
Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>

Pakistan Car Bomb Kills 37 Two Days Before Vote

Blast hits election office as fears mount over security, rigged results

(Newser) - A car bomb exploded during a rally by Benazir Bhutto’s political party in Pakistan today, killing 37 people and wounding nearly 100 just two days before crucial elections. The blast happened in front of an election office of the Pakistan People’s Party, which Bhutto led before her assassination...

Democracy: 'Hot or Not'?
'Hot or Not'?

Democracy: 'Hot or Not'?

To negate the Nader effect, pick a president the way you'd rate a 'drunk sorority girl'

(Newser) - The US voting system has serious problems, as any Gore-loving Floridian can attest. A new book, Gaming the Vote, recounts the failings of plurality voting, which allows spoilers such as Ralph Nader undue influence. Author William Poundstone explores systems from instant runoff voting to "the method used on the...

Bhutto's Party Holds Big Lead in Survey

Al-Qaeda support declines in 1st poll since assassination

(Newser) - Benazir Bhutto's Pakistan People’s Party holds a solid lead going into next week’s elections, according to a poll commissioned by a US organization associated with members of the 9/11 commission. Some 37% of Pakistanis surveyed said they would support the secular PPP, to 12% for Pervez Musharraf’s...

Key Watchdog Won't Monitor Russia Vote

Group cites Kremlin's excessive restrictions on March 2 election

(Newser) - Europe's main election watchdog will boycott Russia's March 2 presidential vote due to excessive Kremlin restrictions, the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights announced today. The group had agreed to send just 70 monitors to oversee the campaign, the New York Times reports, but when Russia barred them from...

Mugabe to Face Rare Challenger
Mugabe to Face Rare Challenger

Mugabe to Face Rare Challenger

Ex-minister seeks to end 28 years of brutal rule in Zimbabwe

(Newser) - A deposed finance minister has announced he will run for president of Zimbabwe in elections next month, a rare challenge to Robert Mugabe, who has ruled the country since 1980. Simba Makoni tried to push through reforms to slow Zimbabwe's economic collapse, the Times of London reports, but was sacked...

Pro-West Tadic Wins in Serbia
Pro-West Tadic Wins in Serbia

Pro-West Tadic Wins in Serbia

Loser Nikolic warns EU not to blackmail Serbia over integration

(Newser) - Pro-West Serbian President Boris Tadic won a second-round reelection today that many saw as a referendum on Serbia’s entry into the European Union. He nabbed more than 50% of a vote that drew Serbia's highest turnout in 7 years. In defeat, challenger Tomislav Nikolic warned the EU not to...

World Is Riveted to US Race
World Is Riveted to US Race

World Is Riveted to US Race

Workings of US democracy capture global attention

(Newser) - They may not have any say in its outcome, but people all over the world are giving the race for the White House an almost unprecedented level of attention, reports the New York Times, with a special focus on the Democratic contest.  Many hope a new president will bring...

Spain Socialists Face Suddenly Tough Election

Vote next month will be world's first big test of credit crunch fallout

(Newser) - The Socialist Zapatero government is facing an unexpected hitch in its re-election plans: a downtrodden Spanish economy. The vote March 9 is the first in a big nation in the wake of the world credit crunch, the Economist reports, and it will test the political fallout of a burst housing...

Musharraf Courts Wary Europeans
Musharraf Courts Wary Europeans

Musharraf Courts Wary Europeans

Pledges free elections, nuclear security, no coddling Al-Qaeda

(Newser) - Pervez Musharraf visited Brussels yesterday and Paris today, reassuring leaders that Pakistan will hold fair elections and promising complete security for the nation's nuclear arsenal. EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana warned the Pakistani president that future cooperation between the EU and his government is contingent on those criteria, reports...

Super Tuesday May Be Super Confused
Super Tuesday May Be Super Confused

Super Tuesday May Be Super Confused

40% of voters will pick, but race could stay muddled

(Newser) - Some 70 million voters in 24 states will make their presidential primary picks in two weeks, but pundits doubt whether Super Tuesday will resolve 2008's muddled race in either party, McClatchy Newspapers report. "No one has ever seen anything like this," said one Bush-Cheney adviser. A political science...

