
Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>

Bush Vows Market Stability, IMF Warns of 'Meltdown'

(Newser) - President Bush and his allies tried to steady plunging markets today after meeting in Washington, but proposed no new plan, Reuters reports. International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn warned that the global economy was facing "systemic meltdown," but backed the G7's as yet undefined rescue plan, saying it...

Paulson Can't Sack AIG Execs
 Paulson Can't Sack AIG Execs 

Paulson Can't Sack AIG Execs

(Newser) - Barack Obama is probably far from alone in wanting the heads of AIG execs who staged a $440,000 employee spa retreat just after the government's bailout of the company. The question is, does Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson have the authority to can the wayward execs? Nope, explains Juliet Lapidos...

G7 Vows to Get a Grip on Financial Crisis

(Newser) - The finance ministers of the world's economic leaders vowed to stem the financial bleeding in international markets today after stocks plummeted yet again, Reuters reports. Reacting to pleas from investors, the IMF, and several other countries, the G7 reps pledged "urgent and exceptional action" to free up credit...

Feds Consider Insuring All Bank Deposits

(Newser) - Under the shadow of the deteriorating global economy, the US is considering two more steps to assuage markets, the Wall Street Journal reports: guaranteeing billions in bank debt and insuring all US bank deposits. Either move is an aggressive step, and in tandem they would mark Wasington's largest intervention yet...

American Capitalism Is Dead. The Culprit? America
American Capitalism Is Dead. The Culprit? America

American Capitalism Is Dead. The Culprit? America

(Newser) - As Wall Street banks collapse like a house of cards, American capitalism isn’t just failing in practice; the very idea of unregulated, free-functioning markets has received a serious blow, writes Anthony Faiola in the Washington Post. Once the symbols of American economic might, there's a real possibility that many...

US Must Save Global Economy  &mdash;This Weekend
US Must Save Global Economy —This Weekend

US Must Save Global Economy —This Weekend

US must join UK's plan or face disaster: Krugman

(Newser) - Since the collapse of Lehman Brothers the financial crisis has gone from severe to terrifying, but the response of the United States and Europe has been "woefully inadequate," writes New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. We are now at a tipping point, and if world policymakers don't...

Times Square Debt Ticker Runs Out of Numbers

$10 trillion national debt takes up too much space for mounting tally

(Newser) - America's national debt has outgrown the ticker designed to draw attention to it, the BBC reports. The Times Square counter, set up in 1989 when the debt was a mere $2.7 trillion, ran out of space for digits recently when the debt ballooned to more than $10 trillion. Its...

Feds May Take Part Ownership of US Banks

(Newser) - The Treasury Department may take part ownership of many US banks in a bid to encourage lending and shore up confidence, the New York Times reports. Under the proposal, Treasury would give banks cash in exchange for ownership stakes. In theory, that would improve balance sheets and help banks lend...

Yes, It's Bad, But the Depression It Ain't

Economist sees differences and remains optimistic

(Newser) - The economic news out of Wall Street and Washington is scary and shocking, but there's no reason to use the "D" word anytime soon, Jay Hancock writes in the Baltimore Sun. He talks with economic historian and professor Louis Galambos, who remains guardedly optimistic about the "core of...

Federal Reserve to Give AIG Another $37.8B

(Newser) - These days, $85 billion just doesn't go as far as it used to. The Federal Reserve said today it will provide AIG with an additional $37.8 billion to help the beleaguered insurance giant out of its liquidity mess, Bloomberg reports. The money is on top of the massive loan...

Conservatives Are Right: Government Doesn't Work ...

... Especially when conservatives run it

(Newser) - Conservatives believe that government doesn’t work. They may be on to something, because "our conservative Republican government has bungled most of the big tasks that have fallen to it," writes Thomas Frank in the Wall Street Journal. Yet the GOP candidates tell us "the only answer"...

AIG Chief Defends Luxe Retreat
 AIG Chief Defends Luxe Retreat

AIG Chief Defends Luxe Retreat

(Newser) - AIG today defended the $440,000 luxury retreat it held on the heels of an $85 billion federal bailout, the Wall Street Journal reports. In a letter explaining its actions to the US Treasury, CEO Edward Liddy explained that the event—which racked up a $23,000 spa bill— was...

McCain's Housing Rescue Plan: What Is It? Is It New?

Candidate surprises with question-laden bailout proposal

(Newser) - John McCain’s proposal to bail out homeowners by buying up their troubled mortgages, the only policy surprise in last night’s debate, left observers scrambling to understand how it was—if it was—different from the Treasury’s existing bailout plan. The proposal, fleshed out by the campaign, would...

UK Buys Up Bank Shares in Radical Bailout

Cost of drastic rescue package could top $800B

(Newser) - The British government will become part owner of the nation's biggest banks with a mammoth $88-billion rescue package for the troubled institutions, the Wall Street Journal reports. Under the plan, swiftly assembled after UK bank stocks plummeted in trading yesterday, the government will purchase non-voting shares in eight of the...

AIG Execs Took Spa Week After $85B Bailout

Former CEOs appear before skeptical House to defend spending

(Newser) - After being bailed out by Washington, AIG executives engaged in some conspicuous consumption, and it’s still going on, Portfolio reports. Two former CEOs of the insurance giant testified before the House today, and lawmakers took them to task for reckless compensation and an executive retreat at a California spa...

Bailout Czar Kashkari Joins World's Big Money Elite

After brisk rise through Treasury, 35-year-old has purse to rival largest sovereign funds

(Newser) - A behind-the-scenes player at the Treasury Department just weeks ago, 35-year-old Neel Kashkari’s financial heft as the agency’s bailout czar puts him on par with the heads of sovereign wealth funds, Politico reports. The self-described “free-market Republican” enjoyed a meteoric rise through the department, where he was...

The Crisis Dwarfs $700B
 The Crisis Dwarfs $700B 

The Crisis Dwarfs $700B

A US-centric band aid can't quell global markets as confidence plunges

(Newser) - As the financial crisis continues to grow, the $700 billion bailout passed by Congress last week may be too little too late, the Washington Post reports. The plan may not begin relieving banks of toxic assets for another month, and, meanwhile, the crisis has gone global, making $700 billion seem...

Europeans Seek Unified Credit Crisis Strategy

As individual states act, leaders scramble for coordinated measures

(Newser) - Finance ministers are meeting today to hash out a plan to steady Europe’s banking system, but resolution continued to be elusive, the New York Times reports. They raised the minimum level for deposit guarantees to €50,000, though some pushed for higher limits; the EU has not developed...

Fed Will Buy Up Short-Term Debt to Boost Credit

New plan to ease credit pushes the central bank toward a commercial bank role

(Newser) - The Federal Reserve today launched a new plan to buy up companies’ unsecured short-term debt in yet another effort to unfreeze the credit markets, the New York Times reports. Underscoring a sense of urgency on Wall Street as the crisis spread across Europe and Asia yesterday, the radical plan would...

Reeling Dow Closes Below 10K
 Reeling Dow Closes Below 10K 

Reeling Dow Closes Below 10K

Bailout doesn't provide quick relief for stocks

(Newser) - Stocks saw heavy losses today as investors lost faith in the bailout’s ability to quickly reverse the slumping economy, MarketWatch reports. The Dow closed below 10,000 for the first time since 2004 after managing to claw back from an 800-point intraday loss. The final tick was down 369....

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>