
Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>

DC Trip Nets Mac Little More Than Muddled Campaign

Getting back on track may be hard after confusing few days

(Newser) - John McCain's insistence on rushing to Washington to involve himself in the bailout process left his campaign reeling, gave critics new ammunition, and widened Barack Obama's poll margins, Bob Drogin reports in the Los Angeles Times. The Arizona senator, who didn't help draft the plan and also skipped voting on...

House Debate Heated as Bush Pushes Bailout

But whether bill will pass remains up in the air

(Newser) - President Bush called on lawmakers this morning to support the hotly-contested bailout bill as the House began debate and leaders on both sides of the aisle counted defections, Politico reports. ““Every member of Congress and every American should keep in mind: A vote for this bill is a...

Paulson's Power Would Be Unprecedented
 Paulson's Power Would Be 

Paulson's Power Would Be Unprecedented

Some checks from Congress, but Treasury will hold the keys

(Newser) - Though its passage remains uncertain, the bailout bill would make Henry Paulson the most powerful mortgage financier in history, Peter Gosselin writes in the Los Angeles Times. Paulson got nearly everything he asked for; restrictions supposedly reining him in are little more than window dressing. Additions like the Democrats’ housing-relief...

Here Come the Peasants With Pitchforks
Here Come the Peasants With Pitchforks

Here Come the Peasants With Pitchforks

Meltdown, bailout provoke populist fury against Wall St., DC

(Newser) - The financial meltdown may have brought simmering economic resentments to a boil and prompted a populist backlash, writes Nina Easton in Fortune. Public opinion indicators—polls, calls to Congress—show widespread fury at the bailout. Long-building anger over growing economic inequality may have combined with disgust at the current crisis...

Managing Bailout Only Gets Trickier From Here
Managing Bailout Only Gets Trickier From Here

Managing Bailout Only Gets Trickier From Here

Government needs to move carefully, particularly on failing banks: experts

(Newser) - The Treasury’s bailout plan won’t end the economic crisis, Steven Lohr writes in the New York Times. It’s merely a first, costly step, and overseeing its workings will be a major undertaking for the next administration, as will assisting homeowners and crafting policies for a less credit-happy...

Hedge-Fund Exodus May Add to Woes
 Hedge-Fund Exodus 
 May Add to Woes 

Hedge-Fund Exodus May Add to Woes

Deadline looms tomorrow for investors to bail from already-struggling market

(Newser) - Hedge funds are bracing for a major test of wills tomorrow, the deadline for investors to withdraw from the funds for the rest of the year, the New York Times reports. A spate of withdrawals could cause a cascade of flight from the $2 trillion industry, which has seen its...

Bailout Shows Nominees' Divergent Styles
Bailout Shows Nominees' Divergent Styles

Bailout Shows Nominees' Divergent Styles

Obama plays it cool while McCain takes big gambles

(Newser) - Last week's tumultuous negotiations over the federal bailout presented the two presidential candidates in their classic modes: John McCain the impulsive firebrand, Barack Obama the even-keel analyzer. Yet while Obama won praise from Democrats for his level-headed response, many Republicans worried about McCain's behavior, especially his insistence that SEC chairman...

Stocks Down Sharply Despite Bailout Deal
Stocks Down Sharply
Despite Bailout Deal

Stocks Down Sharply Despite Bailout Deal

Wachovia failure sends markets downward

(Newser) - Stocks once again headed downward at the open this morning, as Wachovia’s selloff stoked fears that the bailout wouldn’t be enough to save financials. The Dow fell 275 points while the Nasdaq dropped 3.6% and the S&P fell 3.1%. “The Fed's bailout plan may...

Banking Jitters Send European Shares Down

Experts remain skeptical a $700 billion US bailout will ease credit woes

(Newser) - Investors drove share prices down across Europe and Asia as bank emergencies multiplied  and news of the $700-billion US bailout deal failed to loosen up frozen credit markets, reports Bloomberg. British mortgage lender Bradford & Bingley was taken over by regulators and a trio of European governments jumped in to...

Stumping McCain and Obama May Skip Bailout Vote

Both might be stumping in key states

(Newser) - Despite the heated campaign debate about the US financial crisis—and John McCain's emergency "suspension" of his campaign until a deal on the rescue package was struck last week—both John McCain and Barack Obama may skip the vote on the bailout, reports Politico. Neither camp has committed to...

