakistan

Move an effort to get Pakistan to step up anti-terrorism fight

(Newser) - The United States is yanking about $800 million of its annual $2 billion in military aid to Pakistan, in an effort to force Pakistan to step up its anti-terrorism fight as relations between the two nations continue to deteriorate, reports the New York Times . Programs affected include $300 million to...

Pakistan on Dead Journo: Accusation 'Irresponsible'

It is definitely not happy with what Adm. Mike Mullen had to say

(Newser) - Pakistan is furious today over US allegations that it tortured and killed journalist Saleem Shahzad. A few days ago, US military officials were reluctant to even anonymously confirm that the Pentagon suspected the ISI in the killing, but yesterday Admiral Mike Mullen himself said he believed Pakistan’s government had...

US Links Pakistan's ISI to Journalist's Murder

Spies allegedly silenced Saleen Shahzad after articles tying military to militants

(Newser) - The US has obtained classified intelligence that shows that Pakistan’s ISI spy agency ordered the killing of journalist Saleem Shahzad, senior administration officials tell the New York Times . Several officials say the intelligence is reliable and conclusive, with one calling the ISI’s actions “barbaric and unacceptable.”...

As Pakistan Ties Sour, US Looks for Options

But Central Asia expensive, with authoritarian governments

(Newser) - As relations with Pakistan deteriorate, the US military is developing alternate supply routes to Afghanistan through central Asia, reports the Washington Post . Landlocked Afghanistan, bordered by Iran on the west and authoritarian central Asian countries to the north, is a logistical challenge at the best of times. The US wants...

Phone Suggests bin Laden Link to Pakistan Intelligence

His courier had contact info to militant group with ISI connections

(Newser) - The cellphone of Osama bin Laden's infamous courier, who was killed along with the al-Qaeda leader, contained contact information to a militant group with longstanding connections to Pakistan's intelligence agency, reports the New York Times . It's not a "smoking gun," say officials, but it certainly...

US: Pakistan Tipped Off Militants Again

US watched as bombmakers packed up a day after alerting Pakistan

(Newser) - One begins to wonder if Pakistan isn't deliberately thumbing its nose at the United States: In its latest diplomatic blunder, sources tell the AP that it again tipped off—whether intentionally or accidentally—militants at two bomb-making factories, giving them time to flee with their weapons before an army...

Pakistan Army Rails Against US Ties

Relations between US and Pakistani security forces hit nadir

(Newser) - The US-Pakistan security alliance has deteriorated so badly that Pakistani officers actually jeered top general Ashfaq Kayani at a town-hall-style meeting last month, demanding to know why Pakistan still supports US policy, officials tell the Washington Post . That kind of open criticism “is something no Pakistani military commander has...

Failed Raids Suggest Pakistan Tipped Off Insurgents

It's another sour note in US-Islamabad relations

(Newser) - CIA chief and soon-to-be defense chief Leon Panetta remains in Pakistan today for talks on shoring up US-Islamabad relations. The Washington Post illustrates just how hard that might be with two examples that suggest Pakistan can't be trusted with intelligence findings. Last month, the US handed over surveillance video...

Pakistan: US Drone Strikes Kill 23

Two more missile strikes brings the week's total to five

(Newser) - A pair of US missile strikes hit a vehicle and an alleged insurgent training facility today in a tribal region near the Afghan border, killing 23 suspected Islamist militants, Pakistani intelligence officials said. The latest strikes bring this week's count to five, in the latest sign that the US...

Bin Laden Considered Striking Deal With Pakistan

Seized documents show he and aides discussed seeking protection

(Newser) - Another nugget from the documents seized by Navy Seals: Osama bin Laden and his aides talked about trying to strike a bargain with Pakistan, the New York Times reports. Under the plan, al-Qaeda would agree not to attack Pakistani targets in exchange for protection. The documents don't say whether...

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