Hillary Praises MLK, Gets Tepid Response

Hopeful rouses little excitement at event honoring King

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton faced a smattering of applause, scattered boos, and a few walkouts at a Martin Luther King, Jr. event in New York today, ABC reports. "Each of us, no matter who we are and where we started from, is a beneficiary of Dr. King," she told the...

Musharraf Says He'd Consider Stepping Down

'On the day people don't want me, I will leave,' he tells Der Spiegel

(Newser) - Pervez Musharraf will consider resigning if his public approval continues to erode, Der Spiegel reports in a wide-ranging interview to be published tomorrow. "On the day I think the people, the majority, don't want me anymore and the day I have no contribution to make to this country, I...

Rudy's Camp Beseeches Donors
Rudy's Camp Beseeches Donors

Rudy's Camp Beseeches Donors

Campaign reportedly low on funds after Florida advertising spree

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani's campaign is urgently requesting funds, the New York Daily News reports, seemingly contradicting the camp’s denials of financial hardship. While staffers are going without paychecks this month—voluntarily, they say—Giuliani’s campaign manager emailed a plea to prospective donors yesterday. “I am asking you to...

African Union Can't Resolve Kenya Crisis

Delegation led by Kofi Annan will take next crack

(Newser) - An attempt to broker an end to the Kenyan crisis failed today when an African Union mission couldn't get opposing sides to agree on how to end the violence, Reuters reports. AU head John Kufuor pressed opposition leader Raila Odinga and President Mwai Kibaki to settle; after talks disintegrated into...

Georgians Want New Vote, Plan Hunger Strike

Opposition alleges fraud after Saakashvili reelection

(Newser) - Opposition leaders in Georgia have vowed to go on a hunger strike after the country's election committee declared Mikheil Saakashvili the winner of last week's presidential election. The Independent reports that Saakashvili won 52% of the ballots, and although international observers have said the voting was largely fair, the opposition...

Merkel Trades Compromise For Hard Line

Chancellor backs right-wing colleague in strategy shift

(Newser) - Ahead of a regional election later this month, Angela Merkel has left behind the conciliatory tone of her first 2 years and come out swinging. The German chancellor gave her strongest backing to the minister-president of Hesse, who is running for reelection on a harsh anti-immigrant platform. In an interview...

Georgia Prez 'Confident' He's Won
Georgia Prez 'Confident'
He's Won

Georgia Prez 'Confident' He's Won

Opposition cries foul over exit polls, urges mass protest

(Newser) - Exit polls in Georgia's national election are giving pro-Western President Mikhail Saakashvili 57% of the vote, enough to win, but the opposition calls the survey a "big lie," the BBC reports. Candidate Levan Gachechiladze, who scored 28% in the poll, accuses the president of rigging the ballot and...

Kenya Prez: 'I'm Ready to Talk'
Kenya Prez: 'I'm Ready to Talk'

Kenya Prez: 'I'm Ready to Talk'

Clashes force opposition to move rally to tomorrow

(Newser) - Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki said today he's ready for talks with political opponents "once the nation is calm," Reuters reports. After three days of rioting and burning slums, in the wake of a hotly contested election, opposition leader Raila Odinga postponed until tomorrow a rally scheduled for a...

Kenya Spirals Toward Ethnic War
Kenya Spirals Toward Ethnic War

Kenya Spirals Toward Ethnic War

Contested election result turns into tribal violence

(Newser) - The tribal violence gripping Kenya could reach a bloody climax tomorrow, Time reports, when an opposition leader has urged supporters to converge on a park in Nairobi to protest the results of last month's general election. Raila Odinga blames a rigged vote-count for re-electing President Mwai Kibaki, igniting disarray that...

Kenyan Prez Kibaki Declared Victor, Sworn In

News sparks riots as late vote count upsets challenger's lead

(Newser) - Kenya today declared President Mwai Kibaki the winner of Thursday's election, igniting riots in Nairobi as protesters accused the Kibaki government of election fraud and demanded a recount, reports the BBC. At least 10 people have been killed. Kibaki was sworn into a second 5-year term immediately after the announcement...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>