House Votes on Bailout Package Today

Compromise deal still faces rough fight

(Newser) - The House votes today on the nation's largest government bailout, followed by the Senate as soon as Wednesday, the Washington Post reports. The bipartisan compromise would grant Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson broad latitude to purchase assets at any price from any firm. Free-market Republicans have dropped their opposition, but the...

Candidates Spar Over Bailout Credit
 Spar Over 
 Bailout Credit 

Candidates Spar Over Bailout Credit

Obama strategist calls claim "little bit of fiction"

(Newser) - Both Barack Obama and John McCain claimed credit on the Sunday talk shows for ushering through the bipartisan bailout plan, Politico reports. The highlights:
  • “What Senator McCain was able to do was to help bring all the parties to the table, including the House Republicans,” GOP strategist Steve

What Will Taxpayers Shell Out for All This?
What Will Taxpayers Shell
Out for All This?

What Will Taxpayers Shell Out for All This?

Some bailouts are more risky, some less—and add up to $1 trillion

(Newser) - If a $700 billion federal bailout sounds like a lot, it is—but Washington will actually shell out $1 trillion in all of its present and proposed plans. Between Henry Paulson's plan, and bailouts of Bear Stearns, AIG, and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Wall Street Journal breaks down...

US Dominance Is Dead
 US Dominance Is Dead 

US Dominance Is Dead

'Power is leaking from the US at an accelerating rate,' Guardian says

(Newser) - After decades of a scolding countries for irresponsible behavior, Uncle Sam has finally had his comeuppance, John Gray opines in the Guardian, concluding that “The era of American global leadership is over." Unable to silence Hugo Chavez, thwart Russian aggression in Georgia, appreciate Chinese fiscal practices, and halt...

Rep Warns GOP Opposition Could Sink Bailout Deal

House conservative hedges on support for plan

(Newser) - Even as Washington officials reached for the bubbly, a prominent House Republican warned that GOP lawmakers may not approve the bailout deal reached last night. “We are not ready to say that a deal is done,” said Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor, who has spearheaded efforts by House conservatives...

Deal Reached on Bailout
 Deal Reached on Bailout 

Deal Reached on Bailout

Bill would address exec salaries, hold equity stake for taxpayers

(Newser) - Congress and the Bush administration have agreed on a preliminary plan for the $700 billion bailout bill, Washington leaders said after emerging from talks after midnight this morning. Though details need ironing out, “I think we're there,” announced Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. Work was to continue with a...

Dems, GOP Close In on Bailout Plan
Dems, GOP Close In on Bailout Plan

Dems, GOP Close In on Bailout Plan

Lawmakers haggle into wee hours, vow to unveil accord tomorrow

(Newser) - Lawmakers nearly pulled an all-nighter yesterday negotiating Henry Paulson's bailout plan and vowed to unveil it tomorrow, the New York Times reports. “Staff worked until 3am this morning on the bailout,” Senate majority leader Harry Reid said, and “they made significant progress.” But there are still...

Market to Congress: Time's Up
 Market to Congress: Time's Up 

Market to Congress: Time's Up

New plans simply can't be negotiated in time

(Newser) - Henry Paulson’s bailout plan isn’t perfect, writes Joe Nocera in the New York Times, but we have to enact it anyway because time has run out. “With every passing day, Congress is fiddling while Rome is burning,” says Nocera, just last week a bailout opponent. Lawmakers...

New Compromise Close on Bailout Bill

Plan would include optional insurance-based protection

(Newser) - Washington is nearing a new compromise on a Wall Street bailout plan, the Wall Street Journal reports, this one aiming to reel in House Republicans who rebelled Thursday against the bill that had been hammered out by congressional negotiators. The new plan would incorporate the group's alternative model—using an...

Bailout Won't Boost Deficit
 Bailout Won't 
 Boost Deficit 

Bailout Won't Boost Deficit

Government would be buying assets, which are worth something

(Newser) - The $700 billion bailout plan won’t have a big immediate impact on the US budget deficit, Phil Izzo explains in the Wall Street Journal, because the government would be buying assets that have an estimated value. That value will be knocked off the purchase cost. “The program does...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>